Chapter 191 Chapter 191
"Sister, just tell me the address of Big Brother Lin's house, this matter is really urgent." Gu Feng didn't want to delay with Gu Jie any longer.

"What's the matter?"

Gu Jie also frowned, looked at Gu Feng with a puzzled expression and asked.

"I can't explain this matter clearly now, but you will know when the time comes." In order not to arouse Gu Jie's panic, Gu Feng did not tell her that people would turn into monsters.

Seeing this, Gu Jie snorted coldly:
"Stop pretending to be mysterious with me. Even if you have an urgent matter, I won't tell you the address of the boss's house. Get rid of it."


Gu Feng was completely speechless, and he didn't understand why the Gu Jie in front of him was so stubborn, it was almost to the point where she couldn't get her way.

"Why didn't you go to school today? Didn't you just play truant again?" Gu Jie began to question Gu Feng again, which made Gu Sisi look on in embarrassment.

She also didn't know whether she should explain clearly to Gu Jie for Gu Feng, but she thought that Gu Feng himself didn't explain to Gu Jie, so she gave up the idea.

"School is on holiday today."

Gu Feng curled his lips, and finally made up a reason to Gu Jie.


Naturally, it is impossible for Gu Jie to just believe Gu Feng's words, and looked at him half-believingly: "Aren't you a senior in high school now, and today is not a holiday, why do you have a holiday?"

"It makes sense, then why did you take the holiday?" Gu Feng nodded, agreeing with Gu Jie's idea very much, and at the same time turned the question back to Gu Jie herself.

"Nonsense, how did I know that the boss would suddenly have a holiday, and I'm not him." Gu Jie replied angrily, and at the same time she rolled her eyes at Gu Feng.

"You also know, how do I know what the school thinks, and I'm not the principal." Gu Feng also replied to Gu Jie angrily, and rolled his eyes like her.

Gu Jie: "."

She was stunned, shocked by Gu Feng's sudden words.

"Gu Feng, is this the way you talk to your sister?" Gu Jie asked Gu Feng with a gloomy expression.

"Aren't I reasoning with you?" Gu Feng said rather speechlessly.

"I'm too lazy to reason with you, just call and ask your class teacher." Gu Jie snorted coldly, took out her mobile phone, and planned to call Gu Feng's class teacher to ask.

This made Gu Feng and Gu Sisi's hearts tense. Now that everyone in the school is infected, who knows how the other party will answer Gu Jie.

"Hey, is this Gu Feng's class teacher? I heard that the school is on holiday for a few days, right?" Gu Jie immediately asked the other party after dialing the phone.

After waiting for a few seconds, Gu Jie's gloomy face eased a lot, and then hung up the phone.

"You're lucky. I really can't figure out why your school gave you a week off at this juncture." Gu Jie asked suspiciously, but the facts in front of her were like this.

"Did he really say that?"

After listening to Gu Jie's words, Gu Feng and Gu Sisi were both stunned, looking at Gu Jie in disbelief.


Gu Jie nodded, and looked at Gu Feng even more suspiciously: "Do you have any problems?"


Gu Feng chuckled, and after looking at Gu Sisi next to him, the two decided that neither of them would confess to Gu Jie first.

Now the school has become an amusement park for some monsters, and Gu Sisi met Gu Feng because of his luck, but the others were not so lucky.

"Old sister, stop joking, tell me Brother Lin's address quickly." Gu Feng immediately started asking Gu Jie about Lin Mo's address.


Gu Jie curled her lips in displeasure, but finally decided to tell Gu Feng Lin Mo's address, not to tell Gu Feng, but to take him with her.

After the three of them went downstairs, they got into a taxi. In the taxi, Gu Feng and Gu Sisi were very reserved.

Because the two didn't know if the taxi driver in front of them had mutated into a monster like Song Jiaqi.

Gu Jie, on the other hand, behaved much more naturally, after telling the taxi driver the address, she began to chat uncontrollably.

From the process of Gu Jie chatting with the taxi, there is no clue, at least from the conversation, she looks like a normal person, but no one can say for sure.

Because when Song Jiaqi didn't show her original shape, Gu Feng once thought she was a normal person, but the fact is often the opposite.

"Master, which way are you going?" Gu Jie glanced out the window and suddenly asked the driver in a daze.

"It's the nearest Chengxi Road." The taxi driver replied casually, looking at the three of them through the rearview mirror.

"Master, you seem to have gone the wrong way. To go to the beach, you should go to Chengdong Road." Gu Jie was stunned after hearing the driver's answer, and said something to the taxi driver in surprise.

"It can't be wrong."

The taxi driver smiled.

The route was not changed because of Gu Jie's words, which made Gu Jie, Gu Feng and Gu Sisi feel a little unusual.

"Master, stop the car, we won't go." Gu Jie immediately realized something, and quickly said to the main driver.


The driver looked back at Gu Jie in a dark way, with an intriguing smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Where are you taking us?" Gu Jie looked at the driver seriously and asked.

Looking out of the window, the three of them seemed to have been taken to a wasteland where no shit would happen, and the driver finally revealed his true colors.

"Hand over all your money."

The driver stopped the car and took out a knife from a hidden corner of the co-pilot, which made Gu Jie jump.


Gu Feng was stunned, but at the same time breathed a sigh of relief, the three of them just ran into a black car robbery, not a monster.

"That's all."

Gu Jie threw all the cash in her wallet to the driver with some fear, and then protected Gu Feng and Gu Sisi, after all, she was also the oldest of the three.

"Is there any more, hand them over quickly." The taxi driver was obviously dissatisfied, and begged Gu Jie in a fierce tone.

"No, that's all there is." Gu Jie shook her head and said, whoever goes out will bring so much cash, besides, she is not an upstart.

"What about the two of them?"

The taxi driver snorted coldly.

He set his goal on Gu Feng and Gu Sisi again.

"They are just students and have no money." Gu Jie replied directly to the driver, but Gu Feng looked at the driver with a displeased face.

"Be honest and return the money, or don't blame me for being rude to you." Gu Feng said to the driver in a vicious tone.

"Are you talking to me?"

The driver was slightly taken aback when he heard his words, and then laughed dismissively: "Little thing, you were not born when I came out to play around."


To be continued
(End of this chapter)

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