185 A New Crisis 185
"No one is allowed to say what happened today."

After Lin Mo's back gradually disappeared from the sight of the cats, Daju immediately instructed the younger brothers around him.



Several of its younger brothers could only nod and meow because they were temporarily unable to speak.

"Damn human beings, remember this big orange who hates me. When the cat queen's plan is implemented, you must shovel Benju's shit every day." Thinking of what Lin Mo did to him just now, the flame of revenge in Daju's heart bursts slowly rising.


A kitten next to him purred at Daju, which meant, "Boss, you only have one beard left."

Big Orange: "."

Daju: "Damn human."


Lin Mo, who left the underground passage, naturally didn't expect that he would be hated by Daju.

After all, just now this big orange was calling him boss very kindly, who would have thought that this little thing usually has two faces.

Back at the seaside villa, Bai Xue stood at the door of the bedroom and watched. After hearing the door being opened, she returned to the living room.

"How is Xiao Yu?"

The first thing Lin Mo did when he entered the room was to ask Bai Xue about Chen Xinyu's condition.

"I slept soundly."

Bai Xue glanced at the direction of the bedroom, and then asked Lin Mo, "My lord, have you found anything?"


"It won't be long before the whole city will be controlled by a group of cats." Lin Mo nodded and told Bai Xue the information he already had.

"How could this be?"

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Bai Xue was obviously surprised, and she looked surprised.

"A cat demon appeared in the city, attracted most of the cats in the city, and taught them how to practice."

Lin Mo told Bai Xue the news he got from Daju, and the plot of the novel was not much different from Daju's description.

"Will there be such a thing?"

After listening to Lin Mo's description, Bai Xue was completely stunned, her eyes full of disbelief.

"It's better to be cautious, this cat demon is extraordinary." Lin Mo nodded, knowing that the cat demon described in the novel is far more terrifying than what Daju described.

In the plot of the novel, the appearance of the cat demon is by no means accidental, and its main ability is to control people's will.

It's no wonder why Daju said to let Lin Mo escape from the city quickly, and it would be too late if it was too late.

According to the setting in the novel, all people or animals caught by the cat demon will be controlled by it and become slaves.

"It's no wonder that the civet cat has a demonic aura. It turns out that there are monsters to help it open up." Bai Xue nodded in response, but she didn't pay attention to the cat demon Lin Mo was talking about.

"Recently, you should stay by Xiao Yu's side to protect her. Don't let cats and other animals scratch her."

Lin Mo immediately reminded Bai Xue.

The only thing that worries Lin Mo is Chen Xinyu's safety. After all, she is just an ordinary person, and she is still pregnant with a child.

"no problem."

Bai Xue nodded, then suddenly thought of something and asked, "What about the son's parents?"

"I'll find a way to do this, I hope Chang Qing and the others haven't returned to Shushan." Lin Mo also realized this problem. Bai Xue is only one person, and she can't do it all alone.

The only best way I can think of right now.

It is Chang Qing and Xu Fei, they are disciples of Shushan Mountain, and they must have means of protection and restraint.

"Smelly Taoist priest?"

When Bai Xue heard the word Chang Qing, her expression became obviously unhappy.

Perhaps this is the special treatment the Yaozu gave to the Shushan disciples. Even though they had cooperated before, Baixue couldn't let go of their estrangement.

"They are the only ones who can help at the moment, and subduing demons and demons is the duty of their Shushan disciples."

Lin Mo nodded and said, the previous words were okay, but the latter words directly made Bai Xue roll her eyes at him.

"Young master, according to your words, wouldn't I also be wiped out by these stinky Taoist priests?" Bai Xue pouted dissatisfiedly and asked.

Lin Mo: "."

Bai Xue: "Hmph!"

With a soft hum, the atmosphere in the living room became a little awkward. Who would have thought that Bai Xue would be so cautious at this time.

"Pretend I didn't say what I just said." Lin Mo pouted helplessly.

"Young Master is so heartless and ungrateful, I'm afraid I will be let down by my family." At this time, Bai Xue sobbed with tears in her eyes, she really looked like a little daughter-in-law who was abandoned by others.

"Come on, watch Xiao Yu honestly at home, I'll go out again." Lin Mo said angrily to Bai Xue, a vixen.

"Master, are you going to abandon my family and Miss?" Bai Xue stared at Lin Mo with big watery eyes and asked.

Lin Mo: "."

Lin Mo: "Stop, keep an eye on Xiaoyu, or I will kill you."


After leaving the villa again, Lin Mo drove to Gu Jie's residence. Seeing wild cats on the roadside along the way, he couldn't help but start to panic.

It's hard to believe that these wild cats are in groups, as if they have understood human nature, and they don't see any eyes that animals should have.

It was exactly as Daju said.

Now most of the cats in the city have intelligence, and it is no longer as simple as a simple pet in the past.

Arriving at Gu Jie's community, Lin Mo quickly parked the car aside and followed the previous route to find the location of Gu Jie's house.

bang bang.

The door was opened, and Gu Feng poked out half of his head from inside. When he saw Lin Mo at the door, his expression looked surprised.

"Why are you here?"

Gu Feng asked Lin Mo respectfully.

"What about your sister?"

Lin Mo didn't rush to ask about the whereabouts of Chang Qing and Xu Fei, but first asked him about Gu Jie's condition.

"My sister is sleeping, are you looking for her at night?" Gu Feng replied.

"I'm here to see your master master."

Lin Mo shook his head, and after hearing the news that Gu Jie had rested, he asked Gu Feng.

"Let me just say, how could you come to look for my old sister." Gu Feng chuckled.

"Where's your master?" Lin Mo immediately asked Gu Feng in front of him.

"I don't know, they went out."

Gu Feng shook his head, not very clear about the whereabouts of Chang Qing and Xu Fei.

"Have you returned to Shushan?"

Hearing Gu Feng's answer, Lin Mo frowned slightly.

"No, master said that the city has a strong evil spirit recently, and suspected that new monsters appeared, so he went out to investigate with master." Gu Feng shook his head and explained to Lin Mo.

"When will you be back?"

"I don't know, I just left, you might meet me if you came earlier." Gu Feng said with some embarrassment.


Lin Mo nodded, knowing that Chang Qing and Xu Fei had just left, so he planned to go to the city to find them.

Now there are few people active in the middle of the night, so it is not difficult to find Chang Qing and Xu Fei.

"Brother Lin, what do you want to do with my master?" At this time, Gu Feng asked Lin Mo proactively.

"Well, rest early."

Lin Mo nodded, and stopped wasting time here.


To be continued
(End of this chapter)

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