Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 188 Chapter 188 The Weird School

Chapter 188 Chapter 188 The Weird School

"Only the third floor?"

Lin Mo glanced at Bai Xue with dissatisfaction. He wanted to see how powerful the amulet Chang Qing gave him could withstand.

"Who knew that the young master would have an amulet given by a stinky Taoist priest. I'm afraid I might hurt the young master by using too much force." Bai Xue said innocently.

"Do you want me to come again?"

After knowing that Lin Mo had an amulet, Bai Xue didn't worry about anything anymore, and even wanted to do it again.

"no need."

Lin Mo shook his head and rejected her. There is one less of the remaining three amulets, so there is no need to waste another one.

"It's boring."

Bai Xue pursed her lips, and looked at Lin Mo in disappointment, knowing that she would not hold back just now.

"have a rest."

Lin Mo gave her a white look, and walked into the bedroom to go to sleep after speaking, but was soon blocked by Bai Xue.

"My lord, you rested with the miss, what about the servant's house?" Bai Xue stopped in front of Lin Mo, and asked with a slightly raised corner of her mouth.


Lin Mo replied indifferently, and then pointed to the sofa in the living room to Bai Xue.

Among other things, the size of the sofa in the living room is more than enough to sleep Bai Xue alone, but the bed in the bedroom can't fit three people.

Thinking of this, Lin Mo rubbed his chin thoughtfully. It seems that there is a need to change to a bigger bed. Otherwise, even if you want to sleep together, the hardware cannot keep up.

"I don't want to sleep on the sofa."

Bai Xue snorted, threw off Lin Mo and ran into the bedroom by herself, and moved her mouth without making a sound: "My family wants to sleep with the young lady, so you should sleep on the sofa alone."

She didn't give Lin Mo any chance to react, and got into bed directly.

Lin Mo: "."


The next day.

Eight in the morning.

Gu Feng came to the school apprehensively. Although the weather was fine, his eyes were always gloomy and gloomy.

Walking into the school, looking at the eyes of the people around, Gu Feng's expression became a little dignified. I don't know why the eyes of these people are full of different colors.

"Gu Feng, you're here."

Back in the classroom of his class, Song Jiaqi, who was his girlfriend, greeted him first.


Seeing Song Jiaqi's harmless appearance to humans and animals, Gu Feng thought of what Lin Mo said to him last night, and was very troubled.

"what happened?"

Song Jiaqi looked at Gu Feng suspiciously at this moment, and then asked curiously: "Husband, why do you have such an ugly expression today? Is it because you are in a bad mood?"

Her voice is so low that no one can hear it except Gu Feng in the classroom.


Gu Feng shook his head with a slight smile, then looked at the spot where Song Jiaqi was scratched by the cat, and frowned for a moment.

"Jiaqi, is your wound still not healed?"

When Gu Feng saw two obvious claw marks on Song Jiaqi's arm, he was completely stunned, and suddenly had a very bad premonition in his heart.

"This. Not yet."

Song Jiaqi tugged her sleeves flusteredly to cover the claw marks, then changed the subject to Gu Feng and said, "Husband, I want to kiss you."

"I'm afraid this is not good."

Gu Feng looked at Song Jiaqi with some surprise. Usually, when the two of them were making out, she usually behaved shyly, but today it was completely different.

"It's okay, we secretly." Song Jiaqi smiled slyly, and slowly blew warm air into Gu Feng's ear.

Seeing such a touching Song Jiaqi, Gu Feng's heart began to itch, and he suddenly discovered something like a new continent.

"Jiaqi, don't you like to wear lipstick? Why did you put it on today?" Gu Feng looked at Song Jiaqi curiously and asked.

"It's not for you."

Song Jiaqi curled her lips, pouted resentfully and said, "Don't think I don't know, she already flirts with Sisi even though she already has me, isn't she just better at makeup than me?"


When Song Jiaqi mentioned Gu Sisi, Gu Feng smiled a little guilty.

"Hmph, I got it right."

Song Jiaqi snorted softly, then pretended to drop the pen casually, and squatted down.
After a while, Song Jiaqi picked up the pen, wiped her mouth and said to Gu Feng, "Husband, don't associate with Sisi in the future, okay?"


Gu Feng had already gotten carried away, and nodded in agreement without hearing what Song Jiaqi said clearly. He even forgot what his mission was.

"I love you to death, husband."

Song Jiaqi smiled happily, and said mysteriously, "Honey, I'll take you to a place."


Gu Feng looked at her curiously and asked.

"You'll know then."

Song Jiaqi didn't reveal it directly, but said something mysteriously.

"I'm still in class now." Gu Feng said with some concerns.

"It's okay, let's go secretly." Song Jiaqi smiled, and took Gu Feng to take advantage of the teacher on the podium not paying attention, and secretly left through the back door.

After the two left, the rest of the classroom was like puppets on strings.

"Where are we going?"

Being led away by Song Jiaqi, Gu Feng realized what was wrong and asked.

"Just ahead, you'll know when you go." Song Jiaqi pointed at him.

In front of the two of them was the abandoned teaching building of the school, which was in a deserted state and surrounded by a fence.

But Song Jiaqi took Gu Feng directly over the fence and came to the abandoned teaching building.


When the two came to a classroom in an abandoned school building, Song Jiaqi took the initiative to approach Gu Feng.

"what happened?"

Gu Feng looked at Song Jiaqi in confusion.

"Bring it in."

Song Jiaqi smiled mysteriously, and suddenly yelled into the air. In Gu Feng's surprised eyes, Gu Sisi was pushed in by several people, and her body was tied up with ropes.

"This is?"

Gu Feng was stunned, looking at the panicked Gu Sisi, he quickly asked Song Jiaqi: "Jiaqi, what are you doing?"

Meanwhile, Gu Sisi spat out the rags in his mouth and shouted to Gu Feng, "Gu Feng, run, Jiaqi and these people are already crazy."

"Shut her mouth." Song Jiaqi's face turned cold, and the people who grabbed Gu Sisi immediately stuffed a rag into her mouth again.


Gu Sisi yelled at Gu Feng with tears in her eyes.

"Jiaqi, what are you doing, let Sisi go, aren't you best friends?" Gu Feng hurriedly shouted to Song Jiaqi.


Song Jiaqi sneered after hearing Gu Feng's words, looked at Gu Sisi and said, "The man who seduces me, what kind of girlfriend is she?"

After finishing speaking, a pair of fangs suddenly appeared on Song Jiaqi's teeth, and a faint light flashed in her eyes.

"This is?"

At this moment, Gu Feng finally realized that Song Jiaqi in front of him had mutated, and those who captured Gu Sisi had also mutated.

"Husband, let's become like this together?" Song Jiaqi immediately took the initiative to grab Gu Feng's neck, and slowly lowered her head to bite it off.

On the other hand, Gu Sisi's eyes widened, as if telling Gu Feng, don't do it.


To be continued
(End of this chapter)

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