Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 166 166 The Tree Demon Overcomes Tribulation!

Chapter 166 166 The Tree Demon Overcomes Tribulation!

Because the dryad kept absorbing the true energy in Lin Mo's body, he felt refreshed, even in the face of Changqing and Baixue's attack, he showed no pressure.

"Strange, why did this dryad suddenly become so excited?" Seeing this scene, Bai Xue frowned in confusion.

"This is not the way, the size of Grimace seems to be getting bigger." Chang Qing also looked serious, and he found out that the tree demon was unusual.

"How could this be?"

Bai Xue couldn't help but froze when she saw the grimace getting bigger and bigger. The disgusting level of the grimace was even more terrifying than before.

"It should be due to the continuous intake of true essence. It swelled." Chang Qing thought for a while, then explained to Bai Xue who was on the side, thinking quickly about countermeasures.

"You are all going to die here today."

The bigger the grimace, the stronger the tree demon's power. This time, it no longer just waited to die, but took the initiative to attack Changqing and Baixue. The branches that were originally slow became fast.

The thick wooden trunk made Baixue unable to dodge, her body flew straight upside down like a kite with a broken string.

"The Main Road Changhong Piercing the Sun."

Chang Qing seized the opportunity, dodged the wooden trunk that was attacking him, urged his true energy to attach to the sword, and performed the moves in the sword formula.

A huge stegosaurus condensed into shape.

He stabbed towards the grimace with lightning speed, the power and shock were unusual, and the surrounding bodies couldn't resist it at all.

When the Stegosaurus was about to touch the grimace, a dazzling white glow bloomed between the two. The mighty Stegosaurus was caught in the sudden vortex and disappeared.

"Your moves are useless."

The grimace on the dryad was sneering, naturally it couldn't have only one means of protection.

"Smelly son, you are so smart, why don't you hurry up and think of a way, won't you be dead?" Bai Xue stabilized her figure at this time, looked in Lin Mo's direction with a solemn expression, and said, "If you don't think of a way to deal with the tree demon , we may really be dying in this place.”

The dense jungle is basically the absolute domain of the dryad. If you want to escape at this time, it is basically impossible. The only way to survive is to get rid of the dryad.

The real energy of the few people is limited, but the tree demon has not been injured much so far, and they can only wait to die when the real energy is exhausted.

"What are you arguing about? Didn't you see that I was helping you deal with it?" Lin Mo replied displeased.

"Help us deal with it?"

"My lord, are you sure you're not joking?" Bai Xue was stunned when she heard this, how could Lin Mo help her and Chang Qing deal with the tree demon when she was trapped?

Lin Mo: "I'm giving it real energy."

Bai Xue: "."

Bai Xue: "My lord, are you sure you're not helping the tree demon deal with us?"

Bai Xue: "You don't know how to go undercover, do you?"

Now she finally understands why the dryad seems to be on a stimulant. Lin Mo has been nourishing it with real energy. Could it be different?

"Stupid fox, what do you know?"

"Is the grimace of the tree demon outside getting bigger and bigger?" Lin Mo said angrily.

"Well, not only is it getting bigger, but also its strength is getting stronger and stronger. Now that I and the stinky Taoist priest are joining forces, it is not its opponent." Bai Xue nodded resentfully, blaming Lin Mo for always providing real essence to the tree demon.

"Then what are you still doing, hurry up and break the grimace together." Lin Mo said immediately.

"It's useless, our attack has no effect on it, and it can't touch the grimace at all." Bai Xue shook her head and explained.

"Then wait for me a little longer."

Lin Mo stopped talking nonsense, concentrated on breaking through, increased his efforts to release the true essence in his body, and then continued to practice Qi training.

"More, more!"

Grimace also became excited unrestrainedly, shouting continuously, and it was getting bigger and bigger, almost surpassing the torso.

Then a white light flashed across the sky.

"Is this a catastrophe?"

Bai Xue froze again after seeing the white light, this scene was very familiar.

"No, this tree demon is about to break through."

Chang Qing's expression was also ugly. If the dryad breaks through at this time, they will all die here and become the other's nourishment.

"Smelly son, it's all your good deeds."

Bai Xue complained to Lin Mo speechlessly.

She only realized now why Lin Mo was still safe and sound. After all, when the two were together, even her mouth to mouth couldn't suck Lin Mo's true essence, let alone the tree demon.

"While this evildoer is crossing the catastrophe, you and I will smash that grimace together." Chang Qing said to Bai Xue in a serious tone.

"it is good."

Bai Xue nodded. Although the coercion of Heavenly Tribulation also affected her, she had no choice but to bite the bullet.

"It's useless. When I pass through the catastrophe, you will die." Grimace began to laugh, the laughter was very magical, and the male and female voices mixed with each other.

Looking carefully, the ghost face began to deform, and the inside began to slowly transform into a human body. As long as it survives the catastrophe, it will completely transform into a human form.

It is extremely difficult to practice grass and trees. They are different from ordinary monsters, and it is extremely difficult to change their appearance into adults.

The catastrophe in the sky was no longer brewing, and it began to gather on the tree demon, and then a bolt of lightning struck Grimace, but was sucked into the vortex without causing any harm to it.

"Right now, do it."

Chang Qing no longer hesitated, and flew close to Grimace, exerting all her strength to influence it, and Bai Xue did the same.

"More, more, more."

Grimace started to go crazy, it seemed that the damage from Changqing and Baixue had turned into nourishment to nourish it, and the catastrophe was like a child's play in front of it, and it was not afraid of it at all.

"Young man."

"This tree demon is about to pass the catastrophe successfully, have you figured out a way?" Bai Xue began to regret, if nothing unexpected happened, she, Lin Mo and Chang Qing would all have to die here today.

But this time she didn't get any response, Chang Qing said to her: "You hurry up, I'll stop it for you."

"Smelly Taoist priest, what do you mean?"

Bai Xue frowned and looked at Chang Qing.

"The tree demon should be about to succeed in crossing the tribulation. If you don't leave, it will be too late. This is my badge. Pass it to Junior Brother Xu for me." Chang Qing said and threw the token hanging from his waist to Bai Xue.

"I'll give it back to you, Miss Ben is not a fox who is greedy for life and afraid of death." Bai Xue didn't appreciate it at all, and returned the token to Chang Qing directly.

And the catastrophe in the sky has reached the last moment, and the tree demon who has survived the thunder catastrophe is about to be reborn.

"Come on, the deity is about to be born today." Grimace laughed wantonly, welcoming his last catastrophe.

Chang Qing and Bai Xue were no longer idle, and they all tried their last sliver of strength to prevent Grimace from going through the catastrophe, but all the moves were sucked into the vortex.


With the last thunder tribulation descending.

The afterimage of the sword light flashed, and Lin Mo finally broke through the enchantment of the tree demon. Seeing the grimace being baptized by Lei Jie, he smiled coldly.

To be continued

(End of this chapter)

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