Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 167 167 Solve the Dryad!

Chapter 167 167 Solve the Dryad!

"Young man."

"What are you still doing at this time? It's all because of your good deeds. The tree demon will succeed in crossing the catastrophe immediately." Bai Xue said to Lin Mo with an unhappy expression.

"It can also be blamed on me, isn't it to let you break up the grimace of the tree demon?" Lin Mo curled his lips speechlessly after hearing her words.

"How to break up?"

"The tricks I and the stinky Taoist priest didn't have any effect on it at all!" Bai Xue complained angrily, even if she knew that the dryad's weakness was in the ghost's face, so what.

She and Chang Qing had exhausted their real energy, so they couldn't touch the grimace at all, and all their moves would be sucked into it by the sudden vortex.

"I expected it, so why don't you come out to help?" Lin Mo raised the corner of his mouth and smiled.

"The tree demon is about to succeed in crossing the catastrophe, what else can I do for you? If it weren't for you, it could break through the realm so quickly and directly cross the catastrophe?" Bai Xue rolled her eyes speechlessly, venting all her resentment and temper on On Lin Mo.

"It's all because I didn't think carefully about this matter. Daoist friends, it's important to run for your life. Pindao will cut off the queen for you." Chang Qing also said to Lin Mo at this time.

"Don't die too soon."

After listening to Chang Qing's words, Bai Xue raised the corner of her mouth and replied, then looked at Lin Mo and said, "What are you waiting for, son, let's go."


Dying and struggling to sit up in shock, the clown turned out to be me, just now Bai Xue just said that she would not be greedy for life and fear of death and let Chang Qing do it alone.

"Let's go, Pindao will block this tree demon for you." Chang Qing smiled, then looked at the tree demon with a serious face.

"Don't be so pessimistic, who said that the tree demon must have successfully crossed the tribulation?"

Lin Mo looked at Bai Xue and Chang Qing and said.

The weakness of the dryad lies in the ghost face, and the only way to dispel the ghost face is to let the dryad break through the realm and attract the catastrophe.

"Young master, what do you mean by that?"

Bai Xue froze, looked at Lin Mo and asked with a slight frown. Right now, the tree demon is short of the last baptism of the catastrophe, and the success of the catastrophe is already a certainty.

Lin Mo didn't explain anything, but pointed to Bai Xue at the tree demon who was crossing the catastrophe: "Do you see any changes in the grimace?"

"Nothing has changed?"

Bai Xue looked at the grimace, and muttered to herself in confusion: "Young Master, you must have been scared to death, right?"

Lin Mo: "."

Lin Mo: "What a stupid fox!"

Bai Xue: "I'm not stupid."

Lin Mo curled his lips: "You can't even see such an obvious change, and you still say that you are not a stupid fox?"

"Then tell me, what's changed?" Bai Xue gritted her teeth and asked Lin Mo unconvinced.

"The previous catastrophes were all sucked into by the vortex in front of the ghost face, but you see this last catastrophe completely hit the ghost's face." Chang Qing seemed to have noticed something unusual, and immediately explained to Bai Xue beside him.

After hearing Chang Qing's words, Lin Mo finally showed a knowing smile: "Look at how smart he is, and then look at you, and say that he is not a stupid fox!"

"So what, the Dryad will soon end his tribulation." Bai Xue said with black lines all over her face.

"Although it is about to end its tribulation, now is its weakest time. As long as we work together to disperse the grimaces, the tree demon will fail." Lin Mo said slowly.

"Then why didn't we talk about it earlier, can we still have time?" Bai Xue looked at Lin Mo completely speechless.

"Don't worry, there's still time."

Everything was calculated, and Lin Mo didn't talk nonsense, and flew in alone before the tree demon had completely completed his tribulation.


Coming to the ghost face, Lin Mo directly displayed the sword control technique, and countless phantoms with sword aura swayed past the ghost face, which shocked the tree demon who was still enjoying the baptism of thunder for a moment.

"Little devil, are you still alive?"

Grimace opened his eyes and looked at Lin Mo in surprise. It didn't expect it to be so strong and alive after being sucked away by itself so much true energy.

"Main Road Changhong Guanri!"

Without any hesitation, Chang Qing also used the moves in the sword formula at this time, and it was a heavy blow to the grimace.

"Looking for death, when the deity's tribulation is over, I will definitely crush you to ashes." Grimace was furious, and yelled at Lin Mo and Chang Qing.

"Do you think you still have a chance to successfully cross the tribulation?" Lin Mo raised the corner of his mouth, and at the moment when the catastrophe was about to end, he flew into the grimace and dispersed the figure that was about to take shape.


After the figure was dispersed by Lin Mo, Grimace let out a roar, and the strong wind bounced Lin Mo away, but was caught by Chang Qing.

"Fellow Daoist, what is it?"

Chang Qing looked at Lin Mo curiously and asked.

"The biggest weakness of the dryad is this grimace, and the figure that is about to take shape is the soul of the dryad." Lin Mo explained, this is the benefit of understanding the plot setting.

Even if the tree demon has practiced for thousands of years and is about to step into the baby-breaking state, so what, it still falls into Lin Mo's hands. The biggest weakness of the other party is the primordial spirit exposed during the tribulation.

"No wonder, now that the primordial spirit has been dispelled, this tree demon may be ruined after a thousand years of practice." Chang Qing nodded after listening to Lin Mo's description, and let go of a lot of worries in his heart.

"Impossible, the deity has already survived the catastrophe, and the primordial spirit has long been immortal, absolutely impossible!"

The grimace on the tree demon began to speak nonsense, and a steady stream of real energy gushed out from its body, and its body became smaller and smaller.

"Come on."

When the tree demon's body returned to its normal size, Lin Mo took the opportunity to form a seal, and burned it to death with a single fire.


When the dryad was still completely reduced to ashes, it let out an unwilling roar, and then disappeared into the dense forest.

The sky gradually returned to clear.

The rising sun came into the woods for the first time, and it was all over.

Ding Dong!

mission completed!

Completion reward: a demon pill!
In the next second, the system's mechanical prompt sounded in Lin Mo's mind.

"Thank you fellow daoist for your assistance this time. Chang Qing is very grateful." After completely eliminating the tree demon, Chang Qing immediately thanked Lin Mo.

"Small things."

Lin Mo smiled, and didn't pay much attention to it, but Bai Xue was different, and sneered at Chang Qing arrogantly: "Hmph, thank you stinky Taoist priests who specialize in subduing demons and demons, and you are not as good as my son." Half as good."


"You still don't know the name of You Zunxin?"

He didn't take Bai Xue's words to heart, but instead asked Lin Mo's name.

"How can you, a stinky Taoist priest, know the son's name if he wants to know it, but he won't tell you!"

Before Lin Mo could answer, Bai Xue said to Chang Qing again quickly.

"Little fox, why do you love to answer for me so much?" Lin Mo grabbed Bai Xue's ear, feeling very dissatisfied with her behavior.


Bai Xue immediately looked at Lin Mo tearfully.

(End of this chapter)

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