Chapter 21 021 Break Free!

"Old woman, give me a try!" Lin Mo immediately shouted to Jiang Rong:
"Did you really think I would be so stupid that I wouldn't take any precautions against you?"

"As long as I don't return home safely within 24 hours, Jiang Li's mailbox will receive the photo on time!"

When Jiang Rong heard Lin Mo's words, her complexion suddenly darkened, she threw away the vise in her hand, and grabbed Lin Mo's hair: "Why should I trust you?"

"Believe it or not, you can take a gamble!" Lin Mo replied to Jiang Rong with a sneer.

If he didn't want to play with Jiang Rong, he would have broken the hemp rope on his body long ago, and this old woman dared to grab his hair to make her look good later.

Originally, Lin Mo was quite resistant to doing anything to a woman, but when he thought that the other party was Jiang Rong, he was fine, and all the guilt disappeared.

See how this pervert will torture her in the future!
"Sister Rong, don't believe him, this kid must be saying that on purpose."

Seeing this, the man on the side quickly reminded Jiang Rong.

He didn't believe that Lin Mo was really so powerful that he could be counted as complete, even Jiang Rong would be able to kidnap him tonight and make preparations in advance.

"Yes, I'm lying to you on purpose, go ahead!"

Lin Mo just glanced at the man calmly, and then freely admitted to Jiang Rong that he was lying to her.

The more Lin Mo was like this, the less likely Jiang Rong would touch him. As long as it was not confirmed whether Jiang Li would receive the photo in 24 hours, he was safe.

"I'll give you a chance, open the mailbox, and I'll let you go back!"

Jiang Rong took out her mobile phone to make a deal with Lin Mo.

"Do you think I'm a three-year-old kid who believes in such nonsense!"

After hearing this, Lin Mo rolled his eyes at Jiang Rong speechlessly.

This kind of words that even a three-year-old child can recognize in a second is a lie. How on earth can Jiang Rong tell Lin Mo that he really treats him as a child?
"Open it for me!"

Jiang Rong then lost her patience and slapped Lin Mo directly, then grabbed the clothes on Lin Mo's chest tightly, and said in a threatening tone:

"If you don't open your email, I'll make you undress and post your nude photos online!"

"Okay, come here, I will tell you the password of the mailbox!"

Lin Mo spat out a mouthful of saliva, then smiled and beckoned to Jiang Rong.

"You'd better not play tricks!"

After Jiang Rong finished speaking, she approached Lin Mo, but the next second her eyes widened in pain, and she slapped Lin Mo frantically with both hands.

"Quick, pry open that kid's mouth, dare to bite Sister Rong, I really don't know what to do!"

The man behind him gave orders to his opponent who was shocked when he saw this.

Then several people surrounded Lin Mo, ready to pry Lin Mo's mouth open.

Just when the man was about to strike, Lin Mo let go of Jiang Rong, and then broke the hemp rope with all his strength.

"No, this kid is not simple!"

The man was stunned, and when he realized it, he frowned and looked at Lin Mo.

"Kill him for me!"

But Jiang Rong couldn't restrain the anger in her heart any longer, she yelled at the man, and looked at Lin Mo with hatred.

There is still Lin Mo's saliva on her ears. She suffers from deep cleanliness, and she can't wait to tear Lin Mo into pieces right now.


After the man heard Jiang Rong's words, he immediately ordered a few of his men to do it. Although he realized that Lin Mo might not be easy, but there were so many of them.

Even if Lin Mo is a Lianjiazi, there is only one person after calculation, but they add up to four or five, and they have weapons.

"Hmph, let's go together!"

Lin Mo glanced at them dismissively, not paying attention to them at all.

His target was Jiang Rong who was behind them!
Doesn't this woman like to play strange tunes, Lin Mo will satisfy her later!
"Come on, kill him!"

The man rushed towards Lin Mo wearing the knuckles, but Lin Mo dodged sideways as soon as he started.

"Stay on the mountain!"

Dodging the man's attack, Lin Mo used a move in Bajiquan, and immediately saw the man flying.

This scene only happened within four or five seconds. Before the others could react, the man fell to the ground.

"Ah Bin, get up!"

Jiang Rong urged the man's name, but the man still didn't respond, as if he passed out.

"Don't worry, it will be yours soon!"

Lin Mo said to Jiang Rong with a sneer, and then knocked down the rest of them to the ground.


Seeing this, Jiang Rong looked at Lin Mo in horror. After realizing that she was in danger, she quickly turned around and was about to run away.

"Run quickly, you will be finished if I catch you!"

Lin Mo was not in a hurry, he just stood on the spot and smoked a cigarette, quietly watching Jiang Rong run out of the factory.

There are no people in this ghostly place for more than ten miles, and Lin Mo is not afraid that Jiang Rong will run away.


Before Lin Mo could catch up with Jiang Rong, she tripped over a stone and fell heavily to the ground because she didn't look at the road.

"need any help?"

Seeing that Jiang Rong lost the ability to escape, Lin Mo walked leisurely to her side, knelt down and looked at her and said.

"Go away, don't touch me!"

Jiang Rong quickly waved her hands and kept moving her body, trying to stay away from Lin Mo.

But Lin Mo didn't give her this chance, picked her up and walked out of the factory.

"Bastard, let me go!"

Jiang Rong struggled and twisted her body, patting Lin Mo non-stop.

"If you move again, I will take off your clothes and post them on the Internet!"

Lin Mo then coldly threatened to treat him in his own way.

Sure enough, when Jiang Rong heard these words, her struggling body suddenly stopped, but her eyes were still staring at Lin Mo with resentment.

"Where are you taking me?"

After calming down, Jiang Rong returned to her old lady image, and asked Lin Mo coldly.

"go home!"

Lin Mo didn't go around in circles either. After speaking, he got into Jiang Rong's car and drove towards the city.


By the sea, the lighthouse looks into the distance.

The cruise ship honked on the waves and did not dock.

Lin Mo drove the woman Jiang Rong back to his villa.

"You are kidnapping!"


Jiang Rong, who was tied to the dining table and chair, said to Lin Mo with a sneer.

"Now that you think of it as kidnapping, why didn't you think it was a crime just now?"

Lin Mo curled his lips and replied to Jiang Rong.

"I can not understand what you say!"

Jiang Rong blinked, and looked at Lin Mo with an innocent expression of not knowing anything.

If it wasn't for Lin Mo who was the person involved, she was really deceived by Jiang Rong's appearance. I didn't expect this old woman to be an actress, no wonder she was able to hide so deeply.

"I'll just watch you perform quietly!"

Lin Mo smiled contemptuously, and ignored Jiang Rong. After speaking, he turned around and went to the bathroom to take a shower.


(End of this chapter)

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