Chapter 189 Chapter 189
"No, why did it become like this?"

Gu Feng reacted fairly quickly, at the moment Song Jiaqi was about to bite off his neck, he pushed him away forcefully.


Song Jiaqi accidentally tripped and fell to the ground. Due to the unevenness of the ground, several scratches visible to the naked eye soon appeared.

"Husband, are you going to resist me?"

Song Jiaqi was not angry either. Although her expression was a bit weak, her tone was extremely domineering.

"Jiaqi, wake up, do you see that you are still the same as before?" Gu Feng looked at Song Jiaqi tangled and said.

Song Jiaqi in front of her eyes, including those who grabbed Gu Sisi, turned into monsters, with fangs that shouldn't belong to them.

"Don't be childish, Gu Feng, there's nothing wrong with us doing this." Song Jiaqi laughed and jumped up from the ground.

Song Jiaqi: "See, this is the power beyond ordinary people."

"Don't be naive. It should be you. Look at the difference between you and a monster now?" Gu Feng looked at Song Jiaqi with a look of hatred for iron.

"If you want to be strong, it's nothing if it comes with a painless price." Song Jiaqi shrugged her shoulders indifferently, she didn't take Gu Feng's words to heart.

"But have you ever thought about your parents, can they accept you as you are now?" Gu Feng persuaded earnestly.

"You're right Gu Feng, how could I become what I am now, my parents will be very disappointed when they see them." Song Jiaqi suddenly became very flustered.

"So in order not to disappoint them, I made them like this too." Just when Gu Feng thought she was going to find her way back, Song Jiaqi sneered with half of her face darkened.

"You bit your parents too?" Gu Feng was shocked when he heard Song Jiaqi's words, and looked at her in disbelief.


Song Jiaqi sneered.

"You're really helpless."

Gu Feng shook his head in complete disappointment, and looked at Gu Sisi who was caught by the rest of the people.

"Let Sisi go."

"Are you ordering me?"

Song Jiaqi no longer kept any kindness towards Gu Feng in her eyes, and bared her fangs arrogantly.

"Don't force me to do anything to you." Gu Feng no longer had any reservations about Song Jiaqi, and said in an extremely cold tone.

"Joke, today you and this bitch will become my slaves." Song Jiaqi laughed even more presumptuously.

"Gu Feng, run quickly, leave me alone." At this moment, Gu Sisi struggled to spit out the rag from her mouth again, and shouted to Gu Feng in panic.

"do not blame me."

Gu Feng no longer hesitated, and came to Gu Sisi in a flash.

Before those people could react, he kicked them flying, and quickly helped Gu Sisi untie the rope.

"Let's go."

Gu Feng didn't have time to comfort Gu Sisi, he grabbed her hand and was about to leave the abandoned teaching building.

"You can't run away."

Song Jiaqi was not in a hurry to catch up with the two of them, but just watched coldly from the sidelines. It was not until Gu Feng and Gu Sisi left that she angrily yelled at those subordinates.

"Trash, what's the use of you." Song Jiaqi slapped several people across the face.

Song Jiaqi is the source of the infection, and everyone who has been bitten by her is her subordinate, which is why she is so attached to this feeling.

The feeling of being served and supported like an ancient emperor is a joy that ordinary people can't imagine.

"Gu Feng, what shall we do?"

At this time, Gu Sisi and Gu Feng hid in the dark and observed the surrounding situation, and now the whole school seemed to have mutated.

"You take this."

Gu Feng turned his head to look at Gu Sisi solemnly, and then handed Gu Sisi the amulet that Chang Qing gave him from his pocket.

"what is this?"

Gu Sisi took the amulet from Gu Feng's hand and asked curiously.

"Things that can guarantee your safety." Gu Feng explained with a smile.

Now it seems that only the two of them are normal people in the school, and everyone else has become a walking dead puppet.

"I can't take this thing, you should keep it yourself." Gu Sisi shook her head, and after learning the function of the amulet, she planned to return it to Gu Feng.

"No, I still have."

Gu Feng shook his head, and instead of taking back the amulet, he lied to Gu Sisi.


After Gu Sisi heard it, she looked at Gu Feng suspiciously and asked.

"of course."

Gu Feng smiled and nodded.


Gu Sisi looked at Gu Feng gratefully, and looked at him with clear eyes: "Gu Feng, thank you for saving me."

"It's a trivial matter, let's find a way to escape from the school first." Gu Fengshi said.

It would be much easier if he just let him escape from the school by himself, but Gu Sisi is an ordinary person, if he wanted to take her to escape from the school, it would be much more difficult.

"I know there is a small path in the school, and I can easily leave the school, but I don't know if there is anyone guarding that path." Gu Sisi suddenly thought of something and said excitedly to Gu Feng.


Hearing Gu Sisi's words, Gu Feng also obviously became a little excited.

"Behind the fence of the old school building."

Gu Sisi said something immediately, but soon became disappointed again, and said in a sad tone: "Jiaqi also knows that place, and she should guard there."

"It seems that I can only try my luck."

Gu Feng nodded, now it is impossible to leave the front of the school, and he can only try his luck according to the path that Gu Sisi said.

"Gu Feng, why don't you go first and leave me as a burden." Gu Sisi looked at Gu Feng with a troubled expression and said.

She also knew that if it wasn't for herself, Gu Feng wouldn't have to be so difficult at all, and with Gu Feng's ability, he could leave school easily.

"No, let's go together if you want to go, I won't leave you behind." Gu Feng directly refused, acting very decisively.

This made Gu Sisi moved again, and wondered if Gu Feng was stupid. In order to take her away with her, was it necessary to put himself in deep danger?
"Fool, if you take me away, you may be hurt." Gu Sisi said.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine." Gu Feng smiled, holding Gu Sisi's hand and going back to the old teaching building.

The two carefully climbed over the fence and came to the old teaching building. At this time, the surrounding was quiet, and there was no sound of people walking.

"Should go."

Gu Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, the trail is just behind."

Gu Sisi nodded, and immediately pointed to a location for Gu Feng.

"Let's go."

Gu Feng looked at the position of Gu Sisi's finger, and led her closer step by step, and finally came to the entrance of the trail, and there was no one around.

"Fortunately, Jiaqi is no longer."

Gu Sisi finally breathed a sigh of relief, and said something to Gu Feng excitedly.

"Then let's go."

Gu Feng nodded, took Gu Sisi's hand and prepared to leave the school.


To be continued
(End of this chapter)

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