Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 205 Suddenly Chapter First

Chapter 205 Looking Back
Death Inn.

It's not easy for Lin Mo to find this place. Asking directions in Fengdu City is a lot of excitement. If you stop one at random, the appearance of the other person may make you unable to swallow food for three or four days.

Entering the inn, it is an old old house. There are not many people in the house, it should be said that there are not many wandering spirits.

"Guest officer, what do you need?" A wandering soul dressed like a waiter came to Lin Mo in a fluttering manner, and asked with a narrowed smile.


Lin Mo glanced at the waiter in the shop. Perhaps he was the one who looked the most human-like among so many wandering spirits he had seen, but the clothes on his body seemed to be made of paper.

"Please come with me."

After listening to Lin Mo's words, the shop waiter didn't respond, so he took him to a corner, and there was a shelf in the corner, and the three-life stone was placed on the shelf.

"Guest officer, this is what you want."

The shop waiter picked up a Sansheng stone and handed it to Lin Mo, and at the same time smiled and Mimi stretched out her palm and said:
"A moonstone is worth hardware."

"Hardware, take it."

Lin Mo glanced at the Sansheng Stone in his hand, pretended to reach into his sleeve to get the money, and hit the waiter directly in the face in the next second, turning around to run away.


"How dare you snatch the things from the Past Life Inn." The waiter started to tremble all over, and turned into a spirit general, chasing Lin Mo extremely fast.

As soon as Lin Mo went out, he met Chang Qing. Seeing that he was holding the other shore grass in his hand, he immediately shouted, "Brother Chang, let's go."

"it is good."

Chang Qing understood instantly, and ran towards the gate of the city with Lin Mo, while behind him was a group of spirit generals, that is, pawns of Fengdu City.

But even though the two are in the state of souls, they can still activate their true energy. Those pawns are no match for the two, and they escaped from Fengdu City very quickly.

At this moment, the strange old man in the medical hall felt something, so he directly took off the silver needles on the two of them, and Chang Qing and Lin Mo, who were in the state of souls, were instantly sucked back into their respective bodies by a force of resistance.

The two people who woke up had what they got in their hands. Lin Mo was holding the Sansheng Stone in his hand, and Chang Qing was holding the other shore grass.

"Senior, what you want." Chang Qing got up from the mat at this time, and handed the other shore grass to the strange old man beside him.

"Thank you."

After the strange old man took the other shore grass, a smile appeared on his face.

Lin Mo, on the other hand, looked at the Sansheng Stone and fell into deep thought. Chang Qing and the strange old man did not bother, but watched quietly from the sidelines.

About half an hour.

Lin Mo has been lost in thought, until Bai Xue and the others returned to the hospital after completing their mission, he gradually woke up from his memories.

It turned out that he and Chen Xinyu had known each other in previous lives, and they had always been husband and wife until they met Su Luo in one life.

And Su Luo was the name of the cat demon.

In that life, he didn't completely fall in love with Chen Xinyu's previous life, but fell in love with Su Luo, but due to the estrangement between their identities, they didn't get together in the end.

Therefore, she transferred all her hatred to Chen Xinyu.

"My lord, how should we rescue Miss now?" Bai Xue asked with a slightly serious expression after glancing at the Sansheng Stone.

"The trouble should end it."

Before Lin Mo could respond, the strange old man said something.

"Old man!"

"What do you mean by that?" Bai Xue frowned and looked at the strange old man, feeling a little annoyed in her heart.

"Don't say it, don't say it."

The strange old man smiled awkwardly, staring at Lin Mo with piercing eyes.

"I see."

Lin Mo nodded, and also understood what the old man meant. He looked at Bai Xue and Chang Qing and the others: "Leave the matter of saving Xiao Yu to me alone."


Bai Xue was a little stunned, looked at Lin Mo in surprise and reminded: "My lord, with your cultivation level, you are definitely not the opponent of the cat demon."

"That's right, let's rescue Miss Chen together." Chang Qing nodded in agreement, and even Xu Fei had to admit that Bai Xue was right.


Seeing how persistent these people were, Lin Mo had no choice but to nod, and prepared everything to go to Phoenix Mountain to rescue Chen Xinyu.


Phoenix Mountains.

In a cave somewhere.

Chen Xinyu is no longer the old Chen Xinyu, the expression on her face is particularly abnormal, and lying on the ground beside her are Gu Sisi and Gu Jie.


The corners of Chen Xinyu's mouth rose slightly, and he knew that Lin Mo and the others had already gone up the mountain with a flick of his mind.

On the outside of the cave, she has already arranged a formation, as long as a few people step in, they will be completely trapped inside.

"My lord, the cat demon is in the cave." Bai Xue pointed to the cave in the distance.

"Everyone be careful, this cat demon will definitely not let us find it so easily." Chang Qing also reminded.

Just as a few people approached slowly, Chen Xinyu flew out of the cave, and her eyes were on Lin Mo.

"Duan Lang, you're here."

Chen Xinyu spoke slowly.

"Su Luo, this matter has nothing to do with Xiaoyu, you come out of her body." Lin Mo said, looking at Chen Xinyu who had been completely controlled.

"Duan Lang, do you remember me?" Chen Xinyu looked a little surprised, but quickly realized something, and denied himself:
"You are definitely not Duan Lang now, but it doesn't matter anymore, you will become my Duan Lang soon."

As soon as Chen Xinyu finished speaking, several beams of light appeared around them, surrounding them.

"No, this is the monster's formation." Xu Fei looked around in shock.

"Su Luo, I know you want to turn me back into Duan Qing, but this matter has nothing to do with them, put them all back." Lin Mo said to Chen Xinyu expressionlessly.

