Chapter 179 Chapter 179
All questions from Chen Xinyu, Bai Xue answered Lin Mo's answers fluently. In Lin's mother's eyes, Bai Xue was just a nanny with good conditions, so she felt relieved.

"I'll go back first."

After lunch, Mother Lin planned to leave the seaside villa, and she even invited someone to have a beauty treatment together.

"I'll see my aunt off."

At this moment, Chen Xinyu got up and said something to Mother Lin.

"no need."

Mother Lin waved her hand, and did not choose to let Chen Xinyu see her off, but looked at Lin Mo, "Stinky boy, just come and see me off."


After Lin Mo heard Mother Lin's words, he nodded without refusing, then looked at Chen Xinyu and accompanied Mother Lin to leave the villa.

After the two left, only Bai Xue and Chen Xinyu were left in the room, looking at each other.

"How on earth did you do it?"

At this time, Chen Xinyu stopped pretending to be with Bai Xue, and asked with a serious face.

"Miss, what did you say?"

Bai Xue was slightly taken aback, and looked at Chen Xinyu in surprise, but she had her own thoughts in her heart.

"You are obviously very young, why did your aunt tell Lin Mo that you are old?" Chen Xinyu frowned and expressed her doubts.

She still doesn't believe that Bai Xue in front of her is an elderly aunt. Her eyes can't be deceiving. No matter how well maintained she is, she can't be so young and beautiful.

Jiang Rong is a clear example. She is also older, only a few years younger than Lin's mother. Even though she is well maintained, the years still leave marks on her face.

But the white snow in front of her eyes not only has no wrinkles, but her skin is so white and flawless that even Chen Xinyu feels ashamed and envious.

"Miss, you are joking, this year's family is really big." Bai Xue raised her mouth slightly, and looked at Chen Xinyu admiringly.

"Who the hell are you?"

Chen Xinyu kept taking a few steps back, and her intuition told her that Bai Xue in front of her was not a good person.

"Miss, don't be afraid, I don't have any ill intentions towards you." Bai Xue waved her hand, and no longer hid her identity from Chen Xinyu: "In fact, I'm a vixen who has only practiced for a thousand years."

"Fox spirit?"

After listening to Bai Xue's answer, Chen Xinyu's expression was dull, and she looked at Bai Xue in disbelief.

What age is it now, Bai Xue's words are too unbelievable, Chen Xinyu doesn't believe it at all, only thinks that Bai Xue in front of him must be weird.

"That's right, Miss I don't know if you still remember Xiaobai." Bai Xue nodded, wanting to explain to Chen Xinyu for Lin Mo while Lin Mo was away.

"Xiaobai, you mean."

Chen Xinyu's eyes were shocked, but full of disbelief as she looked at Bai Xue. Although she had a bold guess in her heart, she just didn't believe it.

"That's right, the servant's family is Xiaobai."

Bai Xue admitted with a slight smile that she was the little fox from before.

"I do not believe."

After all, Chen Xinyu is also a highly educated person. What Bai Xue said is not scientific at all, and there is even no trace of it. How can she believe that Bai Xue is the little fox Bai Xue.

Of course, Baixue actually has a way to convince Chen Xinyu that she is the little fox Baixue, and that is to change back into the form of a little fox.

But if he really did that, with Chen Xinyu's current state, without any mental preparation, he might faint from fright.

"Miss, I am actually Bai Xue. If you don't believe me, I can ask you to explain clearly to me." Bai Xue said to Chen Xinyu at this time.


"Who is he?"

Chen Xinyu frowned again, looked at Bai Xue suspiciously and asked.

"With Miss's ingenuity, I should have already guessed who it is." Bai Xue didn't say Lin Mo directly, but said something to Chen Xinyu jokingly.

"I'm going to find Mr. Lin."

Chen Xinyu didn't pay attention to Bai Xue any more, and ran away in a panic. As soon as she went out, she met Lin Mo who sent away Lin's mother.

"What's the matter, Xiao Yu?"

Seeing the expression on Chen Xinyu's face, Lin Mo frowned, and a bad feeling rose in his heart.

"Mr. Lin, I'm afraid."

Chen Xinyu immediately fell into Lin Mo's arms, her little heart beating non-stop.

"What's the matter?"

Lin Mo then patted her on the back reassuringly, and then asked softly.

"The nanny you hired said she was a vixen, and she was the snow you sent away." Chen Xinyu buried her head in Lin Mo's arms, and said with a sob in her voice.

After listening to her answer, Lin Mo was completely speechless, and stared fiercely at Bai Xue who came out of the door.

"Who told you to scare her like this?" Lin Mo asked Bai Xue in an extremely cold tone.

"I'm wronged, my lord, I didn't do anything outrageous to Miss." Bai Xue blinked innocently, and sighed helplessly in her heart.

She just wanted to explain her identity to Chen Xinyu clearly, but she never thought it would end like this.

"Okay Xiao Yu, don't get excited, let me explain to you." Lin Mo rolled his eyes at Bai Xue again, and then comforted Chen Xinyu.

"No, I don't want to hear it."

Chen Xinyu immediately shook her head, and said frantically to Lin Mo: "I don't want to see her, Mr. Lin, can you let her go?"


Lin Mo was in a dilemma, looking at Bai Xue in a dilemma, and then at Chen Xinyu in his arms.

"Okay, I just need to go."

Seeing Chen Xinyu's attitude, Bai Xue also pouted angrily, and did not let Lin Mo make an embarrassing decision, and chose to leave by herself.

After seeing Bai Xue leave, Lin Mo never asked to stay, but kept comforting Chen Xinyu in his arms: "Okay, she's gone, let's go back."

The most urgent task at the moment is to deal with Chen Xinyu first, and Bai Xue should not go too far, the most she can do is to go to the beach to relax, and it will not be too late to go to her after appeasing Chen Xinyu.


Only then did Chen Xinyu reveal her head, looked at Lin Mo meaningfully and nodded.

After the two returned to the villa, Lin Mo no longer planned to hide it, so he revealed Bai Xue's identity and his own abilities.

Chen Xinyu didn't believe it at first, but when Lin Mo used the fire control formula, Chen Xinyu was stunned.

Looking at Lin Mo in disbelief, he gradually believed his words.

"Bai Xue is really a thousand-year-old vixen?"

Chen Xinyu looked at Lin Mo in disbelief, even though she still didn't want to believe it, it was the truth.


Lin Mo nodded. Although he told Chen Xinyu Baixue's true identity, he did not reveal their relationship.

"Actually, this world is not as simple as we think. Someone we meet around us may be a monster." Lin Mo then said to Chen Xinyu, of course it was just talking, there are so many monsters.

The main purpose now is to make Chen Xinyu accept Bai Xue.


To be continued
(End of this chapter)

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