Chapter 192 Chapter 192
"Old man, just return the money if you are sensible, or don't blame me for being rude to you." Gu Feng didn't get used to the driver in front of him either.

Although Chang Qing and Xu Fei usually taught him not to do anything to ordinary people, it was obvious that the driver in front of him was definitely not a kind person.

It's not always necessary to be slaughtered by others. There is a saying, when it's time to make a move, make a move.

"Damn, are you kidding me?"

The driver sneered, and slashed at Gu Feng with a knife in his eyes, which shocked Gu Jie and Gu Sisi beside him.

"Do it?"

Gu Feng also sneered, the driver's movements were extremely slow in his eyes, and he knocked down the knife in the driver's hand while raising his hand.

"Have you practiced?"

The driver was stunned, and looked at Gu Feng solemnly. He still has a little vision after all these years. Judging from Gu Feng's sharp movements just now, he should have practiced some kung fu.

It wasn't until the knife in the driver's hand was shot down that Gu Jie and Gu Sisi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Return the money my sister gave you just now, or don't blame me for being rude." Gu Feng said to the driver in a cold tone.

He has to go to Lin Mo now, so he has no time to waste time with the driver here.

"Don't think that you can talk nonsense in front of me after practicing some kung fu. If anyone's words don't please my ears, I will lose face." The driver lowered his head and smiled coldly, and then began to tremble all over.

"This is?"

Gu Feng was stunned, Gu Jie and Gu Sisi were also stunned, and then looked at the taxi driver in astonishment, only to see that he slowly grew a pair of fangs, and turned into the same appearance as Song Jiaqi.

"Wow, it really is."

"Don't be dazed, get in the car quickly."

After Gu Feng came to his senses, he kicked the driver a few meters away while he was still transforming, and then shouted at Gu Jie and Gu Sisi.

Although Gu Jie was still in a dazed state, she was quickly pulled into a taxi by Gu Sisi, and Gu Feng immediately got into the main driver.

"Can you drive?"

Gu Jie was sitting in the back row with Gu Sisi at this time, and asked Gu Feng suspiciously.

"Why don't you just drive? I can fly swords."

Gu Feng proudly said something to Gu Jie, and suddenly he realized something, and quickly said to Gu Jie and Gu Sisi behind him: "Let's get out of the car and change to something faster."


Gu Sisi looked at Gu Feng in surprise, a little afraid to open the car door, because the mutated driver was walking towards them.

"Listen to me, get out of the car first."

Gu Feng didn't have time to explain to the two of them, he opened the door and got out of the car, saw the driver who had already walked in front of him kick again, and then summoned the Broken Sword from the ring.

"This is."

Both Gu Jie and Gu Sisi were stunned.

Both of them looked at Gu Feng and the wounded sword under him in astonishment.

"It's too late to explain, come up quickly." Gu Feng immediately signaled to the two.

After both Gu Jie and Gu Sisi stepped onto the sword body, Gu Feng directly stimulated the true energy in his body and began to fly with the sword.

This is much more convenient than taking a car, and the safety is also improved a lot. The mutated driver can only wait for a few people to leave.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Gu Jie obviously hadn't reacted yet, and asked Gu Feng in a daze in her mind.

"I'll explain to you later, the most important thing now is to find Brother Lin." Gu Feng said to Gu Jie while manipulating the Broken Sword.

Soon the three of them came to the beach and found Lin Mo's seaside villa according to the guidance of the caregiver Jie.

Ding Dong!

Opening the door, Gu Feng finally saw the person he dreamed of, that is Lin Mo, Chang Qing and Xu Fei.

"Master, uncle, why are you here?" Gu Feng looked at the two in surprise, he never expected that Chang Qing and Xu Fei would also appear at Lin Mo's house.

"Come in first."

Lin Mo glanced at Gu Feng, then moved away to let him, Gu Jie and Gu Sisi enter the room.

When Gu Sisi saw Lin Mo, she felt a little familiar, then suddenly thought of something, pointed at Lin Mo and shouted in surprise, "Aren't you the handsome uncle from the milk tea shop?"

"Do you know?"

Hearing Gu Sisi's words, Gu Feng also looked at the two in surprise.

"So it's you." Lin Mo was obviously taken aback, and after glancing at Gu Sisi, he also recognized the girl in front of him.

"Who can tell me what happened?" Gu Jie asked several people at this moment, she was the only one among all the people who didn't understand the situation.

"Brother Lin, it's exactly as you expected. Many people have become monsters now." Gu Feng remembered something when he heard Gu Jie's words, and quickly said something to Lin Mo.

"I know it all."

Lin Mo nodded, Gu Feng's words did not surprise him.

"Boss, what are you guys talking about? Can you explain more clearly?" Gu Jie took a deep breath and asked Lin Mo.

"Let your brother tell you."

Lin Mo glanced at Gu Jie, and said in a flat tone.

"Hurry up and talk."

After hearing Lin Mo's words, Gu Jie immediately looked at Gu Feng beside her, urging him to explain the matter to herself quickly.

"This is what happened"

Gu Feng then told Gu Jie the ins and outs of the whole thing, and when she heard the whole thing, she was stunned.

"What you said is true?" Gu Jie looked at Gu Feng in disbelief.

"Old sister, didn't you see it yourself just now?"

Gu Feng pouted helplessly.

"Why did it become like this?"

Gu Jie was still a little puzzled. It was obvious that everything was normal yesterday, but how it turned into what it is today is really unimaginable.

"The only solution now is to find the hiding place of the cat demon, and then work together to destroy it." Xu Fei said at this time, of course, he said this sentence to Chang Qing, Lin Mo, and Bai Xue.

"This is a bit difficult. Unless the cat demon shows up actively, it will be difficult for us to find it." Lin Mo shook his head. Even if he knew the plot, he didn't know where the cat demon was hiding.

"Then what should we do, if we let it go on like this, the whole city will fall soon." Xu Fei frowned.

In the eyes of outsiders, those mutated people are still normal, as long as they don't actively expose themselves, they will look like normal people.

Even if the entire city is infected, there will be no change in the eyes of the outside world. This is the genius of the cat demon.

"The only way at present is to wait for it to show itself, or to find someone or an animal who knows where it is hiding."

Lin Mo added another word.

Although he doesn't know where the cat demon is hiding, someone must know, or a cat knows.

"Brother Lin, where can we find it?" Gu Feng asked curiously at this time, and everyone in the room also looked at Lin Mo.

"Naturally there is a way."

Lin Mo smiled lightly, but did not directly say the method.


To be continued
(End of this chapter)

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