Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 182 182 One False Alarm?

Chapter 182 182 A False Alarm?
"My lord, is the lady really willing to let my family go back?" Bai Xue landed firmly in front of Lin Mo, she still seemed a little unconvinced that Chen Xinyu really agreed to let her go back.


Lin Mo nodded. Even so, although he was surprised, Chen Xinyu did agree to let Bai Xue go back.

"It really surprised the servants."

The corner of Bai Xue's mouth twitched slightly. She still remembered that not long ago Chen Xinyu threw herself into Lin Mo's arms and said that she didn't want to see her, but now she accepted her.

"Let's go back."

Lin Mo didn't say much, and planned to go back to the villa with Bai Xue. Chen Xinyu promised to let Bai Xue come back, so she had her reasons.


Bai Xue nodded, and followed Lin Mo back to the villa, naturally curious about Chen Xinyu's thoughts.

"Light rain?"

When the two returned to the villa.

The room was empty, and Chen Xinyu was not seen, which made Lin Mo frowned and began to look around.

"My lord, there seems to be something wrong." Sensing something at this moment, Bai Xue also frowned and said.

"what happened?"

Lin Mo returned to Bai Xue's side and asked with a very puzzled expression on his face.

"It's demonic."

Bai Xue said with a serious face.

As a member of the fox demon family, she is more sensitive to evil spirits than ordinary people, and Chang Qing would not have asked her to help find the tree demon's location if she hadn't let it last time.


After hearing Bai Xue's answer, Lin Mo's heart began to tense. Chen Xinyu is just an ordinary person. If he really encounters a monster, it may be more or less a disaster.

"Can you know what kind of evil spirit is left by the monster?" Lin Mo asked immediately.

"The demonic aura is very weak, there are only two possibilities, the cultivation level is extremely high, and it can well hide the remaining demonic aura on your body."

"Either you've just started training." Bai Xue said.

"I'm asking if you can judge the type of monster, not about your monster's strength." Lin Mo said to Bai Xue a little speechlessly.

"What's the rush? Judging from the current demonic aura, it should be a cat demon." Bai Xue curled her lips, dissatisfied with Lin Mo's attitude towards her.

"Cat demon?"

After hearing Bai Xue's answer, Lin Mo was taken aback again. The term cat demon seemed familiar, and the second boss in the novel was exactly a cat demon.

In the novel, anyone who is bewitched by the cat demon, or who is scratched and bitten will become its kind, and the speed of infecting the same kind is extremely strong, giving it the smell of foreign zombies.

"Can you find the location of the cat demon?"

Lin Mo couldn't help but began to worry. If the monster who captured Chen Xinyu was really the cat monster, the consequences would be disastrous.

"It's possible, but it's a little difficult. You better be mentally prepared." Bai Xue nodded and reminded Lin Mo at the same time.


Lin Mo responded, but he was quickly recalling the plot in his mind. The place where the cat demon first appeared should be in an alley in the city. How could it suddenly approach the sea.

"follow me."

Bai Xue took Lin Mo out of the villa while sniffing the evil spirit with her nose.

The two quickly followed the evil spirit reserved by the cat demon, and came to a deserted alley, and it was Chen Xinyu in front of them.

"Light rain."

When Lin Mo saw Chen Xinyu, he immediately called out to her.

"Mr. Lin, how did you find this?"

Chen Xinyu looked at Lin Mo in surprise, and then looked at Bai Xue beside her, and at her feet lay a sleeping raccoon cat.

"Xiao Yu, you come here first."

Lin Mo beckoned to Chen Xinyu at this time, wanting Chen Xinyu to approach him first, keeping his eyes on the raccoon cat at the same time.

"what happened?"

Chen Xinyu looked at Lin Mo in confusion, then touched Lihuamao's head, and returned to Lin Mo's side.

"Miss, do you really agree with me returning to the young master?" Bai Xue suddenly interrupted and asked Chen Xinyu.

"Well, I know what it's like to like someone, and I'll feel guilty if you break up like this." Chen Xinyu nodded, and Lin Mo was a little surprised that her words were true.

But it seems reasonable, Chen Xinyu is such a girl who always likes to think for others.

"Xiaoyu, why did you come here from home? What happened to that cat?" Lin Mo asked Chen Xinyu frowning.

"You said Little Mia, it's strange to say, I haven't seen it for a long time, I don't know why it suddenly appeared at home." Chen Xinyu also looked at Lihuamao very strangely.

"You know it?"

After listening to Chen Xinyu's words, Lin Mo's expression looked a little weird. Judging from the current performance of Lihuamao, it is not sure whether it is the boss in the novel.


Chen Xinyu nodded, looked back at the raccoon cat and explained to Lin Mo: "Do you still remember grandpa's house? Xiao Mi used to be a cat raised by grandpa."

"Why didn't I see it when I went there before?" Lin Mo was stunned. It's not that he didn't go to Chen Guoxiong's house with Chen Xinyu, but he didn't see the cat at that time.

"Of course you can't see it. Xiaomi ran away as early as three years ago, and I was still sad for a while." Chen Xinyu explained.

"By the way, Mr. Lin, how did you and Bai Xue find this place?" Chen Xinyu looked at Lin Mo curiously and asked.

"Have you forgotten my ability?"

Lin Mo smiled, and was relieved when Chen Xinyu said that he knew the raccoon cat in front of him.


When Chen Xinyu heard this, he suddenly realized, and his tone was a bit jealous: "I really envy you and Bai Xue, who can fly to the sky and do anything."

"If you want to learn, I can teach you to practice." Lin Mo replied with a faint smile. He had thought about this idea a long time ago, but he never found a suitable opportunity.


Chen Xinyu looked at Lin Mo in surprise.

"Well, of course it's true."

Lin Mo nodded, but his eyes fell on the raccoon cat again, and Bai Xue kept looking at the raccoon cat.

Li Huamao, who was still in a doze, opened his eyes and immediately entered a state of alert to look at him and Bai Xue, but when facing Chen Xinyu, his attitude was much more relaxed.

"Xiao Mi is good, Mr. Lin and Bai Xue are not bad people." Chen Xinyu took the initiative to pick up the raccoon cat at this time, and stroked it gently to comfort it.

"My lord, this cat seems a little unusual." Bai Xue said to Lin Mo through sound transmission.


Lin Mo nodded, and also saw the unusualness of the raccoon cat in front of him. Its sudden appearance was really incredible.

But as long as there is no malice towards Chen Xinyu, it's just a false alarm.

"Mr. Lin, I want to take Xiaomi back, can I?" Chen Xinyu looked at Lin Mo and asked.

"Well, okay."

Lin Mo nodded and said no problem.

Although I haven't figured out the intentions of the raccoon cat in front of me, it seems that it doesn't have any malice towards Chen Xinyu.


To be continued
(End of this chapter)

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