Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 34 034 I can help you get rid of the scars on your face!

Chapter 34 034 I can help you get rid of the scars on your face!

"Sister Rose, here we come!"

After a while, a group of gangsters armed with steel rods rushed into the box.

Everyone looked at Lin Mo fiercely, as if they wanted to swallow him alive.

Before Rose could open her mouth, the bald man in the box spoke first, and shouted at the punks, "Get rid of him!"

"Call me!"

After the group of punks heard the bald man's order, they didn't care about 21.

They swarmed towards Lin Mo waving steel sticks.


In the blink of an eye, the little gangster who was so arrogant and yelling at Lin Mo just now flew sideways and fell heavily to the ground.

Lin Mo used Bajiquan's dominance, just like Lu Bu alive, and did not give them any chance to react.

In just a few minutes, the little brothers Rose called were just like the people outside, lying on the ground in pain and screaming.

"I want to talk to you sister Rose, if you are sensible, go out by yourself, otherwise."

As Lin Mo spoke, he stepped on a gangster's arm, making a cracking sound of broken bones.

Those little bastards who were still lying on the ground crying for their father and mother saw this battle, got up from the ground in horror, and rushed to the outside of the box.

"What about you?"

"Do you want to stay in the box?"

After all the gangsters had run away, Lin Mo turned his attention back to the bald man.

Just now, the bald man shouted the loudest, yelling that Lin Mo must be abolished.

"Boy, this is the site of... the Little Knife Society"

The bald man looked at Lin Mo with some fear. Just as he was about to remind Lin Mo that this is the territory of the Small Knife Club, Lin Mo gave him a hard look, and then quickly shut up.

Heck, he has been on the road for so many years, and he has seen all kinds of ruthless characters. The only thing he has seen is someone who can fight like Lin Mo, just like in the movie.

"You go out first."

At this moment, Rose spoke to the bald man.

"Sister Rose, be careful, I'm going to call someone at the hall now!"

After hearing Rose's words, the bald man dragged his body and ran out of the box, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Who the hell are you?"

After the bald man left, Rose had no choice but to look at Lin Mo seriously.

She has seen Lin Mo's tricks just now. As the boss of the Knife Society, she naturally wants to know more about things that others don't know.

For example, warriors.

When she saw that Lin Mo could deal with so many people alone, she realized that Lin Mo's identity was not simple.

It is likely to be the unknown warrior in the legend.

"I've said it before, you don't need to know who I am." Lin Mo said to Rose in a flat tone.

"Your Excellency is too rampant. Even if you are a martial artist, it will be difficult for you to get out of your body if you offend the Little Sword Society!"

Seeing this, Rose snorted coldly.

Although she was afraid of Lin Mo's strength, she was not to the point of fear.

Even if Lin Mo can fight ten of them, but can he defeat a hundred with one?

You must know that Xiaodaohui has more than 100 younger brothers in just one hall.

"I heard you have a scar on your face."

Lin Mo ignored Rose's threat just now, but walked up to her on his own, looking at her face with interest.

It's a pity that the face is covered by a mask, and nothing can be seen except a pair of bright eyes.

"call out!"

Rose is the most taboo about people talking about the scar on her face.

After a disagreement, he took out a brown butterfly knife from his cuff and slashed towards Lin Mo's neck.

"So fast!"

Lin Mo leaned slightly, avoiding Rose's attack.

If it weren't for his extraordinary ability to react, he might have a cut in his neck by the butterfly knife at this moment.

"Is this the warrior's reaction ability?"

Rose was a little surprised. She took advantage of the unpreparedness when she made the move just now, and Lin Mo could hide all of this, which shows that there is a big difference in strength between the two.

But she was not discouraged either. The seemingly small butterfly knife seemed to have life in her hands, and it stabbed at Lin Mo's vitals very quickly.

The two fought like this in the box.

Relying on the butterfly knife in her hand, Rose suppressed Lin Mo for a while, but it was only suppressed.

It did not cause any substantial harm to Lin Mo.

The reason why the two were able to fight for so long was mainly because Lin Mo was not serious and had been avoiding Rose's attack and did not fight back.

"The speed is fast, but it's a pity that the strength is not enough!"

After a while, Lin Mo also lost the will to continue playing, and used the elbow punch in Bajiquan to knock down the butterfly knife in Rose's hand.

He has not forgotten that the main purpose of coming here is not to compete with Rose, but to subdue her!

A woman like Rose has the same personality as her name, a rose with thorns.

If you are not careful, you will puncture your own hand.

"You have two choices, one is to submit to me, the other is to die, choose yourself!"

At this time, Lin Mo finally showed his style of being a villain.

Without giving Rose any chance, he quickly subdued her and pinned her on the coffee table in the private room.

Facing a woman like Rose, there is only one word that can subdue her, and that is to be ruthless, without giving her any choice.

Besides, Lin Mo didn't have much time to waste on her, just like playing a game to gain favorability.

"You are dreaming!"

Although Rose was subdued by Lin Mo, she still refused to give in.


Lin Mo also expected that Rose would not obey him so easily without using some special hands.

She still doesn't know what it means to be a gentleman who knows current affairs.

"If you don't accept it, then you will die!"

Lin Mo didn't talk nonsense with Rose, and grabbed her neck with one hand and began to exert force.

The strong sense of suffocation made Rose's breathing become hasty, and her expression began to struggle.

Seeing that Rose was about to faint from suffocation, Lin Mo let go of her at this moment.

"Are you satisfied?"


In the next second, Lin Mo tore off her mask directly.

"Sure enough, there is a scar!"

Pulling off the mask, Lin Mo saw the scar as expected.

On the handsome face, the scar was very abrupt. If it wasn't for the existence of this scar, Rose must be very beautiful.

"you wanna die!"

After seeing her shame sheet being torn off by Lin Mo, Rose lost her mind and rushed towards Lin Mo like crazy.

"I have a way to help you get rid of this scar on your face!"

At the moment when she was about to come into contact with Lin Mo, she was stunned when she heard this sentence. She, who was still full of hatred, was very excited because of Lin Mo's words.

"Can you really remove this scar on my face?"

Rose asked Lin Mo with a slightly trembling voice.

If it were someone else, she would definitely dismiss it.

But when facing Lin Mo, the desire in her heart prompted her to choose to believe.

To be continued

ps: At present, there are still 900 recommended tickets, you can listen to the author sing Conquer, come on!
I heard that it is more suitable for collecting, recommending, and rewarding in rainy days~

 Thank you for the reward of 100 book coins from the soldiers of the underworld, the boss is generous!

(End of this chapter)

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