Chapter 198: Chapter 198
"I don't know."

Seeing Gu Feng making such a fuss, Daju looked at him with some disgust, and Chang Qing and Xu Fei naturally saw the clues.

"My lord, what's the use of bringing this little thing back?" Bai Xue looked at Lin Mo curiously and asked.

"I'm the boss's capable younger brother, and I have many functions." Before Lin Mo could answer, Daju said first, and its appearance undoubtedly attracted the attention of everyone in the room.

"It's only because of it that I can find the hiding place of the cat demon." Lin Mo was not idle and explained to everyone.


"Where is the cat demon hiding?" Everyone was surprised, and they looked at Lin Mo and asked.

"It's on the top floor of Yinhuang Entertainment City." Lin Mo said immediately, and then began to pay attention to the changes in Chen Xinyu's expression.

If it is as Daju said.

The woman is just a puppet of the cat demon, and if the cat demon is Xiao Mi, the only person who has had contact with Xiao Mi is Chen Xinyu.

"Now that you know the location of the cat demon, what are you waiting for, let's go and destroy it together."

Gu Feng spoke first.

Hearing his words, Chang Qing, Xu Fei and Bai Xue all looked at Lin Mo.

"My lord, when will we start to act?" Bai Xue asked Lin Mo at this time.

"Don't worry, just wait." Lin Mo shook his head, and didn't give them an accurate time, or even a plan, but kept focusing on Chen Xinyu.

When Lin Mo said that the hiding place of the cat demon is of course in the entertainment city, Chen Xinyu didn't have any emotional reaction, but Lin Mo noticed that the corners of her eyebrows moved inappropriately.

A bad premonition welled up in his heart, since Chen Xinyu separated from Xiao Mi, something was indeed abnormal.

But this abnormality is not superficial abnormality, but a feeling.

For some reason, Lin Mo felt a little strange to Chen Xinyu, a feeling he had never had before.

And from Chen Xinyu's eyes, he couldn't see any love, which he had never seen before.

These few changes have to make Lin Mo start to pay attention to Daju's words. Maybe the soul of the cat demon is really attached to Chen Xinyu.

Of course, this is just speculation, there is no evidence yet that the soul of the cat demon is attached to Chen Xinyu.

"Now that we know the specific location of the cat demon, let's discuss countermeasures first." Xu Fei said to several people at this time.


Lin Mo nodded, and didn't tell them all the news he knew, but started to discuss countermeasures together.

Now more than half of the people in the city are being manipulated, and the only solution is to eliminate the cat monster, but few people know very little about the cat monster.

If they rely solely on the number of people, they are no match for the cat demon at all.

"Xiao Yu, are you afraid?" Lin Mo looked at Chen Xinyu at this moment, and asked her jokingly.

"Not afraid."

Chen Xinyu shook his head, discussing with several people how to deal with the cat demon.

Her performance was unusually calm, and she answered Lin Mo's questions gracefully.

"Brother Lin, how do you think we should deal with the cat demon?" Gu Feng looked at Lin Mo and asked how to deal with the cat demon.

So far, it seems that only Lin Mo knows the details of the cat monster, and the others only know a little about the cat monster, including Chang Qing and Xu Fei.

"If you want to deal with the cat monster, you have to find its weakness." Lin Mo thought for a while, then said to a few people, and the cat monster's weakness is actually its soul.

It's just that Lin Mo didn't say it out, and the reason why he didn't say it out was because of Chen Xinyu in front of him.

"The weakness of the cat demon."

Bai Xue repeated Lin Mo's words.

"I know." Daju suddenly raised his paw and gestured to them.

"Little thing, tell me where is the weakness of the cat demon?" Everyone turned their attention to Big Ju, and Bai Xue asked it.

"Master Cat Queen is afraid of the sun, so she hides in the dark top floor all day long, and only comes out to move around at night." Daju immediately said to everyone.

"Afraid of the sun?"

Chang Qing, Xu Fei, and Bai Xue were all taken aback, they couldn't figure out that monsters who had been training successfully would be afraid of the sun.

Lin Mo and Daju looked at each other.

This was discussed by the two long ago. The reason why they told everyone that the cat demon's weakness is that it is afraid of sunlight is to confuse Chen Xinyu.

If the soul of the cat demon is really attached to Chen Xinyu, then it will definitely make the puppet in the entertainment city into an existence that is afraid of the sun according to Daju and Lin Mo's settings.

This is also where Chang Qing, Bai Xue and Xu Fei feel strange, no matter what kind of monster, as long as its cultivation reaches a certain level, it will definitely not be afraid of the sun.

"My lord, can you believe what this little thing says?" Bai Xue came to Lin Mo and asked in a low voice.

"Don't worry, no problem." Lin Mo nodded deeply, and said to Chang Qing and Xu Fei, "We can give it a try."

"But how do we lure the cat demon out of the entertainment city during the day?" Xu Fei asked Lin Mo.

If the cat demon is really afraid of the sun, it will definitely not come out in the daytime foolishly, and how to attract the cat demon will undoubtedly become a new problem.

"I can do this."

Lin Mo smiled when he heard Xu Fei's words, and looked at Daju again.

"Xiao Yu, this matter is very dangerous. Just stay at home and don't go anywhere." Lin Mo immediately reminded Chen Xinyu.


Chen Xinyu nodded.

"You stay here and watch."

Lin Mo looked at Gu Feng again and motioned to him.

"Um, fine."

Gu Feng originally wanted to go with him to deal with the cat demon, but after thinking about his own strength, he decided to stay at home and guard Chen Xinyu, Gu Jie, and Gu Sisi.

"Let's go."

Lin Mo was not idle, and left the villa with Chang Qing, Xu Fei, and Bai Xue, and of course he brought Daju with him.

After they left the villa, Chen Xinyu said to Gu Feng, Gu Jie and Gu Sisi who stayed in the house: "I'm going back to my room to rest."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for any response, he went back to the bedroom and closed the door.


"My lord, are you sure Miss is really possessed by the soul of the cat demon?" Bai Xue asked Lin Mo frowning.

"Not sure yet."

Lin Mo shook his head, not 100% sure about Chen Xinyu's abnormality.

"If it's true, as brother Lin said, that the soul of the cat demon is attached to Miss Chen, then Chen Xinyu is likely to be in danger." Chang Qing also said with a serious face.

"Brother Chang, you are a disciple of Shushan Mountain. Is there any way to confirm?" Lin Mo asked Chang Qing. At present, he can only pin his hopes on Chang Qing.

"Yes, but brother Lin had better be mentally prepared." Chang Qing nodded and replied in a solemn tone.

"Okay, what method." Lin Mo nodded and asked Chang Qing.


To be continued
(End of this chapter)

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