Chapter 184 184 Shocked
"What do you mean?"

Hearing Daju's words, Lin Mo's expression obviously became serious.

Judging from the meaning of its words, the cat queen should be the cat demon in the novel.

"Boss, don't embarrass me. If the queen knows that I have told you so much, I will definitely die." Daju looked at Lin Mo with a embarrassed face and said.

"Stop rambling, hurry up and talk." Lin Mo didn't talk nonsense to Daju, and the cold light of Qianjun Sword flashed.

"Boss, the cat queen intends to turn this city into its territory, and the reason for teaching us to practice is to let us assist it."

Daju looked at Lin Mo in fear and said.

"Any more?"

Lin Mo asked again after listening to Daju's words.

"Without the boss, that's all the cat queen's plan, I've said it all." Daju shook his head.

"How many cats did it teach in total?"

"Most of the cats in the city have accepted gifts from the Queen of Cats." Daju replied.

"Do you know a raccoon cat?"

Lin Mo stopped asking about the cat queen, and instead asked Daju about Xiaomi.

"Uh, yes."

"But which one are you talking about, boss?"

Daju nodded, and asked Lin Mo with an embarrassed expression.

"It's called Xiaomi, do you recognize it?"

Lin Mo immediately told Daju the name of the cihuamao.

"Xiao Mi?"

Daju froze for a moment, looking up at the sky with his elliptical head at ninety degrees, as if he was thinking.

"Do you know him or not?" Lin Mo didn't have the time to waste time with Daju in front of him.

"I know, the little cat you mentioned, boss, should be the mother cat." Daju immediately lowered his head and said to Lin Mo.

"Mama cat?"

Hearing Daju's answer, Lin Mo frowned slightly, a little puzzled.

"Yes, that should be it."

Daju nodded, leaned forward and said to Lin Mo, "Boss, if you want to find it, I can take you there."

Lin Mo: "Do you know where it is?"

Daju: "Yes, I've seen it before."

Lin Mo: "OK, take me to find it."

Daju: "No problem, but if the boss can find it, let us go."

Lin Mo: "You still dare to negotiate terms with me?"

Big Orange: "."

The few remaining cats shrank together, crying like babies.

"Shut up."

Lin Mo was a little annoyed, and said in shock to these kittens.

"Boss, bypass us." Daju begged him, and the rest of the kittens also begged for mercy.

"Okay, take me to find that raccoon cat and I'll spare you." Lin Mo couldn't stand the eyes of these cats, so he nodded.

"Long live the boss, come with me."

Daju was overjoyed, walked to Lin Mo's feet and rubbed it, then ran to the depths of the alley.

Following Daju, one person and several cats came to an underground passage, the passage was pitch black, but the eyes of Daju and those kittens radiated a different blue light.


Daju yelled into the passage.


Deep in the passage, there was a quick response, and the raccoon cat appeared in front of Lin Mo with strides.

"Boss, is that what you're looking for?"

Daju glanced at Cihuamao, then looked at Lin Mo and asked.

"Well, that's it."

After seeing the appearance of the cihuamao clearly, Lin Mo nodded, and the cihuamao in front of him was the little one Chen Xinyu was talking about.


Xiaomi looked at Daju, then looked at Lin Mo and yelled loudly.

"What is it talking about?" Lin Mo asked Daju with a slight frown.

"Boss, it said why there are humans." Daju translated for Lin Mo awkwardly.

"Tell it that I don't have any malice." Lin Mo said after listening to Daju's explanation.

"no problem."

Daju nodded, then yelled at Xiaomi twice.


After hearing Daju's words, Xiaomi glanced at Lin Mo again, grinning with her teeth bared.

"What does it say?"

Lin Mo looked at Daju suspiciously.

"It said that it doesn't believe in humans." Daju explained to Lin Mo in embarrassment, no wonder he bared his teeth at Lin Mo just now.

"I'm Xiao Yu's friend." Lin Mo tentatively said to Xiaomi.


"Boss, it says it knows, but it still doesn't believe you, so it tells you to leave quickly." As a qualified translator, Daju explained to Lin Mo the meaning of Xiao Mi's words.

"Did it encounter any difficulties?" Lin Mo frowned and asked Daju.


Daju was stunned, not knowing how to answer Lin Mo's question.

"Say it."

Lin Mo didn't have time to guess riddles with Daju, and scolded it.

"It has several children, but it's about to die now." Daju hesitated for a moment and said to Lin Mo.

"Why can't it work?"

"Because of human children, take its children to play." Daju immediately told Lin Mo the whole story, so it's no wonder Xiao Mi was so wary of Lin Mo.

"Where's its child?"

After listening to Daju's explanation, Lin Mo was not feeling well either.


At this moment, there were a few weak calls from behind Xiao Mi, and then a few kittens poked their heads out and ran to Xiao Mi's side.

Some kittens lack hair, and some have half of their tails missing. They look sick and lack the liveliness they should have.

"Is this all done by humans?"

When Lin Mo saw the appearance of the little milk cat, he was shocked. Only now did he understand why Xiao Mi was so wary of him.

Even if it knew that it was Chen Xinyu's friend, it wouldn't let itself get any closer.

"Well, it's all a prank done by your children." Daju nodded.

As the same kind, I can't help but sympathize with those little nannies, including Xiao Mi, these little milk cats are all its children.

"No wonder."

Lin Mo looked at these little milk cats, and finally realized that in the afternoon, it refused to go back with Chen Xinyu, so it was to take care of these little ones.

"Xiao Mi, do you trust Xiao Yu?" Lin Mo squatted down with kind eyes at this time, and asked Xiaomi who was taking care of the little milk cat in front of him.


"It says it only trusts Master Xiao Yu."

Daju began to translate for Lin Mo again.

"Well, take these little guys back with me, your master Xiaoyu is waiting for you and these little guys at home." Lin Mo said to Xiaomi immediately.

Looking at the little milk cats hiding behind Xiao Mi, Lin Mo felt a burst of anger. Nowadays, there are many children who lack education.

But the responsibility is not with these children, but with the parents of these children.


Xiaomi shook her head and rejected Lin Mo.

Then he returned to his residence with a few kittens behind him.

"Boss, it said no more."

"It will take good care of its own children, so don't bother Master Xiaoyu." Daju looked at Lin Mo and said, seeing Xiao Mi and the nannies gradually disappearing, Lin Mo had to bow his head and sigh.

"Let's go."

Then he turned and left, and Daju finally breathed a sigh of relief.


To be continued
(End of this chapter)

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