Chapter 173 Chapter 173
"Let my family think about it, it seems that the young master has nothing to give to my family except true energy." Bai Xue raised the corners of her mouth, with a hint of teasing in her tone.

Judging from the current family background, Lin Mo is completely poor. Apart from the inexhaustible real energy, she has nothing to interest her, a vixen.

"you sure?"

Lin Mo naturally understood what Bai Xue meant, and lifted his feet on the table with a disdainful smile.

"Let's do this, the slave family's requirements are not high." After Bai Xue thought about it carefully, she negotiated with Lin Mo and said, "As long as the young master doesn't let the slave family become a fox again."


Lin Mo hesitated for a moment after listening.

Changing Baixue into the form of a little fox was mainly done out of necessity, and Chen Xinyu couldn't see her.

"I don't care, anyway, I don't want to become a fox anymore." Bai Xue was not discussing with Lin Mo, and said with a willful snort.

"I'll think it over."

Lin Mo curled his lips, and knew that going on like this was not an option, and planned to find some time to explain to Chen Xinyu clearly, at least for this period of time, he had a very "suffering life."

When the time comes, tell Chen Xinyu that he was kidnapped by Bai Xue, a vixen, and made himself a cow and a horse every day and night.

This explanation is very good.

"My lord, why is your smile so evil?" Bai Xue frowned suspiciously.

"Ahem, I've thought about your conditions, and it's not impossible." Lin Mo coughed twice and said to Bai Xue.


Bai Xue looked at Lin Mo in surprise. Although she didn't want to become a little fox, she didn't have much hope. She didn't expect Lin Mo to really agree.

"Well, but wait."

Lin Mo nodded lightly.

"How long?"

His words were like cold water pouring on Bai Xue's heart, and his enthusiasm suddenly disappeared.

"At least let me figure out how to explain your existence first." Lin Mo rolled his eyes at Bai Xue angrily, whether this attitude should change so quickly.

"Okay, I'll wait for you, my lord."

Bai Xue nodded, at least now Lin Mo has agreed to her, and the rest is just a matter of time.

"What is written on it, read it to me."

Lin Mo didn't talk nonsense anymore, but looked at the ancient book in Bai Xue's hand, and motioned her to read the words carved in small seal script on it.


Bai Xue opened the ancient book, glanced at the contents, and began to read the contents.

With Bai Xue's help, Lin Mo quickly formed seals while learning the incantations. In just a moment, he became proficient in the initial method of fire control, and the little flame just now became more and more handy in his hands.



Lin Mo returned to Lin's house. As soon as he entered the door, he found Chen Xinyu and Lin's mother chatting and watching TV in the living room. The two who hadn't seen each other for a long time felt a little strange in their hearts.

There was not much movement at the door, and neither Chen Xinyu nor Lin's mother noticed him. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Mo tiptoed to the sofa, intending to surprise the two of them.

"Xiao Yu, has your body reacted recently?" Mother Lin asked Chen Xinyu with concern.

"No response."

Chen Xinyu shook her head. She was pregnant for the first time and didn't pay much attention to the movement of her stomach. It's only been a few months since she came here.

"Auntie is someone who has experienced it, so try to sleep on your side when you sleep." Mother Lin reminded her.

"I know auntie."

Chen Xinyu nodded, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, as if she was a little unhappy, and she looked at the TV with dull eyes.

"Think I didn't?"

At this time, Lin Mo suddenly spoke from behind the two of them, and his sudden appearance shocked both Lin Mo and Chen Xinyu.

"Stinky boy, what are you doing?"

Mother Lin was so angry that she got up and wanted to teach Lin Mo a lesson, but Chen Xinyu didn't intend to stop her, she pouted angrily.

"Aunt beat him, beat him hard."

Chen Xinyu not only did not want to speak for Lin Mo, but instead cheered for Lin's mother, like a living cheerleader.

"Girl, where are you from?"

Lin Mo was also speechless. While dodging Mother Lin's pursuit, he asked Chen Xinyu.

"Hmph, I want you to take care of it."

Chen Xinyu snorted coldly.

At this time, like an angry little daughter-in-law, he vented his dissatisfaction with Lin Mo.

"and many more."

"I have something to say."

Lin Mo immediately stopped running away, and turned around to say something to Mother Lin.

"Stinky boy, what do you want to say?"

Mother Lin frowned and asked Lin Mo.

"I'm going to take Xiaoyu home."

Lin Mo opened his mouth and told Mother Lin the purpose of his trip, and Chen Xinyu was probably angry with him because of this incident.

"What did you say?"

Mother Lin was stunned, and asked Lin Mo with an ugly expression, while Chen Xinyu also looked at him in surprise, never expecting him to be so simple and rude.

"I'm going to take Xiaoyu back."

Lin Mo said to Mother Lin without any emotional fluctuations, and repeated what he had just said.


Mother Lin's expression was very bad after hearing this, but she didn't get angry immediately. Instead, she frowned and asked Lin Mo, "Xiao Yu lives well at home, why did you take her back?"

"There are many reasons. The main reason is that I miss her too much." Lin Mo curled his lips, and had already thought up his rhetoric before coming here.

After Chen Xinyu heard his explanation, her little face also turned red. She was still the girl who was extremely shy, and she didn't change this habit even though she was pregnant.


"I knew it."

Mother Lin snorted coldly without any warning, raised her eyebrows and said, "Since you miss Xiao Yu so much, why don't you come back to see her for several days in a row?"

"This...too many things."

Lin Mo was stunned, he didn't expect Mother Lin to ask him that.

"Huh ╯^╰."

The owner of this cold snort was Chen Xinyu. When she heard Lin Mo's explanation, she also became annoyed. She seemed to be asking Lin Mo, "Are you so busy? Even my wife I don't care about it."

"I don't agree. Since you are so busy, who will take care of Xiaoyu after you go back?" Mother Lin asked angrily.

"Don't worry about this, I have hired the best nanny, as soon as I finish handling the group's affairs, I will go home to accompany Xiao Yu." Lin Mo said.

"Have you hired a babysitter?"

Mother Lin frowned. When she heard the word "nanny", she looked at Lin Mo differently.

"Yes, I specially hired a nanny for Xiao Yu to take care of her basic necessities."

Lin Mo nodded, and Bai Xue's appearance in a maid's outfit had already appeared in his mind.

"Is the person you invited okay?"

At this moment, Mother Lin looked at Lin Mo questioningly and asked.

"Of course, the technology is absolutely top-notch." Lin Mo replied affirmatively, it was more than enough to take care of Chen Xinyu with Bai Xue's ability.

"I do not believe."

Mother Lin rolled her eyes, but did not agree to Lin Mo's empty words.

To be continued

(End of this chapter)

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