Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 183 Chapter 183 Abnormal

Chapter 183 Chapter 183 Abnormal

The raccoon cat in Chen Xinyu's arms let out a cry, and then quickly jumped to the ground.

"Xiao Mi, where are you going?"

Chen Xinyu was in a hurry and wanted to catch up with the raccoon cat, but unfortunately it was impossible with her speed, the raccoon cat disappeared from the sight of several people in the blink of an eye.

"Xiaoyu, it seems that it doesn't want to go back with us, let's forget it." Lin Mo comforted Chen Xinyu after seeing it.


Chen Xinyu had no choice but to nod helplessly, looking at the raccoon cat that had disappeared, feeling a little disappointed and sad.


"Don't be sad, it doesn't want to go back with us, maybe it has its own reasons." Bai Xue also comforted Chen Xinyu at this time.

"Well, let's go back."

Chen Xinyu nodded, and after glancing at Bai Xue and Lin Mo in front of him, he took the initiative to walk out of this narrow alley first.

"Let's go."

Lin Mo then signaled to Bai Xue.

The three of them soon returned to the seaside villa together, perhaps because Xiao Mi left again, even though Chen Xinyu returned home, she was still in a gloomy mood.

"Xiao Yu, I'm still thinking about Xiaomi." Lin Mo sat beside Chen Xinyu, ready to comfort her.


Chen Xinyu nodded, and didn't answer too much, but simply responded softly, which was quite different from her usual time.

"Mr. Lin, I'm a little tired today. I want to go to rest first. You can talk to Bai Xue." Chen Xinyu suddenly said to Lin Mo again.

Lin Mo and Bai Xue were both taken aback by her words. Before they could react, they saw Chen Xinyu dragging his tired body into the bedroom.

After watching Chen Xinyu return to the bedroom to rest, Lin Mo and Bai Xue looked at each other.

"See what's wrong?"

Lin Mo asked Bai Xue with a stern face, Chen Xinyu's abnormal behavior should not make people suspect that something is wrong with her.

"Not yet, Miss doesn't smell a monster." Bai Xue also frowned and shook her head. Chen Xinyu didn't have a monster, which meant that she couldn't be possessed by a monster.

"Where's the raccoon cat?"

Lin Mo turned to Bai Xue and asked.

"The demonic aura is very weak. It should be a spirit that has just entered the body. It's not a big threat." After thinking carefully for a while, Bai Xue said her thoughts to Lin Mo.

"You are watching Xiao Yu for my house, I'll go out for a while." Lin Mo said to Bai Xue immediately.

"Young master, you plan to go"

Bai Xue was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Lin Mo in surprise.

"Well, I'll look for that raccoon cat." Lin Mo nodded, and planned to go out after speaking.

"Young master, be careful."

Bai Xue got up and reminded Lin Mo.

"Well, take care of Xiao Yu."


After leaving the villa.

Lin Mo came to the previous alley according to the previous route. Although he was not as sensitive to the evil spirit as Bai Xue, he could clearly feel an unusual breath.

"Come out, I know you're around."

Lin Mo didn't plan to play hide-and-seek tricks with that raccoon cat either. Since it has already entered the body, it can naturally understand human language.


Soon, a pair of faint blue eyes appeared at the entrance of the dark alley, which seemed to be haunting.

"Orange cat?"

When Lin Mo fully saw the appearance of the cat.

He was stunned for a moment, the cat in front of him was not the raccoon cat in the afternoon, but a huge orange cat.



Behind the orange cat, several pairs of blue eyes appeared one after another.

Soon several other cats of different sizes and breeds appeared, but the raccoon cat without afternoon was the only one.


"You should all go back, the cats I'm looking for are not you." Lin Mo said in embarrassment, but it seemed that the little guys in front of him didn't listen to him at all, and they all grinned aggressively.


The leader, Daju, was lying on the ground, waiting for Lin Mo with a pair of blue eyes, and jumped up in the next second, and rushed towards Lin Mo.

"Want to start?"

Lin Mo sideways avoided Daju, and then summoned the Qianjun Sword with a sneer at the corner of his mouth



There were screams in the alley, and it was impossible for Lin Mo to make those screams.

"Boss, boss, I was wrong!"

At this time, Daju crouched in the corner timidly, magically uttering words to Lin acquiescence.

"Meow woo woo woo~"

The cats next to him were basically admitting their mistakes, but they were not like Daju, they could talk, they still meowed.

"You still talk?"

Lin Mo naturally didn't expect Daju to be able to speak, and looked at it quite unexpectedly.

"That is required."

Daju grinned and said.

"How long have you been practicing?" Lin Mo then asked it the training time.

"Uh, can you not say it?"

Daju asked Lin Mo tentatively.

"Okay, I'll pull out your beard one by one if you don't say anything." Lin Mo nodded with a smile, but his smile was no different from a demon in Daju's eyes.

"No, Boss, let me tell you, I said it's not enough." Daju shook his paw quickly, and then said with a bitter face: "I have practiced for half a year, and I just got into it."

Entering the Aperture is the state of the animal's cultivation that has just entered the stage of cultivation, just like building a foundation.

"Learn to speak after half a year of practice?" Lin Mo looked at Daju in disbelief, knowing that it is very difficult for animals to practice.

"This... I am very talented." Daju replied with a flattering smile.


"Let me see if your beards are as talented as you, and you can't even pull them out."

Lin Mo chuckled, and then he stopped smiling and was about to pluck Daju's beard. The other kittens watched shiveringly, their tails standing on end.

"Boss, I really only practiced for half a year, but" Daju hurriedly said with his paws in front of his beard.

"Just what?"

Lin Mo looked at it coldly and asked, he hates people who say half a sentence, including the orange cat.

"I can't say, it will kill me if I say it." Daju said to Lin Mo with horror in his eyes.

"If you don't tell me, I'll kill you now."

With a flash of the Qianjun Sword in Lin Mo's hand, one of the orange cat's beard fell to the ground, even with its paws protecting it, it was useless.


Daju, including the other cats, was terribly frightened, and the hair on his body seemed to have been shocked by an electric shock.

"Boss, I really can't say it. If you knew it existed, you would be belching too." Daju looked at Lin Mo in embarrassment.

call out!
A few more beards fell to the ground, and Daju was completely frightened. He grinned and said, "It's the cat queen. She taught us how to practice and helped us get enlightened."

After speaking, Daju trembled.

"Queen of cats?"

When Lin Mo heard this word, his brows frowned slightly, wondering if the cat queen Daju was talking about was the cat demon in the novel.

"Boss, the cat queen is very scary. Don't provoke it. Get out of this city quickly, or you won't be in a hurry." Daju said to Lin Mo again at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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