Chapter 181 Chapter 181

"What do you say?"

Chen Xinyu didn't answer Lin Mo's question seriously, but raised the corner of his mouth slightly and asked him rhetorically.

"You really agree with me to get Bai Xue back?" Lin Mo was obviously a little surprised, he didn't expect Chen Xinyu to be so generous.

"I don't agree."

Chen Xinyu curled her lips, dissatisfied with Lin Mo's excited look.

"You just said"

"say what?"

Chen Xinyu's eyes widened, making Lin Mo shut up what he wanted to say next. Sure enough, creatures like women still couldn't believe it.

What you say in the last second, you may change your mind in the next second. The speed is comparable to a rocket, or even faster than a rocket.

"It's nothing."

Lin Mo shook his head in a lack of interest, and stopped talking to Chen Xinyu about retrieving Baixue. Such things as fishing and law enforcement are not uncommon.

"Fool, do you really not want to go to Bai Xue?" Seeing that Lin Mo kept silent about this matter again, Chen Xinyu took the initiative to ask him again.


Lin Mo looked at Chen Xinyu speechlessly, and said in a bad tone: "I won't look for her anymore, and I won't look for her if I kill her?"


After hearing Lin Mo's answer, Chen Xinyu was slightly taken aback. Knowing that Lin Mo might be really angry, her tone softened: "Go and get Bai Xue back, I have no objection."

"How do I know if what you said is true or not?" Lin Mo sighed helplessly in his heart, and he really couldn't do anything wrong, otherwise he would be easily caught by others.


Chen Xinyu did not give any explanation for this, but directly asked Lin Mo to go to Bai Xue, which was more convincing than any explanation.

"real or fake?"

Lin Mo was stunned, and looked at Chen Xinyu with an unbelievable look. She was really willing to let herself find Bai Xue back?
The answer is obvious. I have to say that Chen Xinyu still deeply understands Lin Mo's thoughts, and said in a calm tone: "Hurry up, or you won't be able to find them when they go far away."

"It shouldn't be."

Lin Mo smiled awkwardly, seeing that Chen Xinyu was serious, he stopped procrastinating, and immediately went out to find Bai Xue back.

"Stay at home and wait for me to come back."

After finishing speaking, he rushed out of the door, intending to go to the beach to find Baixue.


Looking at the beach and the endless sea, it is not difficult to find someone, but if you want to find someone, it is no different from finding a needle in a haystack.

Of course, Bai Xue's characteristic is still very obvious, that is, she is extremely beautiful, and she must be the most eye-catching one among the crowd.

But looking at all kinds of passers-by on the beach, but Bai Xue was not seen, Lin Mo panicked at this moment.

She wouldn't really choose to leave, right? When this thought popped out of Lin Mo's mind, her whole body lost most of her mood instantly.

The two have lived together for some days, and the sudden parting is more sad than imagined.

"It shouldn't be that serious."

Lin Mo took a deep breath, and decided to continue looking for Bai Xue. Maybe she was in a corner where there was no one, watching the distance by herself quietly, and listening to the sea breeze, she might not be sure.

The reality is cruel, and sometimes it is crueler than imagined. Even if you visit the whole beach, you can't find Baixue.

With Bai Xue's character, she rarely went to other places except for looking into the distance on the beach. Either she deliberately avoided seeing Lin Mo, or she really left.

The sky gradually darkened, and the sunset glow presented a different scene by the seaside, but it quickly disappeared as time went by.

Without any clue, Lin Mo could only search all the places where Baixue might go, but he was still disappointed, there was no trace of her in those places.

Maybe she really left, or maybe she didn't want to see Lin Mo. With her cultivation base, if she really wanted to hide from Lin Mo, it would be easy.

"Little Fox!"

Lin Mo gave a weak voice to the sea.

Hope and disappointment are often not directly proportional. Sometimes the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

"Did he leave after all?"

There was no response, Lin Mo understood it very clearly, and he could only sigh silently when he was disappointed.

"Then what are you doing shouting at my slave?"

On a reef in the distance, Bai Xue was lying comfortably on it, her feet bare.

"Little Fox!"

After hearing Bai Xue's voice, Lin Mo looked back at the reef overjoyed.


Bai Xue shook her feet, and teased Lin Mo with her mouth slightly raised: "Sir, don't you need to accompany Miss, why do you keep looking for slaves?"

"When were you here?"

Lin Mo didn't answer her question, but asked curiously, the reef in front of her didn't look strange.

"The slave family has always been here."

Bai Xue replied to Lin Mo pretending to be thinking, then curled her lips and said: "I saw that the young master seemed to be looking for something seriously, so I didn't bother."


"Don't you know what I'm looking for?" After hearing Bai Xue's answer, Lin Mo immediately rolled his eyes at her angrily.

"I really don't know."

Bai Xue blinked, and replied with a smile, and at the same time stood up from the reef and faced the direction of the sea.

The sea breeze blew her clothes and danced like a fairy.

"Go home."

Lin Mo spoke to her at this moment.

"go home?"

Bai Xue shrugged, and asked Lin Mo meaningfully: "Miss, don't you want to see the servant's house, and you are not afraid of making her angry?"

"I'll explain this to you when I go back." Lin Mo said to Bai Xue immediately.

"not going back."

Bai Xue also shook her head directly, and refused to go back with Lin Mo.

"Why don't you want to go back?" Lin Mo frowned and asked Bai Xue why.

"I don't want to be a vixen who breaks up other people's feelings." Bai Xue thought about it carefully, and then told Lin Mo her reasons.

"you sure?"

After listening to Bai Xue's explanation, Lin Mo was basically speechless. That's not what she said at the beginning, besides, why are you so moral, a vixen?
"Of course, although the slave family likes the young master, they don't want to break up the relationship between the young master and the young lady. Besides, the young lady already has a child." Bai Xue nodded and said.

Judging from the current performance, what she said didn't seem to be just talking, it seemed that she was planning to come to the truth.

"Go back and explain to you first, Xiao Yu seems to accept you." Lin Mo said to her immediately.

"Miss can accept the slave family?"

After listening to Lin Mo's words, Bai Xue was also stunned, with a bit of disbelief in her eyes.


Lin Mo nodded, then took a deep breath and said, "You get down from the top first, and we'll talk about other things when we go back."

"it is good."

Bai Xue didn't hesitate anymore this time, she jumped off the rock like a fairy dancing in the wind.


To be continued
(End of this chapter)

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