Chapter 193 Chapter 193
Somewhere in an alley.

"Boss, I really don't know where the cat queen is, so don't hit me again." Daju's face was swollen, and one paw was covering the dark circles around his eyes.

"Stop rambling, speak out quickly, or you won't be able to escape today's beating." Lin Mo didn't believe Daju's words so easily.

According to its cultivation time, without the help of the cat demon, it would be impossible for it to speak human words so quickly.

"I really didn't lie to you, boss, the cat queen has always been elusive." Daju said aggrieved.

"Then how do you usually communicate?" Lin Mo asked Daju in disbelief.

Daju rubbed his chubby face and said, "Usually, we little ones don't take the initiative to contact the cat queen, but wait for the cat queen to find us."

"Then when was the last time it came to you on its own initiative?" Lin Mo asked, looking at Daju.

"I do not remember."

Daju rolled his eyes, then said to Lin Mo with a sarcastic smile.

"Can not remember?"

Lin Mo sneered, the big orange in front of him was not a fish, he only had seven seconds of memory, how could he be so forgetful.

In the next second, half of Daju's other eye socket was also blackened, swollen and swollen with joy.

"If you don't believe it, don't believe it. Don't do anything. Believe it or not, I'll sue you for cruelty to small animals!" Daju complained to Lin Mo with some defence.

"To sue me?"

"If you don't tell me the location of the cat queen today, don't even think about leaving this alley." Lin Mo sneered, and the green light flashed across his hands, exuding a murderous aura.

"There is no joy in life, no fear in death."

"I, Daju, am I a cat who is greedy for life and afraid of death. Do it, I will never tell you where the cat queen is hiding." Daju showed no fear of Lin Mo's threats.

Hearing Daju's words, Lin Mo was a little stunned, looked at it incredulously, and then raised his hand to fulfill Daju.

"Wait a minute, boss. As the saying goes, the person who knows the current affairs is Junmeow. I can't tell you the hiding place of the cat queen." After Daju saw that Lin Mo was coming for real, he immediately changed from the sense of righteousness just now to the present greedy for life and afraid of death.

"Tell me, where is it hidden?"

The corners of Lin Mo's mouth raised slightly, and he looked at Daju with disdain, not knowing where this stupid cat learned these words.

"An entertainment venue."

After glancing left and right, Daju sneakily said something to Lin Mo, fearing that his words would be heard by others.


After listening to Daju's words, Lin Mo frowned slightly. He never thought that the cat demon would hide in that kind of place, or it was just a smoke bomb released by Daju in front of him, just to confuse him.


Daju nodded frantically.

"What's the name of the entertainment place?" Lin Mo asked it immediately.

"Yinhuang Entertainment City, the cat queen is in this entertainment venue." Daju replied.

"How can I believe that what you said is not lying to me?" Lin Mo asked Daju coldly.

"Why should I lie to the boss?" Daju said with a smile showing his fangs.

"You said just now that you didn't know the location of the cat demon, and now you tell me that the entertainment venue is not a trap, right?" After speaking, Lin Mo half-closed his eyes and looked at Daju.

"Absolutely not. I, Daju, swear that if I cheat the boss, I will be struck by lightning." Daju shook his head frantically, and even imitated the human way to swear to Lin Mo.

The next second, the originally clear sky suddenly became cloudy, and there were a few bangs, and lightning flashed across the air, as if it was going to rain.

This change just happened when Daju finished his oath, and even Lin Mo began to wonder whether it was a coincidence, or Daju was really lying to himself.

"Is this what you swore?"

Lin Mo questioned Daju with a cold snort. The weather was obviously good just now, but it changed when Daju finished swearing.

"Boss, this is really just a coincidence. I swear I didn't lie to you, and you don't see lightning strike me, right?"


Before Daju could finish his words, another bolt of lightning flashed in the sky, but it didn't scare it off.

"Little thing, you are dishonest!"

Lin Mo doesn't intend to talk nonsense with the big orange in front of him, since it is so dishonest, just beat it a few more times.

Crash la la la ~ ~ ~

"Boss, I really didn't lie to you." Daju, who was beaten up, was wronged and said to Lin Mo, covering his beard.


"Since you didn't lie to me, then you take me there."

Seeing this, Lin Mo felt that Daju hadn't lied to him, so he immediately decided to let him take him to the entertainment city to find the cat demon.

The reason why he chose to let Daju take him there was also to test whether he had a guilty conscience.

"Absolutely not. If I take you there, if the cat queen finds out, I will really die." Daju refused without thinking, with a very fearful expression on his face.

Judging from its performance, it shouldn't be lying, maybe the cat demon is really hiding in the Yinhuang Entertainment City.

"You have no choice." Lin Mo said to Daju in a flat tone.

"Oh my God, what crime did I, Daju, do? You want to play with me like this." Daju knelt on the ground with some collapse, raised his head to the sky and screamed.

"Stop talking nonsense."

Lin Mo gave it a blank look, grabbed it by the neck and was about to go to the entertainment city.

"Boss, wait a minute."

Daju suddenly thought of something at this moment, and quickly shouted at Lin Mo.

"what happened?"

Lin Mo looked at it with some doubts, and at the same time stopped the next movement.

"I have a way to take you to the cat queen without arousing its suspicion." Daju said to Lin Mo excitedly.

"any solution?"

Lin Mo was taken aback for a moment, looked at it curiously and asked.

"Scratched by me."

"Oops my face."

Daju just finished speaking half a sentence, and was directly beaten by Lin Mo again.

"Don't think I don't know what will happen after being scratched." Lin Mo said to Daju coldly.

"Boss, you misunderstood. I want to say that you pretended to be scratched by me. It was a fake." Daju looked at Lin Mo even more aggrieved.

It was beaten up by Lin Mo before it finished speaking just now, so who can ask for reason.

"and then?"

Lin Mo looked at Daju and asked.

Realizing that he was impulsive, he didn't feel guilty at all, but wanted to beat this dishonest guy again.

"As long as the boss pretends to be a human being scratched by me, the cat queen will definitely not suspect anything. Now the entire entertainment city is a puppet of the cat queen."

Daju immediately said something to Lin Mo.

"How many people are infected in the whole city now?" Lin Mo asked, frowning.

"I don't know about this, there should be more than half of them." Daju shook his head, and he didn't know how many people were infected.

There are at least tens of millions of people in a city, and more than half of the people are infected. One can imagine the ambition of this cat demon.

Lin Mo didn't hesitate, and made two cuts on his wrist, pretending to be the mark of being scratched by Daju.


To be continued
(End of this chapter)

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