Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 177 177 is not suitable!

Chapter 177 177 is not suitable!

When Lin Mo returned to the villa.

It was Bai Xue who opened the door, and after the two exchanged a glance, Chen Xinyu appeared next to him, looking at him suspiciously.

"Mr. Lin, Auntie said she will be there later."

The first to speak was Chen Xinyu, she shook the phone in her hand and reminded Lin Mo.

"So fast?"

Lin Mo was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Bai Xue again. He knew better than anyone else that it would be fine if Mother Lin saw that the nanny was Bai Xue's figure and dress.

"Auntie said she wanted to come over to have lunch and see if the nanny you hired is qualified." Chen Xinyu came to Lin Mo's side and whispered in his ear.

There is one thing to say, Bai Xue's nanny dress is the best of the best, with a softness and unpretentiousness in her charm.

If Lin Mo was still single, Lin's mother might not say anything when she saw her, but now he is about to become a father.

If Mother Lin finds out that the nanny he hired is a beautiful woman like Bai Xue, she will not be stripped of her skin.

"Xiaoyu, what do you want for lunch?"

Lin Mo has already figured out a countermeasure. With Bai Xue's current appearance, Lin's mother will definitely not be satisfied. At that time, it will be enough to use a little trickery. This is Bai Xue's special skill.

"do not know."

Chen Xinyu shook her head, she was not in a good mood at the moment, and she always felt that the snow-white in front of her was not kind.

"Mr. Lin, come with me."

She beckoned to Lin Mo suddenly, and wanted to say something private to Lin Mo, but Bai Xue couldn't hear it.


Lin Mo didn't refuse either, and after giving Bai Xue a wink, he followed Chen Xinyu into their natural bedroom.

"what happened?"

Lin Mo closed the door and hugged Chen Xinyu and asked.

"Mr. Lin, can you..."

Chen Xinyu looked at Lin Mo with a downcast expression, hesitantly, she didn't know whether to tell Lin Mo what she thought.

"Can you do anything?"

Lin Mo probably also knew what Chen Xinyu was thinking at this time, and asked with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Can you change the nanny?"

Chen Xinyu took a deep breath, and finally expressed his thoughts to Lin Mo.


Lin Mo looked at her curiously.

"I do not like her"

Chen Xinyu pouted and said, there was a bit of jealousy in her eyes, Bai Xue is so beautiful, even if she is a woman, she can't help being amazed.

Thinking of this, Chen Xinyu couldn't help but looked at Lin Mo again, and asked dissatisfiedly with his small eyes, "Mr. Lin, why did you hire such a nanny?"


Lin Mo replied with a smile.

"Stop it."

"Did you choose her just because she was beautiful?" Chen Xinyu obviously didn't believe Lin Mo's words, and said angrily, pursing her lips.

"How is it possible? Am I like that?" Lin Mo immediately denied Chen Xinyu's statement.

Well, after seeing Chen Xinyu's resentful little eyes, the jar of jealousy has been completely overturned.

"I don't care, anyway, I don't like Bai Xue." Chen Xinyu also got angry, and walked out of the bedroom with a soft snort.

And Lin Mo shook his head helplessly at this time, and after walking out of the bedroom, he looked at Bai Xue who was doing housework in the living room.

"Young master, do you want to be a servant?"

At this time, Bai Xue's voice came from Lin Mo's ear. Although she was not in the bedroom, she could hear their conversation clearly.

"Not for now."

Lin Mo shook his head, and replied to Bai Xue: "As long as you use your tricks to fix my mother later, it's fine, and Xiao Yu will take care of it."


After hearing Lin Mo's order, Bai Xue couldn't say anything more, so she could only temporarily use the trick to get Lin Mu out of the way.

At this moment, the doorbell rang again, and Lin Mo immediately gave Bai Xue a wink and asked her to open the door.

Bai Xue understood, and came to the door to open the door for Mother Lin. At this time, her eyes flashed brightly, and Mother Lin on the opposite side suddenly shook her head.

In the next second, Bai Xue was no longer a young and beautiful girl in Lin's eyes, but an elderly aunt.

"Madam, please come in."

Bai Xue turned sideways, and respectfully welcomed Mother Lin into the house.

"Xiao Yu, are you still used to living here?"

As soon as Mother Lin entered the room, she looked at Chen Xinyu and asked.

"Well, habit."

Chen Xinyu nodded and forced a smile.

"What you said, Xiao Yu has lived here, how can she not get used to it?" Lin Mo also intervened in the conversation, and said to Lin's mother with a sarcastic smile.

"Is this the nanny you hired?"

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Mother Lin immediately stopped smiling and glanced back at Bai Xue, her expression suddenly became serious.

After seeing Lin's mother's change, both Lin Mo and Chen Xinyu became nervous.


Lin Mo nodded, looked at Bai Xue in the same way, and asked her privately: "Are you using blindfolds?"

"The servant has already used it."

Bai Xue nodded, and gave Lin Mo an affirmative answer. In Lin's eyes, Bai Xue is just an elderly aunt, but she looks much better than ordinary people.

"What will it be?"

Mother Lin asked again at this time.

"Anything, Almighty."

Lin Mo smiled and replied, it's not an exaggeration, at least with Bai Xue's ability, there is nothing she can't do in the secular world.


Mother Lin was taken aback for a moment, but quickly recovered her normal expression and said, "It's almost noon, let her make lunch and I'll see."

"no problem."

Lin Mo nodded, and immediately signaled Bai Xue to go to the kitchen to cook a rich lunch, while Chen Xinyu kept frowning, and Mother Lin's reaction was a little different from what she imagined.

"Auntie, what do you think of her?"

Chen Xinyu couldn't help asking Mother Lin.

"Well, it looks okay."

Mother Lin nodded, and replied to Chen Xinyu with a smile, that Bai Xue was completely different in her eyes from Chen Xinyu's.

That's why she can still comment on Bai Xue like this. If Mother Lin sees Bai Xue's original appearance, she won't just explode the pot.


After listening to Mother Lin's answer, Chen Xinyu nodded dejectedly.

"What's the matter, don't you like her?" Mother Lin asked suspiciously after realizing that Chen Xinyu was in a bad mood.


Different from the answer to Lin Mo, when she saw that Mother Lin was quite satisfied with Bai Xue, she shook her head and said, "I just think she might not be suitable to be a nanny."

"why is that?"

Mother Lin looked at Chen Xinyu in surprise.

She didn't see why Bai Xue was unsuitable to be a nanny. After all, no matter from the image or the ability and service she has shown so far, she is pretty good.

"Didn't you realize that she is too beautiful?" Chen Xinyu said to Lin's mother coyly.


"Xiao Yu, you are not jealous, are you?"

Mother Lin came to her senses immediately and asked Chen Xinyu with half-closed eyes and a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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