Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 18 018 I'm His Wife!

Chapter 18 018 I'm His Wife!

"The boss, do you have a girlfriend?"


Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Gu Sisi in front of him to ask himself such a straightforward question.

"Boss, do you have a girlfriend, if not"

Gu Sisi blinked at Lin Mo while blushing.

"Are all children nowadays so straightforward?"

Lin Mo smiled helplessly, not taking Gu Sisi's words too seriously.

Although the Gu Sisi in front of him is good-looking, he is obviously not the type that Lin Mo likes. Apart from the big age difference, the other party is still studying, and Lin Mo has not yet reached the point where he can't choose what to eat.

Well, the main reason is that Lin Mo doesn't like her. Compared with Jiang Li, she is really far behind!

At present, the only woman who can interest Lin Mo is Jiang Li.

"Am I very young?"

Gu Sisi's face changed when he heard Lin Mo's words, and he looked at Lin Mo with some disappointment.

"Well, my little sister studies hard and strives to be admitted to a good university!"

Lin Mo also nodded, and then said to her encouragingly.

"Boss, how old are you?"

Gu Sisi didn't seem to listen to Lin Mo's words, and then asked Lin Mo's age curiously.

"It's a secret!"

Lin Mo replied perfunctorily.

He wasn't stupid enough to tell his real age to an unrelated person.

"Sisi, can't you see that the boss is not interested in you at all?"

Seeing that her girlfriend was still struggling, Song Jiaqi stood up helplessly and walked to Gu Sisi's side.

"Hmph, can't you ask if you're not interested?"

Gu Sisi snorted at Song Jiaqi in dissatisfaction, and still looked at Lin Mo pitifully:

"Boss, I have many suitors at school, don't you think about asking me to be your girlfriend?"

"We are not suitable!"

Lin Mo shook his head tactfully at Gu Sisi.

Lin Mo was really not interested in her at the moment.

"Why doesn't it fit?"

Seeing that she was rejected by Lin Mo, Gu Sisi pursed her lips sadly and asked.

"I like people who are older than me, and I don't like people who are younger than me."

Lin Mo curled his lips, and then told Gu Sisi his reasons for rejecting her.

He understood that if Gu Sisi in front of him was not allowed to completely give up, he would be constantly harassed by the other party in the days to come.

So Lin Mo simply said an absolute reason for rejecting Gu Sisi.

I like older ones!

In this way, Gu Sisi will not continue to pester Lin Mo anymore.

"Boss, what's so good about an older woman? Not only do she have more wrinkles, but she must have had sex with many people. I still"

When Gu Sisi said this, she was a little shy and did not dare to look at Lin Mo.


Lin Mo was also shocked by Gu Sisi's words, and looked at her for a while, not knowing how to answer.

As for Song Jiaqi, covering her face and shaking her head, she was completely defeated by her best friend.

Lin Mo would definitely not agree to being so nympho to such a degree and saying such words.

"Sorry, I'm really not interested in you!"

"Besides, I'm already married!"

Lin Mo then sighed, knowing that if he kept silent, the girl in front of him didn't know what to say, so he directly admitted that he was married.


"Boss, you must be lying to me!"

Gu Sisi shook her head in disbelief when she heard it.

Although she is a little nympho, she is not a fool, so why can't she hear what Lin Mo said to deliberately perfunctory her.

"He didn't lie to you, I am his wife!"

At this moment, a richly dressed woman walked into the milk tea shop and said something to Gu Sisi in a cold tone.

It was Jiang Rong who came, and she was looking at Gu Sisi calmly.

Just outside the door, Jiang Rong heard the conversation between the two clearly.

After knowing that the other party was Lin Mo, she immediately realized why Lin Mo knew herself yesterday.

What surprised Jiang Rong was how Lin Mo suddenly appeared in the Jiang Group.

When Lin Mo saw Jiang Rong, he stared at her with half-closed eyes. After watching for about two or three seconds, he said to Gu Sisi and Song Jiaqi:
"My wife is here, she is very fierce, you guys go away!"

He just wants to get rid of the two of them quickly, and then have a serious talk with Jiang Rong!
Gu Sisi was unconvinced and looked at Jiang Rong according to the source of the voice.

But when she saw Jiang Rong, she froze.

Although Jiang Rong must be much older than her in terms of her clothes, she felt guilty after seeing Jiang Rong's appearance comparable to that of a star.

Gu Sisi, who always thought she was already pretty, felt ashamed the moment she saw Jiang Rong.

This was the first time she had seen such a beautiful woman.

"Sisi, let's go!"

Song Jiaqi was obviously much smarter than Gu Sisi. Seeing that Jiang Rong's clothes were not simple, she dragged Gu Sisi out of the milk tea shop.

After the second daughter left, Lin Mo walked out from the bar, went to the door and locked the store door.

"Lin Mo, I didn't expect the person last night to be you!"

Jiang Rong turned around and looked at Lin Mo in surprise.

"In life, there are many unexpected things."

"For example, who would have thought that you would be the ghost of the Jiang Group?"

Lin Mo smiled contemptuously, and walked in front of Jiang Rong after speaking.

Carefully observe the changes in Jiang Rong's expression.

"Did you send the photo to Jiang Li?"

Jiang Rong snorted coldly, as if she wanted to eat Lin Mo directly.

"No, if I send the photo to Jiang Li, do you think you will have a chance to come here?"

Lin Mo shook his head and replied to Jiang Rong.

"Tell me, what do you want?"

Jiang Rong didn't continue to circle around after listening to Lin Mo's words.

"Didn't you say it yesterday?"

"One hundred million!"

Lin Mo looked at Jiang Rong with a smile and said something.


Jiang Rong rejected Lin Mo's request without thinking.

"That's why we don't have to talk about it?"

Lin Mo was not too surprised by Jiang Rong's rejection.

"Delete the photo, I will give you 1000 million!"

Seeing this, Jiang Rong's heart tightened, and she immediately offered 1000 million yuan to buy the photo.

This is ten times more than last night's 100 million yuan, but it's a pity that it's still not in Lin Mo's mind.

"Do you think you have the right to bargain?"

Lin Mo then looked at Jiang Rong with disdain and said, now that he is the leader, Jiang Rong has no right to talk about bargaining chips with him at all!
"Don't go too far, you are no longer the young master of the Lin family, I'm going to kill you, there are a hundred ways to keep you from opening your mouth!"

Jiang Rong's eyes froze, and she looked at Lin Mo with a cold light.

clap clap!

clap clap clap!
After listening to Jiang Rong's words, Lin Mo couldn't help applauding, raised the corner of his mouth with a sneer and looked at the woman in front of him.

"Jiang Rong, guess what kind of expression Jiang Li will make if she knows that her most respected aunt is the family ghost?"

Lin Mo slowly opened his mouth and asked Jiang Rong.

When Jiang Rong heard Lin Mo's words, Ye Mei frowned, and stared at Lin Mo firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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