Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 178 Chapter 178 A Completely Different Perspective

Chapter 178 Chapter 178 A Completely Different Perspective


Perhaps because of Lin's mother's words, Chen Xinyu blushed slightly, and looked towards the kitchen with some embarrassment.

"Xiao Yu, you are too suspicious."

Mother Lin smiled at this moment, held Chen Xinyu's little hand to comfort her, "I know Lin Mo well, no matter how messed up he is, he won't attack an elderly nanny."

"Auntie, are you sure that the nanny Lin Mo hired is old?" Chen Xinyu was stunned by Lin's mother's words, showing an incredulous expression.

In her eyes, Bai Xue didn't look like an elderly aunt at all, and she was ashamed of her flawless skin.

If this kind of plot is placed in a TV series, it will definitely be another bloody plot. The title has already been thought out, "The heroine is pregnant, and the hero invites a beautiful nanny, and wants to cheat."

"Xiaoyu, I understand your thoughts. Now that you are pregnant, you will inevitably be suspicious." As someone who has experienced it, Lin's mother seemed to be able to see through Chen Xinyu's thoughts at a glance, and said in a comforting tone:
"You have to trust Lin Mo. Even if you don't trust him, you should trust Auntie. I promise he won't mess around."

"Auntie, I don't believe Lin Mo."

Chen Xinyu's face was even more flushed, and she glanced at Lin Mo who was watching the play with her resentful eyes.

"My mother is right, if we don't try it for a while, we can change it if it doesn't work." Lin Mo said to Chen Xinyu while the iron was still hot. In fact, as long as Lin's mother is settled, everything will be fine.

"Hmph, of course you think so."

Chen Xinyu snorted angrily, she really couldn't understand why Mother Lin would say Bai Xue was an elderly aunt.

But that's what it is.

In her eyes, Bai Xue is an extremely charming girl; in Lin's eyes, it is completely different. Bai Xue has become an old woman with some wrinkles on her face.

"My lord, I'm in trouble."

Just when Lin Mo was laughing and comforting Chen Xinyu, Bai Xue's voice came from his ear.

"What's the matter, what's the trouble?" Lin Mo frowned suddenly, and looked in the direction of the kitchen subconsciously.

"My slaves don't know how to cook."

Bai Xue immediately explained the situation she encountered. She is a pure vixen, she can help her with all the housework with mana, but cooking is the only thing she can't do.

Even if she could manipulate mana to help her cook any dish, the food she made was really unpalatable, which is why she suddenly asked Lin Mo for help.

"I see, you wait a moment."

After Lin Mo learned the news, he looked at Mother Lin and Chen Xinyu again, and found that they were both looking at him at this time.

"What are you looking at me for?"

Lin Mo asked the two with a smile.

"Go get me a glass of water."

Mother Lin immediately gave him some instructions.

"Okay, let's go."

Lin Mo nodded, and immediately walked towards the water dispenser, fetched a cup of hot water for Mother Lin, and then returned to the living room.

"My lord, if you don't think of a way, my family may be exposed." At this time, Bai Xue's words appeared in Lin Mo's ears again.

"You do as I order."

Lin Mo is also very difficult to deal with. Now he is restrained by Lin Mu and Chen Xinyu, and he has no chance to go to the kitchen to help Bai Xue solve this problem. The only way at present is to teach Bai Xue how to cook through sound transmission.

With Bai Xue's ability, it shouldn't be too difficult to learn, right?
"That line, I will do as the young master said." Bai Xue nodded, listening to Lin Mo's instructions quietly.

Wash and chop the vegetables first, heat the oil in a pot, and put in the seasoning

With Lin Mo's teaching, Bai Xue became more and more comfortable, and after a while, she came out with plate after plate of delicacies.

"Mr. Lin, Miss, Madam, dinner is ready." After Bai Xue arranged everything, she walked into the living room and said respectfully to several people.


Mother Lin nodded first, and asked Bai Xue with a calm and serious expression: "How long have you been working as a nanny?"

"Almost 20 years."

Bai Xue said to Mother Lin without any hesitation.

"Year 20?"

Chen Xinyu was stunned when he heard this answer, looked at Bai Xue with a surprised expression and asked in disbelief: "How old are you, have you really been doing this for 20 years?"

"Maybe I look remarkably young."

Bai Xue nodded with a smile. No matter in the eyes of Chen Xinyu or Lin's mother, she couldn't find any problems with her answer.

"Alright Xiao Yu, let's go eat first."

At this time, Mother Lin didn't take care of Bai Xue anymore, but took Chen Xinyu's hand to the restaurant.

"The appearance is good, but I don't know how it tastes?" Mother Lin nodded with satisfaction as she looked at the large table of food.

"You'll know when you try it."

Lin Mo smiled, and took the initiative to take food for Mother Lin while sitting on the seat.

"Sit down and eat together." Chen Xinyu didn't continue to target Bai Xue at this time, and then said something to her.

"No need, miss, you can eat." Bai Xue shook her hand, knowing that she is not qualified to sit and eat with the host's house as a nanny.

"It's okay, let's sit down and eat together."

After Lin's mother took a bite of the dish, her expression didn't show any reaction, which meant that the dishes made by Bai Xue still matched her taste.


Bai Xue was stunned, and looked at Lin Mo intentionally or unintentionally, "My lord, what should I do?"

"Sit down."

Lin Mo also nodded, motioning for her to sit down and eat together.

"Thank you madam and miss."

After receiving Lin Mo's instructions, Bai Xue didn't refuse any more, and then sat down on the chair.

"Don't be so restrained."

At this moment, Mother Lin put down her chopsticks, looked at Bai Xue with fiery eyes and asked, "How much is your monthly salary?"


Bai Xue looked at Lin Mo, and then replied with a slightly raised mouth: "The monthly salary is 10w."

Lin Mo: "."

Chen Xinyu: "."

After hearing Bai Xue's words, Chen Xinyu looked unnatural, raised her eyebrows and looked at Lin Mo with dissatisfaction, her eyes seemed to ask: "Mr. Lin, do you spend so much money on hiring a nanny, or?"


Lin Mo smiled awkwardly, then gave Bai Xue a hard look.

"This salary is not bad, but I still have doubts about your ability."

Unlike Lin Mo and Chen Xinyu, Lin's mother didn't have so many reactions. In her eyes, Bai Xue was just an ordinary nanny.

"Aunt Bai, are you married?"

At this time, Chen Xinyu still couldn't hold back and asked Bai Xue, she didn't believe that Bai Xue would be an elderly person, but she still used Auntie in the title.


Bai Xue nodded. Lin Mo asked her to answer this answer. The main purpose was to reassure Chen Xinyu.

"What does your husband do?" Chen Xinyu immediately asked again.

"Ordinary staff."

"do you have any kid?"

"not yet."

"Why didn't you choose to have children?"

"There's a lot of pressure to make money."

Chen Xinyu and Bai Xue asked and answered, and Bai Xue's answers were all taught by Lin Mo in the dark.

At this moment, Chen Xinyu has also become a person who looks like a household checker, and keeps asking Bai Xue about trivial matters.

To be continued

(End of this chapter)

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