Chapter 164 164 Together!

"Smelly Taoist priest, don't you have any spells like fire control in Shushan?" Bai Xue asked Chang Qing at this time.

"Six Ding Liujia, main road · Lihuo."

Chang Qing put his hands together, quickly calculated and chanted a spell, and soon he manipulated a fiery fireball to attack those vines.

"very handsome."

Gu Feng was a little stunned for a while, and was blinded by Chang Qing's operation, especially when he watched him make seals, he was dazzled and extremely cool.

"Stinky boy, you need to control your thoughts with your mind. I'll show you a demonstration." Xu Fei also began to chant the mantra at this time, but the speed of his seal formation was much slower than that of Chang Qing. Gu Feng learned.

"Main Road, Lihuo!"

After finishing the last Fudoming King Seal, a flame appeared in the palm of Xu Fei's palm, and he controlled the attack towards the vines.

"Master, slow down."

Gu Feng froze on the spot in embarrassment, his hands were constantly making seals, but there were obviously a few wrong seal gestures, and finally no flames were summoned at all, but smoke was coming out of the palms of his hands.

"Pfft, I'm laughing to death."

Although the current situation is not optimistic, Bai Xue couldn't help laughing when she saw smoke coming from Gu Feng's hands.


Gu Feng blushed instantly, and started to make seals again: "Liu Ding Liu Jia, Main Road · Li Huo."

Gu Feng's hands stopped smoking, but started to burn, "It's so hot, my hands!"

He hurriedly danced and extinguished the flames in his hands, which made Bai Xue laugh at him even more, and said in a joking tone: "Little devil, are you going to perform charcoal-roasted pork knuckles?"

"Accident, this is an accident."

Gu Feng looked at his hands that were almost scorched, his expression was uglier than crying, he would not have tried any seals if he had known.

"My lord, what should we do now?"

Bai Xue ignored Gu Feng, but looked at Lin Mo and asked, Chang Qing and Xu Fei are now using fire attacks to deal with the vines.

The effect seemed to be okay, the vines that were burned by the two people did not continue to regenerate, and turned into ashes after being scorched.

"Take care of these vines first."

Lin Mo frowned, and the scene of Chang Qing and Xu Fei's seal quickly flashed through his mind, and then he put away the Qianjun Sword.

"Six Ding Liujia, main road · Lihuo."

Putting his palms together and forming a seal quickly, he also summoned flames in just a moment, and controlled the flames in his hands to pounce on the vines.

"Have you seen it, kid? This is talent." Seeing this, Bai Xue hit Gu Feng.


Gu Feng was so stunned that he was speechless, and he didn't know how to refute. Now he has no time for himself and can only hide behind Bai Xue.

"Senior brother, there are too many vines, and they are inexhaustible. If we continue like this, we will only use up the true energy in our bodies." Xu Fei gradually exhausted his strength and said to Chang Qing.

"The dryad's weakness should be its body."

Before Chang Qing could answer, Lin Mo spoke to the two first. Knowing the plot, he naturally knew where the Dryad's weakness was.

The reason why the surrounding vines are inexhaustible is entirely because they rely on absorbing the energy of the dryad's body for support.

As long as the dryad's body is not injured, these vines will be endless.

"Be careful and leave it to me."

Chang Qing understood, and after knowing the dryad's weakness, she used Lihuo to disperse the vines, and ran towards the dryad's body at a fast speed.


Lin Mo didn't stay idle either, he summoned the Qianjun Sword, stepped on the sword and followed Chang Qing, and the two rushed to the location of the tree demon's body together.

"Friend Daoist, the body of the tree demon is in front of you, so don't be careful." Chang Qing glanced at Lin Mo and reminded.

Lin Mo nodded: "Well, we attack from both sides."

Chang Qing: "OK."

The two agreed on a plan to attack the tree demon's body from both sides at the same time.


Lin Mo controlled the Qianjun Sword, while avoiding the attacks of the surrounding vines, while sacrificing Lihuo to deal damage to the tree demon's body.

"court death!"

The expression on the dryad's grimace changed drastically.

The huge pupils looked at Lin Mo and Chang Qing angrily, and the tree trunk as thick as a pillar swung straight at them with incomparable strength.

"Fellow Daoist, it's now."

Chang Qing seized the flaw and said a reminder to Lin Mo.

"Main Road, Lihuo!"

The attack speed of the tree trunk was very slow, Lin Mo and Chang Qing formed seals at the same time, sacrificed the unusually powerful Li Huo, and threw it at the tree demon's body from the left and right sides at the same time.

The explosion from Lihuo resounded through the sky. After the dryad's body was hit by the two, it didn't burn like the previous vines, and the damaged skin returned to normal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This fire has no effect on the dryad." Lin Mo frowned when he saw this.

"The reason why it doesn't work is because the dryad's skin is too thick and needs to attack continuously." Chang Qing calmly analyzed, and then quickly sealed and sacrificed a Lihuo.

"We attack one place at the same time."

Lin Mo nodded, and quickly formed a seal to sacrifice Lihuo, and threw it together with Chang Qing, hitting a weak part of the tree demon.

There was another explosion, and the dryad's skin was still healed at a fast speed. The attack of the two seemed to have caused no damage to it, or the damage was minimal.

"court death!"

The tree demon's body is not a vegetarian either. Although the attack speed is relatively slow, its power is astonishing. It hit the ground and formed a big hole, and the remaining power scattered Lin Mo and Chang Qing were all blown away.

"Fellow Daoist, be careful."

Chang Qing stabilized his posture, activated the true essence in his body to form a seal with one hand, threw the saber in his hand towards the dryad's body, and then controlled the fireball to hit the part just now.


After a burst of smoke, the recovery speed of the dryad's skin slowed down significantly. Like a ghost, Chang Qing came to the dryad's body and pulled out the saber that was inserted into it just now.

Green liquid flowed out, these were the blood of the dryad, and it was extremely viscous.

Finally, the injured tree demon let out a roar, and in its rage, it exerted great coercion, and bounced Chang Qing away again.

"Fellow Daoist, it's now."

Chang Qing immediately reminded Lin Mo.

Although he flew out of the tree demon's body, Lin Mo controlled the Qianjun sword and struck the wound just now with all his might.

Green blood spurted out of the wound that was still slowly healing.

"Master, have they succeeded?"

Gu Feng and Xu Fei in the distance couldn't help being overjoyed when they heard the roar of the tree demon, and the surrounding vines gradually lost control and scattered all over the ground.


Bai Xue ignored the two, but quickly ran towards the dryad's body. She knew that the dryad was not eliminated, but completely angry.

The reason why the surrounding vines lost control was because the tree demon vented all his anger on Lin Mo and Chang Qing.

The tree demon also surrounded Lin Mo with huge branches, as Bai Xue expected, without giving him any chance to escape.

To be continued

(End of this chapter)

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