"Duan Lang, are you begging me?" Chen Xinyu smiled.

"I'm negotiating with you again to let them go." Lin Mo replied flatly.

"I'm not going."

Bai Xue directly rejected the offer.

"If Duan Lang admits that he is begging me, then I can consider letting these ants go." Chen Xinyu laughed wantonly.

"I beg you."

Seeing this, Lin Mo had no choice but to bow his head, and said softly to Chen Xinyu.


Chen Xinyu snorted softly, and looked at Lin Mo proudly: "Duan Lang, since you begged me so much, I will let these ants die, and take these two people away."

After saying that, Gu Sisi and Gu Jie flew out of the cave, and Xu Fei and Chang Qing also took advantage of the situation to catch them.

"Listen to me, you go back quickly, and I will solve this matter myself." Lin Mo said to Chang Qing and Bai Xue when he saw this.

"I won't leave." Bai Xue said still resolutely.

"Brother Lin, what are you going to do?" Chang Qing asked Lin Mo rationally.

"Actually, it's strange that the old man told me a way to save Xiaoyu, but it's hard for me to use it when you are here." Lin Mo said to several people with a smile.


Bai Xue looked at Lin Mo in a daze.

"Well, go back and wait for me."

Lin Mo nodded.

"You must come back safely." Seeing this, Bai Xue had no choice but to give up, and followed Chang Qing and the others to leave Phoenix Mountain.

After they left, Lin Mo looked at Chen Xinyu not far away.

"Su Luo, first of all there are only two of us left, you can come out of Xiaoyu." Lin Mo looked at Chen Xinyu and said slowly.

"Sorry Duan Lang, this woman's body has been completely refined by me, now I am her, and she is me." Chen Xinyu said with a smile.

"Stop pretending, you can't refine Xiao Yu at all." Lin Mo sneered after hearing this.

And Chen Xinyu was also obviously surprised, looking at him with some surprise: "How can you be so sure that I can't refine this woman?"


The corner of Lin Mo's mouth rose slightly, and he looked at Chen Xinyu in front of him and smiled: "Xiaoyu told me, so she has always been by my side."

"What do you mean?"

Chen Xinyu was a little confused, and looked at Lin Mo frowning.

"You'll find out later."

Lin Mo looked at Chen Xinyu expressionlessly, then quietly raised his head and forgot to glance at the sky:
"Su Luo, do you know what day it is today?"

"What day?"

Su Luo in Chen Xinyu's body looked at him puzzled and asked.

"A special day."

After Lin Mo finished speaking, he took out the Sansheng Stone from his arms. When Chen Xinyu saw the Sansheng Stone, he suddenly realized.

"It's time to understand the past." Lin Mo looked at Chen Xinyu and slowly threw the Sansheng Stone into the sky.

He quickly formed a seal, and a white awn made a masterpiece.


a few days later.

Chen Xinyu appeared in the hospital, and the strange old man took out a letter from a small box and handed it to her.

"Thank you."

Chen Xinyu thanked the strange old man, then walked out of the clinic, opened the envelope and began to read.

On letter paper:
Dear Miss Rain.

When you read this letter, I may not be here anymore.

Someone told me that to save you, you must sacrifice yourself. I don't believe it, but for your safety, I have to believe it.

The cat demon controls your body. For you and the child, I must sacrifice myself and die with the cat demon.

In the days when I'm not around, you have to take good care of yourself, our child, please take care of us.

See words like meeting, Mr. Lin who loves you.

When Chen Xinyu saw the last line, the tears in the corners of his eyes couldn't stop flowing out, and the sky also started to rain lightly at this moment.

"Miss, let's go home."

At this time, Bai Xue was holding an oiled paper umbrella, and said with the same dignified and deep expression.

"Mr. Lin, why are you so stupid." Chen Xinyu broke down completely, squatting on the ground and crying wantonly.

Lin Mo's disappearance was like a dream, illusory, leaving only Chen Xinyu alone, and only Bai Xue was left with her.

Looking at Chen Xinyu who was so sad, Bai Xue didn't have any comfort, but just watched quietly, her heart was never miserable.


some years later.

In an old house, a child was playing in the yard.

"Aunt Bai, why does Mom sit at the door every day?" The child asked Bai Xue after playing with a paper airplane.

"Your mother is waiting for someone." Bai Xue replied gently stroking the child's head.

"Is Mom waiting, Dad?" the child asked Bai Xue cleverly.


Bai Xue lovingly picked up the child, looked at Chen Xinyu who was sitting on the stone steps at the door, and couldn't help sighing.

Ever since Xiao Yi was born, Chen Xinyu sat at the door and waited for Lin Mo every day. This waited for seven or eight years.

Bai Xue is a demon, and she really didn't know what it was like to miss someone to the extreme, but since she met Chen Xinyu, she has understood.

It turns out that the person who is often left behind is the one who suffers the most. When a gust of wind blows, the wind chime at the door zips.

Looking at the alley in the distance, Chen Xinyu seemed to see a familiar figure, stood up excitedly, and shouted to the figure:

"Mr. Lin, you are finally back."

"I'm back, Miss Yu." The other party replied gently to Chen Xinyu.

Another gust of wind blew by, and the figure disappeared, but the smile on Chen Xinyu's face did not dissipate for a long time, she murmured at the corner of her mouth:

"Mr. Lin, our story shouldn't end like this. You still owe me a cup of summer tea."

She was talking about herself but laughed again
she laughs and laughs but cries again
She was crying and crying, where is her sweetheart?

(End of this chapter)

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