Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 194 Chapter 194 Entering the Entertainment City

Chapter 194 Chapter 194 Entering the Entertainment City

Regarding the useful information obtained from Daju, Lin Mo did not immediately tell Chang Qing, Xu Fei, and Bai Xue.

Instead, I plan to test it out by myself first, and only tell them the information after I have figured out the situation.

And Daju is the best guide. He is now Daju's puppet on the surface.

Walking on the street, even if Daju stood proudly on Lin Mo's shoulders, people around would not react when they saw it.

Following Daju's guidance, Lin Mo came to the gate of Yinhuang Entertainment City.

At both ends of the gate, there were a few security guards in uniforms, their movements and demeanor were no different from normal people, but Lin Mo knew that these people must have been infected.

After all, if it is true as what Daju said, the cat demon is hiding in this entertainment city, then the entire entertainment city will basically be infected.

Seeing that Lin Mo didn't stop him, the security guards came forward to greet him respectfully. Of course, they couldn't be greeting Lin Mo, but the big orange on his shoulder.

"Master Ju, why are you here?" the head of the security captain asked obsequiously to Daju.

"My lord, let's take a look." Daju said to the security guard in front of him, looking like a big man.

"Master Ju, why are your eyes dark?" Another security guard looked at Daju curiously and asked.

"Bastard, is this what you should ask?" Daju, who was poked at the sore spot, immediately scolded. The melanin on its face was naturally produced by Lin Mo.

"Master Ju, don't be angry, I'll teach him a lesson for you." The sharp-eyed security captain immediately smiled at Daju, and then gave the so-called security guard a hard look.


Daju snorted softly, and said to the security captain in front of him, "Open the door, I want to go in."

"No problem, but you can only go in by yourself, and your servants have to stay outside." The security captain nodded and said to Daju at the same time.

"why is that?"

After listening to the security guard's words, Daju questioned him very unhappily.

"The smell of human beings can easily arouse the comparison between adults, so it's better for Master Ju not to bring servants in." The security guard explained to Daju with a chuckle.

"Yo yo, isn't this a big orange?"

Suddenly, a sharp female voice came from behind, just like Lin Mo, a human woman had a cat lying on her shoulders, and the voice just now came from that cat.

"big flower."

When Daju saw the cat, his expression was a little unnatural.

"Master Hua."

When the rest of the security guards saw the tabby cat, they immediately greeted it from Daju's side, looking even more obsequious.

"Open the door, my lord wants to go in." The big tabby cat immediately ordered to the security captain.

"No problem, go and open the door."

The security captain nodded, and did not directly pull out the security card like he did to Daju, and asked his men to open the closed door.

After the big cat saw the door open, it swaggered and manipulated the human woman under it into the entertainment city.

"It's really deceiving meow!"

Daju jumped from Lin Mo's shoulder to the security captain's face angrily, and slapped him indiscriminately.

"Master Ju, please spare me!" The security captain also begged for mercy with a helpless expression on his face, they couldn't do anything to Da Ju no matter what.

"Tell me why Dahua can bring her servants in, but I, Daju, can't. Do you look down on me, Daju?" Daju asked the security captain in a questioning tone.

"The villain dare not, Mr. Ju, please feel free." The security captain admitted his mistake again and again, and immediately winked at his subordinates, asking him to open the door again and let Daju in.

"Be careful next time, otherwise."

Seeing that the gate was opened again, Daju let go of the security captain in front of him, and led Lin Mo into the entertainment city.

"Boss, this stinky orange is useless, why are we so afraid of it?" After Daju and Lin Mo walked into the entertainment city, the younger brother asked the security captain.

"You know what a fart, although it is a big orange, it is a cat. As long as it is a cat, we have to be respectful, otherwise."

His actions made the little brother who just asked the question instantly sober, and he asked the security captain with some fear: "Boss, won't Mr. Ju hear what I just said?"

"Don't worry, the inside and the outside are absolutely soundproof, it can't be heard." The security captain shook his head, and his words made the younger brother heave a sigh of relief.

"That's good"


In the entertainment city.

If you don't enter, you don't know. When you enter, you will be shocked.

The entire entertainment city has become a paradise for cats, and all kinds of entertainment facilities are for cats to have fun.

Have you ever seen a cat soaking in a hot spring with people next to it? You can see it here, and it's incredible to see it.

But Lin Mo still has some doubts, this entertainment city is so ostentatious, will the cat demon really hide here?

"Yo, isn't this a big orange?"

Several talking cats greeted Daju immediately after seeing him, but Daju didn't even look at them.

"Hmph, how can I, Daju, be like you guys." Daju snorted softly, and led Lin Mo's Wanwan elevator, ready to go to other floors.

"Where is the cat queen hiding?"

When one person and one cat entered the elevator, Lin Mo took off his disguise and asked Daju.

"It's on the top floor."

Daju immediately said to Lin Mo.

After hearing its answer, Lin Mo immediately pressed the button on the top floor of the elevator.

"Boss, I am not qualified to meet the cat queen. If she sees me and you, she will definitely become suspicious."

Daju reminded Lin Mo at this time.

But Lin Mo didn't listen at all, and still took the elevator to the top floor

One person and one cat walked out of the elevator, and there was no one in the passageway ahead, which was completely different from downstairs.

"Daju, what are you doing here?" Suddenly something stopped Daju, and the owner of the voice was the big tabby cat just now.

"Leave me alone."

Daju looked back at the tabby cat, and said something coldly.

"This is the place where the cat queen rests, you can't come, get out of here quickly." The big tabby cat also scolded big orange.

"Then why do you come up here?" Daju asked the tabby cat dissatisfied.

"How can I be the same as you, you are just a wild cat who is just a random cat, but I am a loyal subordinate of the Queen." The big tabby cat sneered at the big orange.

"What Benju dislikes the most in his life is your low-level meow." Daju said to the tabby cat unconvinced.

"So what, the acquaintance point quickly get out, or don't blame me for being polite."

Tabby cat threatened Daju.

"Do you think Benju will be afraid?" He admitted being bullied by Lin Mo, and he was also bullied by the big tabby cat. Who could bear it, and planned to do it directly.



In this way, the two cats fought in front of Lin Mo's eyes. The fighting posture was also very funny, and they looked full of joy.


To be continued
(End of this chapter)

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