Chapter 168 Chapter 168
"Is it wrong?"


Bai Xue snorted, and Lin Mo let go of her at this moment.

"Smelly son, it's a pity that I was so worried about you just now." Bai Xue looked at Lin Mo complaining, obviously Chang Qing was the outsider.

"Okay, I'll make it up to you when I go back."

Seeing this, Lin Mo shook his head helplessly, then looked at Chang Qing and said, "My name is Lin Mo, so don't keep calling me Fellow Daoist."

It has to be said that Chang Qing had been calling him a Taoist friend before, but no matter how he heard it, he felt a little weird and felt uncomfortable.

There is a saying, a dead Taoist friend does not die a poor Taoist, besides, Chang Qing is really a Taoist priest on horseback, and Shushan disciples seem to be all Taoist priests.

"Thank you Brother Lin for your help this time."

Chang Qing nodded, and immediately changed the name of Lin Mo, from the word "Daoyou" to "Brother Lin".

"It's just a small matter, nothing to worry about."

Lin Mo smiled lightly, and didn't take this matter to heart. After all, he also had his own little calculations. From another perspective, Lin Mo would also like to thank Chang Qing for helping him deal with the tree demon.

"Smelly Taoist priest, what's the use of just thanking you, you have to show something practical to thank." Bai Xue said to Chang Qing again.

Lin Mo didn't interrupt her this time, but looked at Chang Qing with interest, wanting to see his reaction, whether he refused or really showed something to thank himself.

"I'm ashamed to say that I don't own anything, except this sword, and I don't have anything valuable to give to Brother Lin." Chang Qing said with a smile.


"That's nothing to say, I didn't expect you to be a shabby poor Taoist priest." After listening to Chang Qing's words, Bai Xue mocked with disdain.

"How about this, I think Brother Lin is very talented and is a good material for cultivating Taoism, how about?"

"Smelly Taoist priest, don't even think about it!"

Before Chang Qing finished speaking, Bai Xue protected Lin Mo behind her like an old cow protecting a calf: "My son has no interest in your Shu Mountain."


Lin Mo was also stunned, he didn't expect Chang Qing to win him over to join Shushan so soon, it would be too much.

As the male lead, Gu Feng seems to have been recruited into Shushan by Xu Fei's routine, but it should be said that his talent is indeed outstanding, and the reason why he was accepted as an apprentice by Xu Fei is also a coincidence.

"Don't get me wrong, Pindao has no intention of letting Brother Lin join Shushan." Chang Qing explained.

"Then what do you mean?"

Bai Xue frowned, looked at Chang Qing suspiciously and asked.

"The fire control technique performed by Brother Lin just now is not complete. Since there is nothing to give to Brother Lin, I will give the complete copy of the fire control technique to Brother Lin." Chang Qing said slowly.

What he said made Bai Xue stunned again, and said in disbelief: "You stinky Taoist, are you really so generous?"

Chang Qing smiled and said nothing, and took out an ancient book from his Najie, and the characters engraved on it were basically Xiaozhuan.

"This is the manuscript of the fire control technique. I recorded it myself, so I gave it to Brother Lin." Chang Qing said, and handed the ancient book to Lin Mo, and the address was changed from "Brother Lin" to "Lin Mo" again. brother".

"Not so polite."

Lin Mo didn't take the ancient book immediately, but shook his head in refusal.

"What a fool, why don't you want the one given to you?" Bai Xue rolled her eyes speechlessly, and quickly snatched the ancient book from Chang Qing's hand.

"I accepted it for my son."

After Bai Xue finished speaking, she put the ancient book into her sleeve, and then winked at Lin Mo.

"Thank you."

The corner of Lin Mo's mouth rose slightly, and then he said thank you to Chang Qing.

"Brother Lin, why be polite."

Chang Qing also smiled, and turned to look at Xu Fei and Gu Feng who were rushing towards him.

"Brother, has the tree demon been dealt with?" Xu Fei panted and asked Chang Qing. He and Gu Feng got lost in the jungle just now, and it was hard to figure out the direction to find a few people.

Chang Qing nodded: "Well, it has been resolved."

"This tree demon was dealt with by our young master, and has nothing to do with your senior brother."

At this time, Bai Xue still couldn't change her habit of showing off, so she proudly puffed up her chest and said something to Xu Fei.


Xu Fei looked at Bai Xue in surprise, and looked at Chang Qing with an unnatural expression: "Brother, is what this fox demon said true?"


"Brother Lin is indeed responsible for getting rid of the tree demon."

Chang Qing did not deny Bai Xue's words, and attributed all the credit to Lin Mo.

"I don't dare to do it, and I didn't put much effort into it. It's still the credit of Daoist Chang." Lin Mo smiled.

"Brother Lin, you don't have to be humble. It's thanks to your reminder that you can get rid of the tree demon." Chang Qing said to Lin Mo seriously.

"That's right, my lord, how do you know where the dryad's weakness is?" Bai Xue nodded, then looked at Lin Mo curiously and asked.

Hearing her words, Chang Qing, Xu Fei and Gu Feng all looked at Lin Mo, wanting to know the answer.

"My guess."

The corner of Lin Mo's mouth raised, and he said in a flat tone that he couldn't tell a few people that he knew the plot of the story, so he made a random reason.

Bai Xue: "."


Xu Fei: "."

Gu Feng: "."

Obviously his reason is not very convincing.

"Brother Lin is really unusual."

Although Chang Qing didn't believe that Lin Mo really just guessed it so easily, he didn't ask any further questions.

"That's natural."

Bai Xue snorted arrogantly.

"Since the dryad has also been dealt with, let's leave it alone." Lin Mo said to Chang Qing.

"There will be a period later."

"There will be a period later."

Soon they were divided into two waves, Lin Mo and Bai Xue naturally left first, while Chang Qing, Xu Fei and Gu Feng were together.

"Brother, what about that fox demon?" Xu Fei asked Chang Qing at this moment.

"Nothing, let's go back."

Chang Qing shook his head, he had put Bai Xue down in his heart, since the tree demon was also dealt with, it was time for him and Xu Fei to return to Shushan.


"Young master, tell me the truth, why do you know the weakness of the tree demon so well?"

After Bai Xue and Lin Mo returned to the seaside villa, they immediately questioned how she could believe what Lin Mo said just now.

"Didn't you already say it?" Lin Mo looked back at her and said.

"It's too late, I don't believe it." Bai Xue pouted.

"give it to me."

Lin Mo shook his head, and reached out to ask Bai Xue for something.

"What?" Bai Xue looked at Lin Mo pretending to be confused and asked.

"Stop pretending, and give me the ancient books."

Lin Mo curled his lips speechlessly, and was about to do it himself after speaking.

"Don't you want it?"

As Bai Xue retreated, she hid the ancient book behind her back.

"Have I said that?"

Lin Mo began to lose his memory, grabbed Bai Xue's body, and took the ancient book back.

"Of course there is!"

Bai Xue nodded unhappy.

To be continued

(End of this chapter)

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