Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 197 167 Little Brothers

Chapter 197 167 Little Brothers

Daju froze, watching Lin Mo scratch his beard in embarrassment.

"How did you find out that it was the cat queen?" Lin Mo questioned Daju again.

In the novel, there is no such a story about the cat demon. Besides, Chen Xinyu has said that Xiao Mi is a cat raised by her grandfather before, so how could it be the cat demon in the novel.

However, Lin Mo may have overlooked a possibility, that is, Chen Xinyu lied to him and Bai Xue.

"One night, I saw it running to the entertainment city." Daju had no choice but to tell Lin Mo what he saw.

A few days ago, when Daju was having fun in the entertainment city, he happened to meet Xiao Mi who was also in the entertainment city. Out of curiosity, he followed him, and found an incredible scene.

The cat queen on the top floor was actually respectful to Xiao Mi, and it was at this time that Daju understood all this.

"Is what you said true?" Lin Mo felt incredible after hearing Daju's words.

"Boss, what I said is the truth, how can you believe it?" Facing Lin Mo's questioning voice, Daju was also a little anxious.

"You swear."

Lin Mo curled his lips, the only way to trust Daju at present is to make Daju swear, this little thing seems to really succeed in swearing.


Daju nodded, and raised his hand to swear to the sky without hesitation: "I, Daju, swear to the sky, if what I just said is even the slightest lie, I will be struck by lightning."

After swearing for a while, the sky did not change at all. The expression on Daju's face turned from danger to peace and said to Lin Mo: "Seeing that there is no boss, I really didn't lie to you."

"Okay, let's count you through."

Lin Mo nodded, and didn't bother the big orange in front of him anymore. As for whether he believed what it said in his heart, it remains to be seen.

"Long live the boss!"

Seeing that Lin Mo believed in him, Daju couldn't help the excitement in his heart, and began to dance.

"From now on, you are my insider. As long as there is any trouble, report to me immediately if you hear it." Lin Mo said to Daju immediately.

"No problem, one day is the big brother and the rest is the big brother. This kind of trivial matter is on my shoulders." Daju shrugged disapprovingly.

"Let's go."

Seeing this, Lin Mo didn't embarrass Daju anymore, allowing him to leave on his own.

"Brother, can I follow you?" Daju turned to look at Lin Mo as soon as he took a few steps.

"Follow me?"

Lin Mo was taken aback for a moment, looked at Daju in surprise and asked, "Why are you following me?"

"Ever since I first met you, big brother, I have been overwhelmed by his mighty arrogance, please accept Xiaoju." Big orange quickly flattered Lin Mo.

"Do you really want to recognize me as your elder brother?" After hearing Daju's words, Lin Mo finally understood what it meant, and then half-closed his eyes.


Daju nodded without denying it. At the same time, he didn't know where he learned the movement. A jio knelt on the ground and bowed to Lin Mo: "Brother, please accept Xiaoju."

"Okay, okay, get up." Lin Mo curled his lips rather speechlessly.

"Brother doesn't accept Xiaoju, so Xiaoju won't get up." Daju shook his head and said to Lin Mo seriously.

"That's fine."

"Just keep kneeling like this." Lin Mo shrugged and planned to leave after speaking.

"Don't, I really want to recognize you as the eldest brother." Daju was anxious, and quickly got up and hugged Lin Mo's thigh and said.

"You're such a thief, how do I know what you're thinking." Lin Mo said lightly, unmoved at all.

"Heaven is a lesson, I, Daju, really want to recognize my elder brother as the boss, and I don't have any other thoughts." Daju quickly explained to Lin Mo.

"Okay, hurry up and get off my lap." Lin Mo couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and didn't know what the big orange was.

"I don't, unless the elder brother accepts me as a younger brother." Daju refused, and hugged Lin Mo's thigh tightly, the kind that would not let go even if he was beaten to death.

"Why should I accept you as my younger brother?" Lin Mo looked down at Daju and asked it.

"I can help the boss deal with the cat queen." Daju immediately explained his role.

"It's strange, are you really willing to help me?" Lin Mo looked at it with some surprise, and some didn't understand why Daju was so willing to help him.

"Yes, as long as the boss accepts me as a younger brother." Daju nodded frantically, while looking at Lin Mo sincerely.

"That's fine, I'll accept you as a younger brother." Lin Mo didn't refuse any more immediately, and agreed to his subordinate Daju as a younger brother. Perhaps this is the legendary personal charm.


Daju looked at Lin Mo excitedly, but with some doubts.

"Well, let go."

Lin Mo nodded again in confirmation.

"no problem."

Daju finally stopped hesitating and immediately let go of Lin Mo's thigh.

"Boss, you really have to believe me, that little cat is actually the cat queen, but its soul has already attached to someone else." Daju jumped on Lin Mo's shoulder and said.

"How do you know that its primordial spirit is attached to someone else?" Lin Mo looked at it curiously.

"I overheard this." Daju whispered in Lin Mo's ear.

"Why didn't you say that just now?" After hearing what Daju had just said, Lin Mo couldn't help frowning and looking at it.

"Isn't it forgotten?"

Daju explained to Lin Mo with a smile.

What it said to Lin Mo just now is very important to Lin Mo, and even involves the safety of one person, that is Chen Xinyu.

If it is true as Daju said, the soul of the cat demon has already attached to someone else, and the only one who has the ability to act as a carrier is the pregnant Chen Xinyu.

That's why Lin Mo is so tense. It seems that he made a mistake. Without any hesitation, he prepared to go back to the seaside villa with Big Orange.


Back to the beach house.

Chang Qing and the others are waiting for Lin Mo, and Chen Xinyu is also acting extremely normal, sitting on the sofa like a quiet fairy.

"I am back."

Lin Mo opened the door with the key and walked into the house. Everyone surrounded him, only Chen Xinyu who was sitting on the sofa got up and looked at him in an orderly manner.

"Mr. Lin, what is that on your shoulder?" Chen Xinyu asked curiously, pointing at Daju.

Hearing Chen Xinyu's words, everyone also looked at the big orange on Lin Mo's shoulder.

"This is my new younger brother." Lin Mo smiled lightly and introduced Daju's identity to everyone.

"New recruit?"

Gu Feng looked at Lin Mo in surprise, and at the same time looked up and down at Daju.

"Ahem, I am the boss' loyal younger brother, you can call me Daju." Daju said to everyone at this moment.

"Wow, this cat can talk!" Gu Feng looked at Daju with a curious face.


To be continued
(End of this chapter)

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