Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 26 026 Jiang Li's Reaction!

Chapter 26 026 Jiang Li's Reaction!
Since they chose to leave Lin's, their parents never called Lin Mo again.

Now that I think about it, it's quite sad.

Many times, he understands why his parents don't call him. It's not that they really forgot his son, but that they hope Lin Mo can be independent.

If the guess is correct, father Lin has paid attention to him many times, including the matter of opening a milk tea shop.


Jiang Group.


"Come in!"

"President, Yunfeng Technology has replied!"

The assistant tremblingly took the document and walked up to Jiang Li and said.

Jiang Li slowly raised her head to look at the assistant and asked, "How did they reply?"

"They replied."

At this moment, the assistant squeezed the documents in his hands a little nervously, and said to Jiang Li hesitantly: "20 billion, only 5% of the shares can be raised..."

After speaking, the assistant became more nervous, she knew Jiang Li's temper.

"Are they really only willing to give 5% of the shares?" Jiang Li frowned and looked at the assistant.

"Well, the person in charge of the other party said that the reason for giving 5% of the shares is because of your face, the president, otherwise you wouldn't agree to financing!"

The assistant felt miserable.

It is obviously the other party's words, but she is required to suffer the torture, there is no reason for it.

Although Jiang Li didn't say a word at the moment, it was precisely because of this that the assistant felt that every minute and every second was endless suffering.

"What a Yunfeng technology, the appetite is really big!"

At this moment, Jiang Li's face was as thin as ice and her tone was so cold that the assistant on the side didn't dare to take a breath.

Of course, the main duty of an assistant is to relieve the awkward atmosphere at the right moment.

Obviously, she deeply understood this truth, so a moment after Jiang Li finished speaking, she took the initiative to ask: "President, do we still need to raise funds for Yunfeng Technology?"

"Get in touch, I'll ask their person in charge to meet!" Jiang Li quickly returned to her calm and cold image, and said to the assistant in a flat tone.

"No problem, I'll get in touch now!"

The assistant nodded quickly, and was about to leave the office with the documents in hand.

"Wait, you can arrange it again and notify some senior management of the group to go to the conference room for a meeting!"

Just when the assistant was about to leave the office, Jiang Li stopped her and gave another order

Assistant: "Alright President."

10 minute later.

meeting room.

Jiang Li sat in the exclusive seat for the president and kept tapping the table with her index finger, as if she was venting her emotions.

"How long has the meeting been going on?"

After a long time, Jiang Li finally asked the assistant beside him.

"It's been five minutes."

The assistant's heart tightened, and he quickly told Jiang Li the time.

"Count the number of people who haven't arrived, and let them know so that they don't come, and go directly to the finance department to get their wages."

Jiang Li then said slowly to the assistant.

The tone was extremely flat, but everyone in the conference room knew that Jiang Li must be angry.

The assistant had no choice but to sigh helplessly, and began to take out his mobile phone to notify one by one.

The dogmatic Jiang Li can always be so arrogant!

As long as it doesn't meet her satisfaction, it will be difficult to stay in the group.

But it didn't take long for her to be stunned, and she looked at Jiang Li with an embarrassed expression: "President, Director Jiang is not here either."


After Jiang Li heard the word Jiang Dong, his expression turned cold for an instant, and he looked straight at the assistant.

Everyone in the conference room seemed to be able to feel the temperature drop around them, and they all lowered their heads and dared not look at Jiang Li. Anyone who dared to touch the bad luck at this time was undoubtedly courting death.

Jiang Li then asked the assistant coldly, "Did you notify her?"

"Notified, but Chairman Jiang has not responded yet."

The assistant nodded after hesitating for a few seconds.

"Then why are you standing still, don't you know how to call to urge me?"

Jiang Li immediately pointed the finger at the assistant after listening, but avoided talking about Jiang Rong's late arrival.

At this time, the assistant also knew that no matter what he said, it was useless. After all, the relationship between Jiang Li and Jiang Rong was well known in the company.

She could only call Jiang Rong with her mobile phone.

In her heart, she kept urging Jiang Rong to answer the phone, only in this way could she be safe.

The door of the meeting room was pushed open at this time, and Jiang Rong hurriedly arrived, then looked at Jiang Li and explained: "There was a traffic jam on the road just now, so I was late."

"It's okay, the meeting hasn't started yet."

Jiang Li smiled lightly, and her attitude was completely different when facing Jiang Rong, as if she had changed into a different person.

However, everyone in the company is used to it.

Jiang Rong then quickly sat down, looking at the projection screen not far away with appropriate eyes.

"This is a new software called Yuntao APP."


At this moment, Jiang Li pointed to the content on the projection screen and started the meeting.

Half an hour later, Jiang Li put away the projection screen, glanced at everyone present and asked:
"Do you have anything to say about the Yuntao app?"

"President, if this APP is really as described, the potential value is unlimited, and it is worth our investment!"

A senior executive in the seat said to Jiang Li quickly.

The rest of the people also followed suit. These people didn't have much opinion, some people took the lead and naturally followed suit.

This is the status quo of the company's top management, which shows that the decline of the group is also due to this. It just so happens that Jiang Rong personally appointed these top management.

If it wasn't for Jiang Rong's reasons, how could Jiang Li, who has always been shrewd and capable, keep a bunch of waste to suck the blood of the group.

So expelling someone just now was like drinking plain water, Jiang Li didn't even bat an eye.

Because whether or not there are these people, it doesn't make much sense to the group. On the contrary, if these people continue to be kept, there may be problems someday.

"Jiang Dong, what do you think of this software?"

Jiang Li didn't care about other people's opinions, she put all her focus on Jiang Rong.

"Sounds good, but...maybe it's just a flash in the pan, and it's not worth our investment of two billion."

Jiang Rong said after a moment of deliberation.

Of course, she wasn't really thinking about the group. She naturally saw the potential value of Yuntao. If Jiang Li was really allowed to invest in it, it would undoubtedly pose a great threat to the Chen Group.

All she had to do was to persuade Jiang Li not to invest in Yuntao, let alone invest in Yunfeng Technology.

"Well, it makes some sense, let's discuss the financing again!"

Jiang Li hesitated after listening to Jiang Rong's suggestion, and stopped talking about financing Yunfeng Technology, but waved to those high-level executives:
"The meeting is over, you go back to your own business."

"Good president!"

After everyone left, only Jiang Li and Jiang Rong were left in the conference room.

To be continued

ps: Thank you Brother Iron and Steel for another 100 book coins reward, the boss is generous!

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(End of this chapter)

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