Chapter 204 Chapter 204

"Past life?"

After Chang Qing listened to Lin Mo's description, he didn't react for a while and was stunned.

"Boss, is that what the cat queen really said?"

Daju also listened to the story, and looked at Lin Mo in disbelief. As an animal, it didn't understand anything.

"Do you have any spells in Shushan that can know the memory of the past life?" Lin Mo asked Chang Qing in order to find out the cause.

With Shushan's ability, there should be such spells or abilities.

"Yes, but Pindao doesn't know it." Chang Qing nodded, but it's a pity that even as a senior disciple, he doesn't know this kind of magic.

"The cat demon must have a conspiracy, otherwise it would be impossible to easily reveal Miss Chen's location." Chang Qing analyzed Lin Mo at this time.


Lin Mo nodded, and he naturally saw that the purpose of the cat demon seemed not simple, but if he wanted to know what he really wanted at the moment, he had to find out what happened in his previous life.

"Go back first, let's discuss in the long run."

"it is good."

The two didn't stay any longer, and they left the entertainment city with Daju and returned to the medical center.

But Bai Xue, Xu Fei, and Gu Feng, who were going to inject the antidote, hadn't returned yet, but Lin Mo focused his attention on the strange old man.

This guy is mysterious, maybe we can find some way from him.


"I have a question to ask you." Thinking of the need for others, he changed the name of the strange old man from "old man" to "senior".

"tell me the story."

The strange old man stroked his beard, looked at Lin Mo with interest and asked.

"Do you think people have past lives?" Lin Mo didn't say anything in a hurry, but asked him step by step.

"Of course there is. Time and everything follow a cycle of karma, and people are no exception." The strange old man nodded without thinking.

"Then is there any way to know the identity of my previous life and what happened?"

Lin Mo looked at the old man seriously.


The strange old man nodded without even thinking about it, and said in a flat tone: "There is something called the Three Lives Stone, as long as you pass through the Three Lives Stone, you can see your past and present lives."

"Three Lives Stones?"

Lin Mo was a little stunned when he heard this word, and then looked at Chang Qing beside him.

"Sansheng stone, also known as moon wheel stone, is rumored to only be found in Fengdu City." Chang Qing looked at Lin Mo with a serious expression and explained.

And the strange old man didn't refute anything, obviously the Sansheng Stone is just like what Chang Qing said, it can only be found in Fengdu City.

As for where Fengdu City is, Lin Mo naturally knows it, and at the same time he is a little surprised.

"If you want to get the Sansheng Stone, you have to go to Fengdu City." The strange old man said.

"How do living people go to Fengdu City?" Lin Mo gave the old man a blank look.

"It's not easy, just die."

The strange old man chuckled, and said a way to Lin Mo in a low voice.

Lin Mo: "."

Chang Qing: "Please tell me, senior."

"Fengdu City can only be entered by the soul, there is no possibility for the living body, but it doesn't have to be real death, you can also fake death." The strange old man glanced at Chang Qing with admiration.

"suspended animation?"

"Yes, if you want to enter Fengdu City, you only need to feign death, which is not too difficult for the old man." The strange old man nodded.

"How to fake death?" Lin Mo looked at the old man curiously and asked.

"Of course this old man has a solution, but if he wants help from this old man, there must be conditions." The strange old man also revealed his true purpose.

"Tell me, under what conditions?"

Lin Mo didn't intend to ask the strange old man to help him for no reason, so he asked immediately.

"In Fengdu City, there is an extremely rare medicinal herb called Biancao, which grows on the bottomless cliff of resentment."

"My condition is just to help me pick a Bana grass." The strange old man said.


After Lin Mo thought for a moment after listening, he nodded in agreement.

"Senior, how do we feign death to enter the city of Fengdu?"

Chang Qing asked the strange old man at this time.

"Eat this."

The strange old man took out two pills from a gourd, and then said leisurely: "These are two pills, no matter how high your cultivation level is, as long as you take them, you will die."

"Old man, are you kidding me?"

The corner of Lin Mo's mouth twitched slightly.

"What's the rush? Although this pill is poison, it can achieve a state of suspended animation when combined with the old man's silver needle acupuncture point." The strange old man patiently explained to Lin Mo.

"Then how should we come back to life?" Lin Mo also asked the most critical question at this time, death is dead, but how to come back to life.

"Just take off the silver needle, and you will return to the world from Fengdu City." The strange old man said.

"In this case, let's start." Lin Mo didn't talk nonsense after listening, and directly grabbed the pill from the strange old man's hand.

And the other one was naturally in Chang Qing's hands, after the two looked at each other, they swallowed it without any scruples.

Soon they lost consciousness, and the strange old man also waved his hand, and several silver needles pierced the two of them regularly.


When Lin Mo opened his eyes again, he had already appeared on the street, surrounded by black and white upside down, without any color, as if nothing.

"Brother Lin."

Suddenly, Chang Qing appeared beside Lin Mo.

"This is Fengdu City?" Lin Mo looked at Chang Qing with some doubts and asked.

"Not really."

Chang Qing shook his head, and drew a spell in the void with his sword finger.

"Yuyou Three Realms, Order!"

A gate appeared in front of the two of them, and behind the gate was the real Fengdu City. Although the entrance was already known, it was not so easy to enter the city.

"If you want to enter the city, you must have a guide." The official at the gate of the city said to Lin Mo and Chang Qing.

"What is Lu Yin?" Lin Mo looked at the official in front of him suspiciously and asked.

"He's new here, Lu Yin is this one."

The messenger made a gesture, and Lin Mo, who saw the gesture, immediately realized what the other party meant. It turned out that the so-called Lu Yin wanted money, but none of these servants was alive.

"I don't know if this is enough for the two of us to enter the city?" Chang Qing didn't know where to turn it into silver, and placed it in front of the officials.

Seeing the silver, the officer's eyes were straightened, and he quickly grabbed the silver and said, "Enough is enough, you can go in."

"Brother Lin, let's go in." Chang Qing then looked at Lin Mo to signal, and soon the two walked into the city gate.

The ancient city in front of me is the famous Fengdu City in the legend. Just like a real city, there are traders and wandering spirits in Fengdu City.

"Brother Lin, let's split up. You go to the Sansheng Stone, and I'll go to the Biancao." Chang Qing said to Lin Mo after glancing at the scenery in the city.


Lin Mo nodded in agreement, but soon realized a problem, and asked Chang Qing again:

"Where can I find the Sansheng Stone?"

"Death Inn."

Chang Qing only left one sentence, and then disappeared without a trace in the wandering soul.


To be continued
(End of this chapter)

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