Chapter 175 Chapter 175

"Tell me, son, what's the matter?"

Seeing this, Bai Xue no longer followed Chen Xinyu into the bathroom.

"I need you to be Xiao Yu's personal nanny." Lin Mo thought for a while, and then told Bai Xue his thoughts.

"Let the servant be a nanny?"

After listening to Lin Mo's words, Bai Xue was stunned, and looked at Lin Mo with watery eyes in disbelief.


"This is also the only way you have a reason to transform into a human form." Lin Mo nodded.

He is not discussing with Bai Xue, of course there is an element of discussion, whether she agrees or not, this nanny must be a decision.

"The servant agreed."

Bai Xue curled her lips, and after a while of thinking, she agreed with Lin Mo's idea that being a nanny is nothing.

Besides, as Chen Xinyu's personal nanny, it sounds much better than a personal servant.


After Lin Mo saw that Bai Xue agreed, his expression relaxed a lot, and he said in a teasing tone, "Wait, I'll go choose clothes for you."

"Choose clothes?"

Bai Xue tilted her head again, and looked at Lin Mo with a confused look: "I have clothes at home, do I need to change them?"

"Of course, being a nanny requires the awareness and uniform of being a nanny. Your clothes don't fit, so you have to change them." Lin Mo's mouth curled up, revealing a curve.

"It's really troublesome."

Bai Xue pouted dissatisfiedly, and walked slowly towards the window sill with her calves, while Lin Mo took advantage of this time to choose clothes for her.

She quickly picked out a good maid outfit, which fits Bai Xue's temperament very well, and it makes people's blood spurt and they can't stop wearing it.


At this time, the bathroom door was opened, and Chen Xinyu came out wrapped in a bathrobe.

"Mr. Lin, it's your turn to wash."

The first sentence Chen Xinyu came out was to ask Lin Mo to take a bath too.

"it is good."

Lin Mo nodded and planned to wash up. He had picked out the maid uniform with his mobile phone just now, and was waiting for the courier to deliver it to his door later.

"Go, give me a bath."

Putting on his clothes, Lin Mo went to the windowsill and grabbed Bai Xue, intending to drag her into the bathroom.


Bai Xue propped her paws and howled.

That appearance seemed to be rejecting Lin Mo, and at the same time, Bai Xue's words came from his ears, "No, I don't want to wash with the young master."

Lin Mo: "."

Lin Mo: "It's up to you."

He simply and rudely replied to Bai Xue, and then picked her up and walked into the bathroom. After seeing this scene, Chen Xinyu just shook his head and smiled, and began to look at the villa again.

After not coming back for so long, she felt that the surrounding environment had become a little strange. Even when she first met Lin Mo, she felt that the man in front of her was strange.

Ding Dong!

The doorbell rang outside the door.


Chen Xinyu was slightly taken aback, and curiously asked the people outside the door, the location of the seaside villa is relatively private, and few people come to the door.

"Hello, I'm the courier of Yuntao Service. Is this Mr. Lin Mo's home?" The person outside immediately replied to Chen Xinyu.

"express delivery?"


After Chen Xinyu went back to the bedroom and put on her clothes, she went to the door and opened it. As expected, there was a courier from Yuntao standing outside.

"Who are you from Mr. Lin Mo?"

After seeing Chen Xinyu, the courier asked in amazement.

"I'm his girlfriend."

Chen Xinyu replied, and glanced at the express box in the hands of the courier.

"That's it, please collect it for Mr. Lin Mo. This is what he ordered." The courier nodded, and then handed the courier box to Chen Xinyu.


After Chen Xinyu took the courier box, he looked it up curiously, and then signed for Lin Mo on the courier number to which he belonged.

"Thank you for your cooperation."

"I wish you and Mr. Lin Mo a happy life. Welcome to use the home delivery service next time. Our couriers are on call." After taking the tracking number, the courier turned and left.

"What did you buy?"

Chen Xinyu closed the door and went back to the living room. Since there was no notice on the express box, she didn't know what was inside. Out of curiosity, she planned to open it and have a look.

"Uh, do you want to open it?"

When Chen Xinyu took out a knife to open the express box, he hesitated for a while. This is the express that Lin Mo bought. If she opened it without saying hello, would it be bad?

"Mr. Lin."

After hesitating for a few seconds, Chen Xinyu came to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

"Ahem, what's the matter?"

Lin Mo's voice was a little weird, as if he had choked on water.

"Your courier has arrived, can I take it apart and have a look?" Chen Xinyu said to Lin Mo.

"So fast?"

After hearing Chen Xinyu's words, even Lin Mo was stunned for a moment. Could the delivery speed be too exaggerated? He just placed an order.

"Can I see it?"

Chen Xinyu asked Lin Mo again.

At this time, she was even more curious about what Lin Mo bought, which was so mysterious.

"Yes, yes, but are you sure you want to open it?" Lin Mo nodded, but did not refuse Chen Xinyu.


After hearing Lin Mo's answer, Chen Xinyu didn't say anything more, turned around and went back to the living room, and opened the express box with the knife just now.

There was a package inside, and inside the package was a black and white dress, which made Chen Xinyu slightly frown unexpectedly.

"This is?"

When she thoroughly saw the clothes in the maid's outfit, her little face blushed immediately, as if she had understood what Lin Mo said just now.

"The rascal."

"I knew it wasn't safe."

At this moment, Chen Xinyu finally understood why Lin Mo picked her up. It turned out that the answer was all on the maid's clothes.


Opening the bathroom door, Lin Mo came out refreshed, while Bai Xue followed methodically.

"Light rain?"

Walking to the living room, Lin Mo found the empty courier box, the clothes inside had disappeared, and Chen Xinyu also disappeared.

"Miss Yu?"

He yelled again, but there was still no response, Lin Mo finally frowned.


At this moment, Chen Xinyu's scream was suddenly heard from the bedroom, Lin Mo pushed open the bedroom door and broke in without thinking.

"What's wrong, what happened."

When Lin Mo raised his head and was about to ask Chen Xinyu what happened, the next second he froze in place, looking at him in disbelief.

"Mr. Lin, is this your courier?"

Wearing that maid outfit, Chen Xinyu lay sideways on the bed and of course hooked Lin Mo's hands. Her even bumpy figure made it hard to stop.

"How did you put it on?"

Lin Mo looked at Chen Xinyu in surprise, this maid outfit was bought for Bai Xue to wear, he never expected Chen Xinyu to wear it.

"Didn't you just want me to wear it when you bought it?" Chen Xinyu raised the corner of her mouth and said, obviously she misunderstood Lin Mo.

To be continued.


(End of this chapter)

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