Chapter 199 Chapter 199
"Where a monster is entrusted to the human body with its soul, its main body is its greatest weakness. As long as the body is hurt, the entrusted soul will also be severely injured." Chang Qing said to Lin Mo at this time.

When talking about the cat demon itself, Lin Mo thought of Xiaomi.

"That is to say, as long as you catch the main body, you can tell whether Xiao Yu is possessed, right?"

Lin Mo thought about it and asked Chang Qing.

"Yes, theoretically speaking, if the cat demon's cultivation has not reached the baby-breaking level, its main body is its biggest weakness." Chang Qing nodded.

"What will happen if you reach the baby-breaking realm?"

Hearing this, Lin Mo was stunned again, and asked Chang Qing with a more solemn expression. According to the development of the novel's plot, the cultivation base of the cat demon should have almost reached the baby-breaking level.

"If the cultivation of the cat demon has really reached the baby-breaking level, the primordial spirit will take shape and will no longer be limited to the body." Chang Qing also sensed the seriousness of the matter, and said solemnly.

If the cat demon has really broken through the alchemy and reached the infant-breaking state, then it's no wonder that it will possess Chen Xinyu's body.

The only thing that Lin Mo couldn't figure out was why the cat demon would enter Chen Xinyu's body. Could there be a certain connection between the two?

"Boss, do you want to find that civet cat?" Daju also heard the conversation between Lin Mo and Chang Qing at this time, and asked immediately.


Lin Mo nodded. Now, in order to confirm Chen Xinyu's identity, he had to start with Lihuamao Xiaomi.

If the soul of the cat demon really lives with Chen Xinyu, he will do everything to separate him no matter what.

Chen Xinyu's comfort is above all else.

"My lord, if Miss is really possessed by the cat demon soul, wouldn't the family members be very dangerous?" Bai Xue asked Lin Mo what she thought of at this time.

"Don't worry about this. If the soul of the cat demon is really in Xiaoyu's body, he will definitely hide himself and not be so anxious to expose himself." Lin Mo shook his head and said.

"Brother Lin is right."

Chang Qing also nodded in agreement, agreeing more with Lin Mo's words.

"Let's find the cat demon's body first." Lin Mo said to several people, and then set off to find Xiao Mi.

Soon a few people came to the underground passage where Xiao Mi lives. If it is really a cat demon, it will be just like an ordinary animal without its soul.

"It's so dark in here."

Looking at the pitch-black underground passage, Bai Xue couldn't help frowning and said.


Chang Qing didn't say much, and a flame appeared when he raised his sword finger, barely able to light up a little.

"This place is unusual, everyone should be more careful." Xu Fei observed the surroundings and said.

"Boss, do you think the cat queen knew we were coming, so she slipped away early?"

Daju looked ahead and asked Lin Mo.

The passage is about deep, and the inside becomes darker, and even the evergreen flames can't illuminate the slightest bit, which shows the strangeness in the passage.

"It's not so dark here a few times before." Lin Mo said with a frown.

"We may have hit the formation." Chang Qing looked at Lin Mo, Xu Fei, and Bai Xue and said.



Xu Fei and Bai Xue looked at Chang Qing in surprise when they heard Chang Qing's words, but Lin Mo became more serious. Could it be that they really startled the snake? .

If this is the case, it might be dangerous for Gu Feng, Gu Jie, Gu Sisi and Chen Xinyu to stay together.

"Not sure yet."

"Let's go back and see if we can get out of the passage." Chang Qing motioned to several people, and then took the lead to walk back, but he didn't go out of the passage after walking for a few minutes, so he didn't continue.

"We did hit the formation."

Seeing this situation, Chang Qing finally determined that the few people were hit by a certain formation, which could also explain why the surroundings were not so dark when Lin Mo came.

"Look, boss, I said I didn't lie to you, it is really the cat queen." Daju said to Lin Mo excitedly.

"If this formation is really arranged by the cat demon, then its primordial spirit will definitely not possess Xiaoyu."

Lin Mo finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. If the few people were really caught in the formation, then Chen Xinyu would be normal.

If the cat demon wants to arrange a formation to trap several people, the primordial spirit is the key. If the cat demon's primordial spirit is attached to Chen Xinyu's body, such an arrangement cannot be completed at all.


At this moment, Bai Xue shook her head at Lin Mo.

"How to say?" Lin Mo froze for a moment, looking at her suspiciously.

"If the primordial spirit of the cat demon had expected us to come here, it would have set up this trap in advance to confuse us."

Bai Xue said in a calm tone.

After listening to her words, Lin Mo also fell into deep thought for a while, still not 100% sure whether Chen Xinyu was possessed or not.

"If the primordial spirit of the cat demon is strong enough, it can actually do this." Chang Qing also nodded at this time, agreeing with Bai Xue's words.

"My lord, why don't we just have a showdown with that demon cat." Bai Xue looked at Lin Mo with a complicated expression and said.

"Let's think about how to get out now."

Lin Mo sighed, he didn't know anything about breaking the formation, so he could only pin his hopes on Chang Qing and Xu Fei.

After all, these two are disciples of Shushan Mountain, and breaking the formation is the counterpart of changing careers for them.

"If you want to get out of this formation, you just need to find the eye of the formation." Chang Qing also said the first element of breaking the formation.

As long as you find the formation's eye and destroy it, no matter how powerful the opponent's formation is, it will fall apart.

"It's pitch black all around, where can I find an eye?" Bai Xue looked around.

"Go further in, maybe the formation is in front." Chang Qing said slowly, and stopped after a few minutes of walking.

"No, we've been walking for so long, it's no different from standing still." Bai Xue said with some complaints.

"Is there any other way to break the formation?" Lin Mo also asked Chang Qing impatiently.

"Yes, but the probability of success is very small."

"If we can't find the formation eye, we can only break the formation with force. As long as we reach the limit of the formation, we can go out."

Chang Qing nodded and said to Lin Mo.


Lin Mo didn't say much after listening to Chang Qing's words. He summoned the Qianjun Sword to break through the formation with force and constantly attacked the barriers of the formation.

Bai Xue and Xu Fei were not idle either, urging the true energy in their bodies to break through the formation with Lin Mo, only Chang Qing was thinking about where the formation was.

"No, we can't break through this formation at all with our cultivation base." After trying many times, Xu Fei gave up and said.

When the cultivation of the formation is higher than that of the monks within the formation, there is only one way to break the formation, find the location of the formation's eye, and then destroy it.

And all the attacks are useless in terms of combat techniques, and when the true energy is exhausted, the only option is to wait for death.


To be continued
(End of this chapter)

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