Chapter 165 165 as fodder!

"What do you mean, you think I'm a bully?"

After seeing the scene in front of him, Lin Mo complained a little speechlessly.

Chang Qing was able to escape from the tree demon's attack range without spending any thought, but he was different. The tree demon in front of him seemed to use all means on himself, and the intertwined branches wrapped him inside .

Chang Qing also realized the seriousness of the situation, and the tree demon focused all his anger on Lin Mo: "Be careful, fellow daoist, I'm here to save you."

After all, he began to attack the vines and branches that surrounded Lin Mo, but the effect was the same as before, and the damage was not great.

"Young master, I'll save you."

Bai Xue also appeared beside Chang Qing at this time.

The two worked together to rescue Lin Mo who was trapped by the dryad, but even this did little damage to the vines, and Bai Xue's smoke had no effect on these vines.

"Don't be in a hurry to help me out of trouble, you deal with the tree demon first." Lin Mo shouted to the two, and then began to look around.

The trunks of these vines are intertwined, forming a closed loop of moderate size, isolating everything from the outside world.

Apart from restricting freedom, there was no great threat. The only thing that made him feel unusual was that the true energy in his body began to flow out, probably sucked away by the vines in front of him.

"You dryad, let my young master go quickly, or don't blame Miss Ben for being rude." After Bai Xue heard Lin Mo's words, she immediately stopped attacking and pointed her finger at the dryad itself.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

"You want me to let him go, why?"

The grimace on the dryad's body smiled sinisterly. Its expression made people panic after watching it. Even if Bai Xue was a vixen, after seeing the expression of the dryad, he felt a little nauseous.

"If you don't let him go, don't blame Miss Ben for attacking you." Bai Xue said with a frosty face.

"You are also a demon, why do you want to help humans, not afraid of being ridiculed?" The grimace on the tree demon smiled, judging from its tone, it did not intend to let Lin Mo go.

"Stop talking nonsense, let him go!"

Bai Xue didn't bother to explain to the tree demon, two white lights flew out of her cuffs, and quickly shot at the grimace, but before she could touch the grimace, she was scattered by the surrounding tree trunks and vines.

"The people inside will soon become the nourishment of the deity. Do you want to save him?" Grimace laughed wantonly, it could already feel the true energy from Lin Mo, and it was well nourished.

Comparing the real essence of a monk to the essence of ordinary people, it is simply a feast of gourmet food.

"Bastard, let him go!"

After Bai Xue heard what the tree demon said, she couldn't help becoming anxious, and she couldn't help worrying about Lin Mo's safety.

If he really continued to let the tree demon continue to suck it, Lin Mo would lose his true energy in a short time, and finally he would end up like Zhao Dezhu, becoming a skinny human being.

The rainbow shines through the sun!

Chang Qing didn't talk nonsense, and used the moves in the sword formula. The fierce sword energy actually slashed the tree demon, but it did not cause much damage, only leaving small scratches on the skin.

"It's useless, your tricks are useless to me." The tree demon began to be complacent, even if Chang Qing and Bai Xue joined forces, there was still nothing they could do about it.

"The dryad's biggest weakness is its body."

Although Lin Mo's true energy was constantly being lost, he didn't panic because of this. He unconsciously began to transfer Qi training skills in his body, and quickly made up for the vacant true energy.

"Young master, the dryad is so big, where is its weakness?" Bai Xue tried to attack every part of the dryad, but the damage caused to it was almost zero, and she couldn't help frowning.

"Stupid, think again."

Lin Mo didn't tell Bai Xue the answer directly, but said something to her in a teasing tone.

"Smelly son, you are about to die, and you still have time to play riddles with me." Bai Xue pouted dissatisfiedly, and urged her true energy to attack the grimace on the tree demon's body, but was soon beaten by nearby vines and tree trunks. scattered.

"I understand."

With a flash of inspiration, Bai Xue instantly realized where the dryad's weakness was.

"Every time it attacks the ghost face, it will be blocked by vines, but there are no vines and tree trunks to block it elsewhere. The weak point of this dryad is the ghost face on the torso."

"It's not bad, you're quick to react."

Lin Mo smiled. Just as Bai Xue analyzed, the dryad's greatest weakness is the grimace on its torso. As long as the grimace is scattered, the dryad's game is basically over.

"Smelly son, since you know where the dryad's weakness is, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Bai Xue said with some dissatisfaction, but still cooperated with Chang Qing to attack the dryad's grimace.

"I forgot."

Lin Mo gave a very bad reason. Of course, this reason is just to tease Bai Xue. Although the weakness of the dryad lies in the face of ghosts, if you want to solve it completely, you have to start from the root.


"Humans, why are you still alive?" Seeing that his weakness was discovered at this time, the tree demon began to question Lin Mo angrily.

Since it trapped Lin Mo, it planned to use the enchantment effect to suck up Lin Mo's true energy. According to common sense, with Lin Mo's cultivation base, his true energy should have dried up long ago, but until now he still has Like a normal person.

"Well, maybe you suck too slowly."

Lin Mo immediately sat on the ground, and replied with the corner of his mouth slightly raised, that he had already found out how to completely get rid of the tree demon.

"I'm not ashamed, this deity will suck you up today." The tree demon became even more angry, guarding against the attacks of Chang Qing and Bai Xue, while increasing the speed of absorbing Lin Mo's true essence.

But the speed at which it sucks is countless times slower than the speed produced by Lin Mo's internal qi training technique. It is not an order of magnitude at all. The true energy that has just been sucked away will be filled by the qi training technique in the next second .

Going on like this, Lin Mo seemed to feel that he was about to break through again, and he could just use this opportunity to let the tree demon help him break through the realm of cultivation.

If the tree demon knew what was going on in Lin Mo's mind at this moment, he would definitely vomit blood with anger. It is still like a water pump, constantly sucking the true essence from Lin Mo's body.

"Hmph, since you want the true essence so much, then I'll make it happen for you." Lin Mo sneered, closed his eyes and began to perform Qi training with all his strength, releasing the true essence at the same time.

"Human, are you looking for death?"

The grimace on the tree demon was also stunned, with a slightly astonished expression. It didn't expect that Lin Mo would take the initiative to let him suck the true essence.

"Your speed is too slow, let me help you." After that, a steady stream of real energy flowed from Lin Mo's body to the tree demon in all directions.

This made the tree demon extremely happy. After feeling the nourishment of the true essence, he laughed even more wantonly: "You human being is really interesting. Since you are helping me in this way, I will let you die happily."

To be continued

(End of this chapter)

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