Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 172 172 Snow White Visits!

Chapter 172 172 Snow White Visits!


The silence was embarrassing, this time it was Jiang Li's turn to look at Lin Mo like a fool, but the movement of his hands did not fall, and he quickly buckled the button he had untied before.

"You'd better not lie to me, or I will come to you again." After getting dressed, Jiang Li was about to leave the office, and when she reached the door, she turned her head and said something to Lin Mo.

"and many more."

Just as Jiang Li was about to leave, Lin Mo suddenly stopped her.


"Is there anything else?" Jiang Li was stunned for a moment, then looked back at Lin Mo in confusion and asked.

"The key to the milk tea shop."

Lin Mo pouted, and took out the key that could open the door of the milk tea shop from his pocket.

After receiving the key, Jiang Li left the office without looking back, at least now Lin Mo is finally quiet.

"Come in."

After he breathed a sigh of relief, he rang the pager and said something to Gu Jie.

"Chairman, you are looking for me."

After receiving the order, Gu Jie quickly pushed open the door of the office, walked up to Lin Mo and bent down to ask.

"In the future, anyone who comes to see me without an appointment will always say that I'm not here." Lin Mo looked at Gu Jie and said.


This time Gu Jie didn't have any doubts, and nodded dutifully.

"Go on." Lin Mo didn't say any more nonsense, and waved his hand to let Gu Jie leave to do her own thing.

After Gu Jie left, Lin Mo took out the ancient books that Chang Qing had given him and began to read them. The ancient books were all written in small seal characters, making them difficult to understand.

Even Lin Mo has nothing to do after seeing these words. He who doesn't know Xiaozhuan is no different from reading heavenly books. The only difference is that besides the words, there are seal pictures in the ancient books, which aroused his interest.

In the absence of spells.

Lin Mo tried to form seals, and the true energy in his body was mobilized with the speed of seal seals, but could not be released concretely, which should be due to the lack of coordination of spells.

"Six Ding Liujia, main road · Lihuo."

A fiery flame danced in Lin Mo's palm. He learned this mantra from Chang Qing and Xu Fei.


The front desk of the Lin Group.

"I'm looking for you, Mr. Lin."

Bai Xue appeared at the front desk and said something to the customer service girl at the front desk.

"Hello, do you have an appointment with Mr. Lin?" When the customer service girl heard Bai Xue's words, her face became uneasy, and she just left one but came again.


Bai Xue was taken aback for a moment, looked curiously at the girl at the front desk and asked, "What is an appointment?"


The little girl at the front desk was also stunned, looked at Bai Xue in embarrassment and explained:

"Appointment is an itinerary scheduled in advance. If you haven't made an appointment with Mr. Lin, you won't be able to meet."

"Well, then I have an appointment."

After listening to the explanation from the little girl at the front desk, Bai Xue nodded thoughtfully, rolled her eyes slyly and said something.

"What's your name, let me look it up for you." The girl at the front desk immediately asked Bai Xue.

"Bai Xue."

"Okay, wait a moment."

After operating a few buttons on the computer, the girl at the front desk raised her head and said to Bai Xue, "Sorry ma'am, I didn't."

"Boss Lin is in the office on the top floor. You can take the elevator to find him." No surprise, the girl at the front desk was in a trance, and she muttered to Bai Xue at the corner of her mouth.

"Thank you."

The corner of Bai Xue's mouth raised.

Turning around, she left the front desk and walked towards the elevator. Although she is not human, she is not ignorant of worldly things.

"What happened to me just now?"

After Bai Xue left, the little girl at the front desk returned to normal and looked around blankly.


Bai Xue took the elevator to the top floor.

The top floor is Lin Mo's exclusive floor, and there is only Lin Mo's office on the entire floor, and the rest of the empty rooms are for leisure and entertainment.

As for Gu Jie, she was sitting in the office area outside. As soon as Bai Xue stepped out of the elevator, she saw Gu Jie working outside.

"you are?"

Gu Jie also noticed Bai Xue, and immediately got up from her seat and walked towards her.


Bai Xue just breathed lightly on Gu Jie who was walking towards her, only to see that the other party froze in place for a moment, as if she had lost consciousness.

"Take a good rest."

The corner of Bai Xue's mouth lifted into a smug smile.

Scanning around, he quickly sensed Lin Mo's location, and then happily pushed open the door of the office.


Due to Bai Xue's interruption, Lin Mo accidentally made a mistake in the fire control technique he tried just now, and the flames flew around the office out of control.

Wherever the flames went, they caught fire quickly, and Baixue also realized that she seemed to have gotten into trouble at this time, and a burst of purple smoke spewed out from her sleeves immediately, dousing the burning places.

"come over."

After the fire was brought under control, Bai Xue aimed at the culprit's flame, and caught it with a wave of her big hand.

"How did you come?"

Lin Mo's expression was very ugly at this moment. If it wasn't for Bai Xue's sudden appearance, the flames would not have lost control because of this, and his office would not have become what it is now.


"Isn't this my family thinking about my son?" Bai Xue, who knew she was in trouble, smiled coquettishly, and Annihilation Huo Miao came to Lin Mo and said coquettishly.

"What do you think we should do now?" Lin Mo rolled his eyes at her angrily.

"This can't be completely blamed on the slave family, who made that little thing mischievous and escaped from the master's control." Bai Xue said.

"According to what you mean, it's all my problem." Lin Mo said angrily, Bai Xue's words were just mocking him for not being able to control the flames.

"My family didn't say that." Bai Xue pretended to be innocent and shook her head, but the curvature of her mouth had already betrayed her thoughts.

"Come on, didn't you tell you to stay at home, what are you doing here?" Lin Mo asked with frowning, too lazy to argue with Bai Xue.

"I've said it all, my family misses your son." Bai Xue smiled.

Lin Mo: "."

Lin Mo: "Tell the truth."

Bai Xue curled her lips: "I want to read the book of the stinky Taoist priest, give it to me quickly."

"take it."

This time Lin Mo didn't hesitate, and directly threw the ancient book to Bai Xue.

"You really gave it to me?"

Even Bai Xue was stunned, and looked at Lin Mo in surprise. She never expected that Lin Mo would give herself the ancient book so easily.

"if not?"

Lin Mo rolled his eyes again, and said in a flat tone: "I don't know the words on it, do you know them?"

"Oh, no wonder."

Hearing this, Bai Xue finally realized Lin Mo's intentions, and said with an arc on the corner of her mouth, "It's just Xiaozhuan, I have learned it thousands of years ago."

"Read it to me."

"What's good?"

Bai Xue smiled slyly, she would not do anything that was not beneficial.

"What benefits do you want?" Lin Mo asked with a slight frown.

To be continued

(End of this chapter)

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