Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 19 019 Became a shareholder of Jiang Group!

Chapter 19 019 Became a shareholder of Jiang Group!

"you dare!"

Seeing that she was threatened by Lin Mo, Jiang Rong's expression turned a little bit bad.

"Do you think I dare?"

Lin Mo shrugged, walked slowly to the bar, then chuckled and said:

"You can sit down and drink something and think about it slowly. For the sake of the [-] million, you can drink whatever you want, and there is no charge!"

"Even if you send the photo to Jiang Li, what good will it do you?"

Jiang Rong turned around and asked Lin Mo at the bar.


Lin Mo thought for a moment after hearing Jiang Rong's words, and then jokingly replied to her: "I don't need benefits, as long as I want, I can send the photos to Jiang Li anytime!"



"Ms. Jiang Rong, getting angry is not good for the skin, it's easy to wrinkle!"

Just when Jiang Rong was about to attack, Lin Mo interrupted her.

For a woman like Jiang Rong, who can still look like a girl at the age of 40, she should have spent a lot of effort on maintenance.

"Okay, one hundred million, I'll give it to you!"

Jiang Rong snorted coldly, not wanting to waste any more time, and directly agreed to Lin Mo's request.

One hundred million, although the amount is not small, but Jiang Rong still has the ability to get it.

The most important thing is to get the photos now!

As long as she gets the photo, it depends on whether Lin Mo is lucky enough to get the money!

An abandoned young man who still wants to fight her, simply does not know how to live or die!

Even if Lin Mo didn't leave the Lin family, she, Jiang Rong, wasn't afraid.

"Cheer up, here is a document, you sign it!"

Seeing that Jiang Rong agreed to his terms, Lin Mo smiled triumphantly, and took out a contract from the drawer of the bar as he spoke.

"what is this?"

Jiang Rong frowned suspiciously when she saw the contract in Lin Mo's hand.

"See for yourself."

Lin Mo didn't explain, and threw the contract to Jiang Rong casually.

When Jiang Rong got the contract, he immediately reviewed it. The more he looked down, the more gloomy Jiang Rong's face became.

"You want Jiang's shares?"

After reading the entire contract, Jiang Rong looked at Lin Mo with a cold face.

The content of the contract turned out to be a share transfer document.

Lin Mo actually wanted Jiang Rong's shares, which was far beyond her expectations!
"That's right, the above shares are just worth [-] million yuan, sign it!"

Lin Mo didn't hide it, and admitted that he just wanted the shares in Jiang Rong's hands. As for the [-] million, it was all a cover.

"You are dreaming!"

Jiang Rong threw the contract directly on the ground, and said to Lin Mo angrily:
"I won't sign this contract, stop wishful thinking!"

"Okay, then I'll send the photo to Jiang Li now!"

Seeing this, Lin Mo sneered, took out his phone and was about to send the photo to Jiang Li.

"Give me your phone!"

Jiang Rong snatched Lin Mo's cell phone, slammed it to the ground, and then stomped wildly with the heels of her high-heeled shoes.

And Lin Mo didn't change his expression, he just watched Jiang Rong completely destroy the phone.

"I have a backup of the photos!"

After a long time, after Jiang Rong was happy, Lin Mo spoke slowly.

"I know!"

Jiang Rong didn't show any shock, but just snorted coldly.

She is not a fool, so she naturally knows that Lin Mo must have a backup. If she had got the photos, she would have backed them up crazily. She just vented on her mobile phone.

She wished that what she stepped on was not the phone, but Lin Mo, so that she could relieve her hatred!
"I understand your behavior of throwing your phone to vent your anger just now, so let's talk about the conditions again now!"

Lin Mo finally spoke to Jiang Rong again at this time.

And Jiang Rong also saw through Lin Mo completely, and asked sarcastically, "What do you want?"

"Half of your shares in Jiang's Group!"

Lin Mo immediately stated his conditions, and looked at Jiang Rong quietly after speaking.

"You have such a big appetite!"

After Jiang Rong heard this, she looked at Lin Mo in shock, her eyes full of disbelief.

"It's okay, it's only half, at least I left half for you!"

Lin Mo said to Jiang Rong in a calm tone, and then took out another contract from the drawer of the bar.

"You have no choice. Only by signing this contract will Jiang Li not know the identity of your inner ghost!"

"Why should I believe that you won't send the photo to Jiang Li?"

Jiang Rong snatched the contract after listening to it, glanced at it roughly, and questioned Lin Mo.

"You can only trust me!"

Lin Mo also sneered, and watched Jiang Rong sign her name on the contract after speaking. Although she was unwilling, Lin Mo was now in the dominant position. If she didn't sign, the consequences would be very serious.

"You'd better keep your promise, or I'll die with you!"

After Jiang Rong signed the contract, she threw it back to Lin Mo and stopped asking for photos. After saying a threatening word, she was about to leave the milk tea shop.

"For the sake of the shares, let me advise you, you are also Jiang Li's aunt after all, so don't do things too badly!"

Just when Jiang Rong opened the door and was about to walk out of the milk tea shop, Lin Mo still spoke to her.

With Jiang Rong's extreme character, if she really doesn't care about family affection, Jiang Li, as the president of the group, will have a hard time guarding against her. Lin Mo doesn't want to spoil the situation too early, so he plans to make a deal with Jiang Rong.

"Take care of yourself!"

Jiang Rong turned around impatiently and said something back to Lin Mo.

After finishing speaking, she left the milk tea shop completely, and disappeared from Lin Mo's sight after a while.

"It's done!"

Looking at the share transfer document, Lin Mo smiled with satisfaction. In addition to Jiang Rong's half of the shares in Jiang's Group, he now owns 7.5% of Jiang's Group's individual shares.

He is now considered a major shareholder of the Jiang Group.

You must know that Jiang Li, as the successor of the group, only owns 36% of the shares, and Jiang Rong, as a direct descendant, only owns 5%.

As an outsider, Lin Mo owns 7.5% of the shares.

If Jiang Li knew about this, he would definitely chop himself with a knife and ask him to hand over the shares.

Although this is just Lin Mo's own imagination, with Jiang Li's character, maybe he can really do such a thing.

Ding Dong!

Trigger the story mission!

Revenge from Jiang Rong, please the host successfully get out of trouble, and revenge Jiang Rong with an eye for an eye!
Completion Reward: Tai Chi.

"This woman, dare to take revenge on me?"

After hearing the task reminder from the system, Lin Mo froze for a moment.

He never thought that Jiang Rong, a woman, was really so bold, she dared to take revenge on herself even though she knew she had a photo in her hand.

If it wasn't for systematic reminders, he would never have thought that Jiang Rong would be so fearless.

Maybe this is Chengfushen. First, he deliberately signed the contract to let Lin Mo relax his vigilance, and then made a move, which caught him off guard.

(End of this chapter)

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