Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 25 025 Exciting moment!

Chapter 25 025 Exciting moment!

After Jiang Rong drove away, Lin Mo couldn't help feeling dizzy looking at the messy living room.

It would be great if there is a sweeping robot to help him clean up at this time, but unfortunately there is no such product as a sweeping robot in the world today.

Yunfeng Technology was a company that researched this kind of technology products before.

It's a pity that during this period of time, the company has been developing Yuntao and Hungry Bar, leaving the original business aside.

But this is not a big problem, as long as Yuntao and Hungry Bar can be put on the market.

Then it is bound to break the original structure of the physical industry, and with enough funds at that time, we can develop more technological products.

"Do you love me or love him"

Just as Lin Mo was eating the rest of Jiang Rong's meal, the phone suddenly rang with a ringtone.

"what's up?"

After glancing at the note on the phone, Lin Mo quickly connected the call.

"Boss, Yuntao has officially launched!"

At this moment, Zhang Ming's trembling voice came from the phone.

The whole company has been busy for so long, and finally successfully launched Yuntao into the market today.

Due to Yuntao's bold and advanced business philosophy, it has attracted the attention of many investors within half an hour of its launch.

It can be said that now Yuntao is a favorite in the eyes of everyone, and everyone wants to get in and get a share.

In addition, the Yunfeng Technology Company behind Yuntao was also dug out by everyone, and Lin Mo's company became the target of public criticism for a while.

Some investors want to take a stake, while some deep-pocketed companies want to buy outright.

Zhang Ming's call to Lin Mo at this moment is not only joy, but also anxiety.

It is good to be able to cause an uproar in the market, but sometimes the waves are too big and the boat will shake.

Zhang Ming is worried that some companies with ulterior motives are deliberately targeting Yuntao at this time.

"Already online?"

Lin Mo was also very excited after hearing Zhang Ming's words.

After waiting for so long, Yuntao is finally online!
"Currently, the Yuntao market accounts for 100% of the market, and the background data shows that many merchants in major cities across the country have begun to actively settle in Yuntao!"

Zhang Ming was looking at the cloud data in the computer at the company.

Every time the bee dot of the data rises by one level, his heartbeat will speed up unconsciously.

You must know that Yuntao has not carried out any commercial promotion yet, and the current data is enough to show the success of this software.

"Very good, step up the publicity, it's best to ask a celebrity to endorse!"

After listening to Zhang Ming's words, Lin Mo calmed down and began to deploy strategic plans.

The launch of Yuntao is just the beginning.

Invite celebrities to endorse and use celebrity effects to seize market share. It won't take long before the real era of big data is coming!
And Lin Mo is not only the pioneer of this era, but also the pioneer of this era.

Even if everyone reacts and starts to imitate Yuntao tit for tat, by then Yuntao will have grown wings and will not be afraid of these opponents at all!
"Don't worry boss, I have already contacted several entertainment companies, and invited the most popular Xiaohua to endorse Yuntao!"

I have to say that Zhang Ming understands Lin Mo very well, and he can always predict the other party's thoughts one step ahead of others, so it is always much easier to deal with smart people without too much effort.

Suddenly Zhang Ming thought of something, and quickly said it to Lin Mo: "By the way, boss, both the Jiang Group and the Chen Group have called today."

"What did they say?"

Lin Mo asked curiously after hearing Zhang Ming's words.

Zhang Ming: "Jiang's Group wants to raise 20 billion yuan, become a shareholder of us, and obtain 20% of the company's shares."

Zhang Ming: "The Chen Group wants to spend [-] million yuan to directly acquire Yunfeng Technology."

"Otherwise, how can you say that the other party is a big group? What a bull, I want to buy Yunfeng Technology for just five billion!"

After Lin Mo listened to Zhang Ming's words, he immediately snorted with disdain.

To know the potential that Yuntao has shown now, anyone with insight knows that it is not as simple as five billion.

It is a daydream for a Chen Group to directly acquire Yunfeng Technology for such a small amount of money.

I don't know whether this idea was proposed by Chen Xinyu, her father, or someone else in the family.

But no matter who proposed it, it was undoubtedly kicked in the head by a donkey.

This is no different from an empty glove white wolf!
"These big groups think they can monopolize the market with their wealth and wealth!"

After hearing Lin Mo's tone, Zhang Ming said something unhappily.

What he dislikes the most is those groups that think they are big. They want to monopolize capital by relying on their wealth of funds.

"How did you reply to these two groups?" Lin Mo asked Zhang Ming with a sneer.

Zhang Ming: "There is no definite answer yet."

Lin Mo: "Okay, you go and tell the Chen Group that you want to buy Yunfeng for a mere 50 billion, why not buy more sweet potatoes to nourish your brain!"

Zhang Ming: "Boss, I'm afraid it's inappropriate to reply like this. After all, they are also a large group with a market value of nearly [-] billion."

"Let's just say it won't be long before we're beyond it!"

Lin Mo slightly raised the corner of his mouth to signal to Zhang Ming.

When the prototype of e-commerce is gradually perfected, Yuntao will tell these short-sighted people what is called the era of big data!

He really didn't pay much attention to a mere Chen family.

"Okay, how about Jiang's group... how should we reply?"

After thinking twice, Zhang Ming decided to reply Lin Mo's words to the person in charge of the Chen Group, and at the same time asked Lin Mo how to reply to the Jiang Group.

"Tell their president that 20 billion is only 5% of the shares. If you accept it, let them raise money!"

After thinking about it, Lin Mo gave Zhang Ming a command.

"20 billion is 5%??"

Zhang Ming was stunned, and asked Lin Mo in disbelief, "Boss, did I hear correctly?"

"Don't think about it, you heard me right!" Lin Mo said calmly, "20 billion at most is 5% of the shares!"

If the other party wasn't Jiang Li, he didn't plan to sell it yet.

Being able to spend 20 billion to buy 5% of Yunfeng's shares is undoubtedly Jiang Li's profit, and it is the kind that makes a lot of money.

It won't take long for Yunfeng Technology's market value to rise to [-] billion.

Lin Mo: "Just follow my advice and tell the president of the Jiang Group as it is. It's up to them whether to buy it or not."

Zhang Ming: "Understood, then I will reply to these two groups now!"

"Well, hang up!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Mo threw the phone aside, couldn't help but excitedly came to the floor-to-ceiling windows to look at the sea in the distance.

The launch of Yuntao represents the rise of the entire e-commerce industry.

It won't take long for Yunfeng Technology to be on par with the current Jiang Group and Chen Group, or to be more accurate, to surpass it!
As for the Lin family, Lin Mo directly ignored him. Thinking about it carefully, since he chose to leave the Lin family, he has not had contact with his family for a long time.


ps: Thank you Brother Steel for the 100 book currency reward. I also tipped 100 book currency before, but it didn’t show up in the background, so I didn’t thank you. I’m very sorry! ! !

Ask for collection!
Seeking recommendations!
(End of this chapter)

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