Chapter 187 Chapter 187

"Is it really that serious?"

Gu Feng's expression was also much more solemn than before, and he was obviously a little surprised when he heard that he might be assimilated.

"Otherwise, you can try it. If your little girlfriend is really controlled and you are assimilated by her, I don't know if your master and uncle will destroy you together."

Lin Mo sneered a few times with the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, his image was like a vivid and strange uncle.


After listening to Lin Mo's words, Gu Feng hesitated for a moment, then turned his eyes to Xu Fei and Chang Qing.

"Give me your hand."

Xu Fei signaled to Gu Feng at this time.

"What's the matter, master?"

Gu Feng was taken aback for a moment, looked at Xu Fei with some doubts, but stretched out his hand as he did.


Xu Fei grabbed Gu Feng's wrist and kept mumbling something, then drew a spell on Gu Feng's palm.

"Master, what is this?"

The talisman only appeared for a few seconds, and then quickly disappeared. Gu Feng asked Xu Fei curiously.

"This is a talisman that can protect you." Xu Fei explained with a blank expression.

"I see."

Hearing Xu Fei's explanation, Gu Feng felt a lot more relaxed. With this amulet, he doesn't have to worry about his own safety.

"By the way, how can I confirm whether Jiaqi is under control?" Gu Feng asked Lin Mo, Chang Qing, and Xu Fei what came to his mind at this moment.

Following Gu Feng's words, Chang Qing and Xu Fei also looked at Lin Mo, wanting to hear his opinion.

"The people controlled by the cat demon are no different from ordinary people on the surface, but they have one of the biggest characteristics, that is, they like to bite people's necks." Lin Mo then told several people the setting in the novel.

"Have you seen horror movies? If your girlfriend is really controlled by a cat demon, she will grow a pair of fangs and her nails will be much longer than before."

"Like biting people's necks?" Gu Feng seemed only a little sensitive to this characteristic.

"If your little girlfriend is interested in your neck for no reason, 80.00% is controlled by the cat demon." Lin Mo said slowly.

Whether Song Jiaqi has been controlled or not, Gu Feng has to go to the school tomorrow to verify for himself.

"By the way, Brother Chang, do you have any amulets like the one just now in Shushan?" Lin Mo looked at Chang Qing and asked.

"Yes, how many do Brother Lin need?" Chang Qing nodded.

"Not many, just five."

After Lin Mo thought for a few seconds, he planned to ask Chang Qing for five amulets.

"no problem."

Chang Qing then took out five triangular-shaped amulets from her ring and handed them to Lin Mo.

"Uncle, do you still have this amulet?" Gu Feng asked Chang Qing with a smile after seeing it.

"You want it too?"

Chang Qing looked at Gu Feng playfully and asked.


Gu Feng nodded without concealing it.

"Didn't the teacher just draw a talisman for you?" Xu Fei asked Gu Feng with some dissatisfaction.

"I'm afraid that an amulet won't work." Gu Feng explained to Xu Fei while scratching his hair.

"It's okay."

"I still have one here, you can take it." Chang Qing shook his head with a smile, and handed the last remaining amulet in the ring to Gu Feng.

"Thank you, uncle."

Gu Feng took the amulet with a smile on his face.

"By the way, after going to school, you should not only pay attention to your little girlfriend at all times, but also pay attention to people who walk very close to her." Lin Mo originally planned to get the amulet and leave, but suddenly thought of something and turned to Gu The wind reminded.

"Why is this?"

Gu Feng looked at Lin Mo in puzzlement and asked.

"Let your master and uncle explain to you." Lin Mo was too lazy to waste too much time with Gu Feng on this matter, so he returned to the car with the amulet.

After Lin Mo drove away, Gu Feng looked at Chang Qing and Xu Fei: "Master, why do you pay attention to so many people?"

"Brother Lin is right. If your girlfriend is really controlled, she may have assimilated a lot of people these days." Chang Qing said solemnly.

This is the same as zombies infecting viruses.

As long as one person is infected, it will continue to infect others, either until everyone is infected, or the source of infection is eliminated.

"Wouldn't it be that those people in the school were basically taken away?" After Gu Feng realized it, he looked at Chang Qing in disbelief.

"It's very possible, so you have to be careful and protect yourself." Xu Fei also nodded and told Gu Feng.

"Well, why don't you go to school with me tomorrow, master?" After hearing these intrusive words, Gu Feng looked at Xu Fei with some timidity and said.


Xu Fei nodded in agreement, and then agreed to Gu Feng's proposal.

"No need."

But Chang Qing interrupted the conversation between the two, and said to Gu Feng with a serious face: "Your master and I have more important things to do tomorrow, so we can't go to school with you."


Gu Feng was stunned after hearing Chang Qing's words.

Xu Fei also looked confused, but he didn't say anything, and then he changed his words and said to Gu Feng: "That's right, you'd better go alone, just be careful."


Gu Feng could only sigh helplessly.

Then Chang Qing and Xu Fei looked at each other, and the three of them left this place.



Lin's father and Lin's mother were already sleeping soundly at night, but Lin Mo tiptoed open the door and walked in.

At the same time, he put the amulet that Chang Qing gave him in the belongings carried by Lin's father and Lin's mother respectively, just in case.

After everything was done, the house returned to calm, as if Lin Mo had never appeared.

Back to the beach house.


Bai Xue was still looking after Chen Xinyu, and when she saw Lin Mo coming back, she took the initiative to meet her.

"How is Xiaoyu sleeping?"

After Lin Mo glanced at the direction of the bedroom, he asked Bai Xue.

"good smell."

Bai Xue pursed her lips and replied.

"That's fine."

Only then did Lin Mo nod his head reassuringly, and then told Bai Xue: "Use the true essence to try to do it to me."

"why is that?"

Bai Xue looked at Lin Mo in confusion and asked.

"You do it first."

Lin Mo didn't explain much, but asked Bai Xue to do it to herself first.


Without hearing the reason, Bai Xue refused.

Lin Mo: "."

Lin Mo: "Hey, do it to me."

Bai Xue: "What if I hurt the young master, I will feel distressed."

Lin Mo: "It's okay."

Bai Xue: "Really?"

Before waiting for an answer, Bai Xue urged her true energy to deal a heavy blow to Lin Mo.

But just when Bai Xue's attack was about to cause damage to Lin Mo, a golden light suddenly appeared and blocked the blow for Lin Mo.

"This is?"

Bai Xue was taken aback for a moment, and only then did she understand why Lin Mo asked herself to do it.

"How many levels of cultivation have you used just now?" Lin Mo looked at an annihilated amulet, and asked Bai Xue curiously.

"Three floors."

Snow White curled her lips and replied.


To be continued
(End of this chapter)

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