Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 20 020 Psychopath Jiang Rong?

Chapter 20 020 Psychopath Jiang Rong?

As long as Jiang Rong really dares to send someone to take revenge, Lin Mo will let her know what it means to bear the consequences.


At night, in the starry night sky, the bright moonlight was covered by a burst of dark clouds.

In the silent night, there is a trace of loneliness.

35 Chengxi Street.

Locking the door of the milk tea shop, Lin Mo turned and left towards the street leading to the main road.

Inadvertently, several figures appeared behind Lin Mo, following Lin Mo furtively.

"Are you coming?"

Lin Mo, who heard the movement, immediately discovered the existence of those people, but he didn't make any noise, and still pretended to be walking on the street as if nothing had happened.

Don't think about it, those sneaky people who followed him must have been sent by Jiang Rong.

It's just that Jiang Rong is too low, it's really beyond her control for such a thing to want to take revenge on him.

Anyway, Lin Mo is now considered a master of martial arts. With Bajiquan, he can instantly burst out with enough power to penetrate an iron plate.

According to the setting of the novel, Lin Mo's kung fu belongs to the Ming Jin stage, which is at the same level as Ye Yan.

However, Ye Yan was at the peak of Ming Jin, with half a foot in Dark Jin, while he was still at the early stage of Ming Jin.

Even so, against ordinary people, a dozen or so can't get close to Lin Mo's body. This is the insurmountable gap between ordinary people and warriors.

Although Lin Mo is not yet sure whether the opponent is a warrior, but judging from the opponent's clumsy tracking skills, he is definitely not a master.

At least for Lin Mo, it is not a difficult opponent.

"Boss, there is no one in front, do you want to do it?"

The few people who followed saw the narrow and deserted alley in front of them and planned to do it.

"Okay, after being knocked out, tie him back and let Brother Bin deal with it!"

Seeing that the opportunity was not lost, the leader picked up a thick and long wooden stick and hit Lin Mo's back hard.


With a loud bang, Lin Mo turned to look at the other party with a painful expression, and then fell straight to the ground, losing consciousness.

"Hurry up, tie it back and hand it to Brother Bin!"

Seeing that Lin Mo had passed out completely, several people tiptoedly carried him into a Liuling Hongguang van.

Then he drove towards an abandoned factory in the suburbs.


In an abandoned factory.

Jiang Rong waited quietly for the arrival of the van. There were several men standing beside her, all wearing black suits and sunglasses.

"Sister Rong, Erdan Li and the others are back!"

Not long after, a man stepped forward and said respectfully to Jiang Rong.

"Did anyone bring it back?"

Jiang Rong asked coldly after hearing what the man said.

"I brought it back, but I'm still in a coma." The man nodded and whispered back to Jiang Rong.

"Tie people up and wake them up with water!"

Jiang Rong then gave instructions to the man, and then waved her finger to signal the man to leave.


"Brother Bin, someone brought it back!"

After bringing Lin Mo into the factory, Li Erdan approached the man fawningly and said to the man just now.

"Okay, it's none of your business here, take the money and leave!"

The man nodded, took out a wad of cash from his pocket, and threw it to Erdan Li.

"Thank you Bin, let's go first!"

After getting the money, Li Erdan thanked the man happily, then returned to the van with a few of his subordinates and drove away.

"Tie him to the chair!"

After Li Erdan and the others left, the man gave orders to the subordinates behind him.

"Yes, Brother Bin!"

Then several men started to tie Lin Mo to the prepared chair.


After tying it up, the man took a basin of cold water and poured it on Lin Mo's body.

"Cough cough..."

"Who are you?"

After being poured with cold water, Lin Mo woke up rashly, and looked at the people in front of him in surprise and panic.

"It doesn't matter who we are, the important thing is that you have offended someone you shouldn't!"

The man didn't answer Lin Mo's words, but looked at Lin Mo indifferently and said.

"Are you from Jiang Rong?"

After Lin Mo heard the man's words, his expression returned to calm and he said something.

"Lin Mo, we meet again!"

Before the man answered, Jiang Rong slowly walked out from behind Lin Mo.

"It's really you!"

Seeing Jiang Rong walking out in a narrow skirt and high heels, Lin Mo raised his mouth inadvertently, and looked at her playfully.

"What about me?"

Jiang Rong snorted disdainfully, and looked at Lin Mo with hatred.

"If you dare to play yin, you are not afraid that I will give Jiang Li the photo?"

Lin Mo then shook his head and said to Jiang Rong.

Grandma, that Li Erdan just now was really ruthless. Even though Lin Mo was prepared, he still suffered a little injury.

After all, he resisted the opponent for a while, and an ordinary person would have died at this time.

I really don't know where Jiang Rong found such an unprofessional person.

"Do you think you still have a chance to get out of this factory?"

Jiang Rong sneered after hearing Lin Mo's words.

"What do you mean?"

Lin Mo frowned slightly, hearing Jiang Rong's tone of voice, it seemed that he didn't intend to keep him alive.

"It's exactly what you think!"

Jiang Rong then pinched Lin Mo's chin with her hands, and said with half-closed eyes haughtily.

She wants to torture Lin Mo well, and then leave Lin Mo in this abandoned factory to fend for herself.

In a few days, Lin Mo will die from lack of water and food.

"You want to kill me!"

Lin Mo also unabashedly expressed Jiang Rong's thoughts.

"That's right, but don't worry, I won't kill you so easily before I lose interest in you!"

Jiang Rong raised the corners of her mouth frivolously, and pinched Lin Mo's neck with her hands as she spoke, but she didn't use any force.

Then he approached Lin Mo's ear, exhaled slowly and said, "How do you think I will torture you?"

"Can not guess."

Lin Mo pouted and replied to Jiang Rong.

Unexpectedly, this old woman looks noble, but she is so perverted in her heart, and she also likes to play SM.

Seeing this posture, don't you have a red candle and a small leather whip?
"Hmph, you'll find out soon!"

Jiang Rong sneered, let go of Lin Mo after speaking, then went to the table behind him and picked up a pair of pliers.

"Guess again, which finger of yours will I pinch off first?"

Back by Lin Mo's side, Jiang Rong's expression was so excited that she was a little crazy, and she completely lost the temperament that a noble and beautiful woman should have.

"Old woman, don't you have a psychopath?"

The corner of Lin Mo's mouth twitched a few times, and he said something to Jiang Rong.


"Oh, so what!"

When Jiang Rong heard Lin Mo's words, she didn't show any anger, and directly admitted it openly.

But Lin Mo was stunned when Jiang Rong admitted.

Good guy, he just said it casually, but he didn't expect Jiang Rong, an old woman, to be really perverted.

No wonder I'm still alone at the age of 40, so it's not surprising.

(End of this chapter)

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