Chapter 174 174 Going Home

Lin Mo curled his lips, and now Lin Mu is playing against him in various ways, the purpose is to keep Chen Xinyu.

He shrugged his shoulders and said with a serious expression: "Then I have nothing to do, anyway, Xiao Yu decided to go back with me."

"No, I don't worry."

Mother Lin didn't talk nonsense, and directly refused Lin Mo to take Chen Xinyu away.

"There's nothing to worry about."

"Is Xiao Yu going to have any problems with me?" Lin Mo said dissatisfiedly to Lin's mother.

"It's not certain, Xiaoyu's safety is more important than anything else." Mother Lin nodded.

Lin Mo: "."

Mother Lin's words seemed to be questioning Lin Mo's inability to give Chen Xinyu a sense of security.

No, what does it mean to seem like.

She was already blatantly mocking.

"I'm not going to be stubborn with you either, let Xiaoyu choose to go back with you or stay." Mother Lin said at this time, taking advantage of the victory.

This is where Mother Lin's brilliance lies. Knowing that Chen Xinyu has a thin skin, if she is allowed to make her own decision, 80.00% of them will choose to stay.

"no need."

Lin Mo interrupted Lin Mu's words in the next second, and said in a flat tone:
"I'm going to take Xiao Yu away today, let alone you, even Jesus can't stop me!"

Mother Lin: "."

Chen Xinyu: "."


Jesus: "It's none of my business, you went to the wrong set."

"Stinky boy."

"Who are you playing with, and you are going to take Xiao Yu away, you can try." Mother Lin didn't get used to Lin Mo, and said cursingly.

"Just try it."

Lin Mo pouted, returned to Chen Xinyu's side and held her little hand, and said softly, "Let's go, let's go home."

"That, wouldn't it be too good?"

Chen Xinyu, on the other hand, was at a loss, and muttered in a low voice, "Auntie's face looks ugly, why don't you let it go."

"What are you panicking about?"

These are small scenes, and he still knows Mother Lin's character very well, and what he sees in front of him is just a pretense.

If you want to make her angry, unless Lin Mo really did something outrageous, he won't get angry so easily.

"It's fine to take Xiao Yu away, but you have to promise me a few conditions." Mother Lin also spoke to Lin Mo again at this time.

"What conditions?"

Lin Mo smiled, knowing that Mother Lin was planning to let go and let him bring Chen Xinyu back.

"First, we must take care of Xiaoyu's diet and daily life every day." Mother Lin stretched out a finger at this time and told Lin Mo her conditions, but her conditions were all based on Chen Xinyu's problems.

"Of course there is no problem with this. Even if you don't tell me, I will do it." Lin Mo nodded. Naturally, he agreed to Lin's mother's condition without thinking.

"The second condition is that I will visit Xiaoyu every once in a while, and if I find any problems with Xiaoyu, I will immediately go home with me." Mother Lin said her second condition.

"Okay, this is no problem."

Lin Mo agreed to this condition without even thinking about it.

"As for the third condition, I want to see the nanny you hired." Mother Lin said immediately.

"I'm afraid."

Lin Mo frowned slightly, and he didn't hesitate until Mother Lin raised the condition.

"If the nanny's ability is not good, or her conduct is bad, how can she take care of Xiao Yu?" Mother Lin asked Lin Mo expressionlessly.

"You can rest assured about this, the nanny's ability will definitely work." Lin Mo explained.

Naturally, Bai Xue's ability needless to say.

As for her character, a vixen, from the current situation, seems to be okay and worthy of trust.

"It's empty talk, I have to see it." Mother Lin said solemnly.


Lin Mo curled his lips, and finally agreed to Lin Mu's meeting with Bai Xue.

"that's it."

Seeing that Lin Mo agreed, Mother Lin didn't raise any more crazy conditions, and walked up to Chen Xinyu in a normal way.

"Xiao Yu, if he bullies you when you get back, remember to call Auntie at any time." Lin Muyu held Chen Xinyu's hand earnestly.

"Yeah, auntie, I will." Chen Xinyu nodded movedly.


Mother Lin smiled and said nothing more.

He turned around and went into the bedroom, helped Chen Xinyu pack his luggage, and quickly walked out of the bedroom with the suitcase.

"Why are you still in a daze, hurry up and take it." Mother Lin's words were naturally not addressed to Chen Xinyu, and she instructed Lin Mo in an unfriendly tone.

This creates the gap between daughter-in-law.

In the past, Lin's mother called him silently, but after Chen Xinyu, she became a brat. The gap is huge.


Lin Mo smiled awkwardly, and took the luggage without saying anything.

"Go back, be careful on the road, I'll check on the nanny tomorrow." Mother Lin said to Lin Mo immediately.

"Okay, then Xiao Yu and I will leave first." Lin Mo nodded.


Mother Lin responded, then looked at Chen Xinyu and said, "Xiao Yu, remember to call Auntie when you get back."

"Yeah, I see, Auntie."

Chen Xinyu also nodded quickly, and walked quickly to Lin Mo's side.

"Let's go back."

"Goodbye, Auntie."

"We walked."

After bidding farewell to Lin's mother, Lin Mo took Chen Xinyu and left the Lin family. The two then got in the car and left the community, heading for the seaside villa.

"Mr. Lin, it's so late, where can we find a nanny to deal with Auntie?" Chen Xinyu asked Lin Mo in the co-pilot.

In her eyes, the matter of the nanny must have been fabricated to deceive Lin's mother, and Lin's mother seemed to know it very well, which meant that she would go to check tomorrow and give Lin Mo time to prepare.

"You don't need to look for it, it's available at home." Lin Mo smiled.


Hearing this, Chen Xinyu looked at Lin Mo even more unexpectedly, she really didn't expect it.


He nodded, and told Chen Xinyu about Bai Xue's existence.

The two soon returned to the seaside villa. Lin Mo opened the door with the suitcase, and Chen Xinyu walked into the house and looked around.

"Mr. Lin, where's the nanny?"

Chen Xinyu found that the room was empty, so she asked Lin Mo suspiciously.

"Not yet."

Lin Mo shrugged, and looked at Bai Xue on the window sill. She is still in the form of a little fox and has not turned into a human form.


Chen Xinyu nodded, ran towards the window sill in small steps, and then hugged Bai Xue's body: "Xiao Bai, do you miss me?"


Bai Xue howled immediately, her tail wagging happily.

"Go take a shower first."

After Lin Mo put the suitcase away, he suggested to Chen Xinyu.

"Oh, I see."

Chen Xinyu nodded, then let go of Bai Xue in her arms, ready to go to the bathroom to take a shower.


Seeing this, Bai Xue wanted to do the same thing as last time, and went into the bathroom with Chen Xinyu to take a bath, but was stopped by Lin Mo soon.

"I have something to tell you."

Lin Mo grabbed Bai Xue's front paw and gestured.


To be continued
(End of this chapter)

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