Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 35 035 Conquering Roses!

Chapter 35 035 Conquering Roses!

"Of course!"

Lin Mo nodded.

He knows that there is a special ointment that can remove all scars on the human body, and it is also a very special existence in the novel.

It was with the help of the male protagonist Ye Yan that Rose obtained this miraculous plaster and healed the scars on her face before falling in love with him.

"If you can really heal the scar on my face, you will be at your service from now on!"

Rose endured her excitement, calmed down and said to Lin Mo.

She didn't expect the scars on her face to heal, but Lin Mo's appearance gave her hope.

It is said that warriors have special hand breaks that are unknown to ordinary people.

This is why Rose can be so firm in her belief that Lin Mo really has a way to heal the scars on her face.

Without him, the word warrior is enough.

"I think you made a mistake, I mean, you recognize me as the master, and I will help you heal the scars on your face!"

Lin Mo pouted disapprovingly.

This kind of priority still needs to be distinguished, although Lin Mo doesn't know what the difference is.

But the former sounds like Lin Mo is more passive.

"But what if you're lying to me?"

Rose frowned, looked at Lin Mo seriously and asked.

She believes in Lin Mo, but it doesn't mean that she has no heart. She has been on the road for so many years, and she has seen too many people who will only talk in exaggeration.

"I always do what I say, and you can choose not to believe it."

Lin Mo looked at Rose and said in a flat tone.

In the next second, Rose knelt down on one knee, bowed her head and said to Lin Mo, "Rose will listen to the orders of the master from now on!"

The reason why she was so happy was mainly because she had no choice.

She has seen Lin Mo's methods before, and she is obviously not an opponent. Apart from trusting Lin Mo, there is only one dead end.

Longing for the scars on her face to be eliminated, she has no choice but to believe!

Ding Dong!

mission completed!

Completion reward: ois operating system!

At the moment when Rose recognized the Lord, Lin Mo's mind sounded the system's task completion prompt.

"Very well, in three days, come to this address to find me!"

Lin Mo took out a business card of the milk tea shop from his arms and threw it to Rose.

"Forget the unhappy milk tea shop?"

Rose picked up the business card, muttered the words on it, and then looked at Lin Mo in surprise, "Master, what is this address?"

"Where I work."

Lin Mo didn't hide anything about Rose, who had already recognized the Lord, and said it openly.

He was wearing a mask and suppressed his throat mainly because he didn't want to be seen by those outside. If it was just roses, he didn't need to hide anything.

He took off the silver mask smoothly, revealing his true colors.

"very young!"

When Rose saw Lin Mo's appearance, the first reaction in her mind was youth.

Based on the means just now, she thought that Lin Mo was a particularly scheming middle-aged man, but she didn't expect to be so young.

"You can call me Mr. Lin in the future." Lin Mo raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said to Rose.

"Yes, Rose knows."

Rose nodded respectfully after hearing Lin Mo's words.

I have to say that this feeling of being respected is really cool, a kind of elation.

No wonder so many villains in the novel like to wander around with a group of younger brothers. Now Lin Mo knows why.

Putting on the mask again, Lin Mo turned around and was about to leave the box.

"Mr. Lin"

Just when Lin Mo was about to open the door of the box, Rose behind him called out to him.

"Anything else?"

Lin Mo then looked back at Rose and asked.

"The scars on my face, really... can it really heal?"

Rose asked Lin Mo with a trembling voice.

It's not that she doesn't believe in Lin Mo, but she can't believe that she can really restore her previous appearance in her lifetime.

Before she was disfigured, she was a proper beauty, very similar to a star in a film and television drama.

"In three days, you will know."

Lin Mo did not answer Rose's question with 100% certainty.

After saying that, he opened the door of the box without hesitation.

At this time, both sides of the door were filled with rows of gangsters holding watermelon knives and steel rods, waiting to watch Lin Mo who was about to leave.

"Sister Rose, are you okay?"

"I brought someone to rescue you!"

The leader of these people was a bald man. When he saw the door of the box open, he quickly raised his head and looked into the box.

Want to see the life and death of roses.

In order to deal with Lin Mo, the bald man went to the nearest hall and called more than 100 people to the bar.

Not only was the private room blocked, even the outside of the bar was full of people from the Small Knife Club.

"Remove everyone and let Mr. Lin leave!"

Rose put on her veil again, walked out of the box slowly, and said to the bald man in a commanding tone.

"Sister Rose, are you alright?"

The bald man was a little surprised when he saw that Rose walked out of the box intact.

"Remove the person and let Mr. Lin leave. I don't want to repeat it a third time!"

Rose ignored the bald man and said in a cold tone.

Her majesty was well displayed at this moment, and the bald man didn't dare to have any doubts, and quickly shouted at the younger brother who shot him, "What are you doing in a daze, didn't you hear what Sister Rose said, why don't you get out!"

After shouting, the bald man took the lead to escape from the box. He didn't want to face Rose again, the sense of oppression was too strong.

"Sister Rose, let's go now!"

With the bald-headed man taking the lead, those younger brothers who were still looking fierce in every way rushed to leave one after another, not daring to procrastinate in the slightest.

"I'm sorry Mr. Lin, I surprised you!"

After everyone left, Rose bowed her head and apologized to Lin Mo.

Compared with the attitude towards the bald man just now, her attitude towards Lin Mo is much more respectful at this time, but it is normal, who made Lin Mo her master now.

It doesn't matter whether she really confessed to the Lord, or it was simply because Lin Mo said that it could heal the scar on her face.

In short, she no longer has any temper when facing Lin Mo.


Lin Mo replied lightly, and then walked towards the exit, unimpeded along the way, and soon disappeared into the night.


After leaving the bar, Lin Mo did not go back to the villa, but looked for a small alley with mossy stone beasts all the way to the east of the city.

Finally, it didn't take long for Lin Mo to find him.

On the steps behind the stone beast is a Chinese medicine hall, and the wooden door with a little sense of age looks outdated.

"Tianhe Medical Center!"

Looking at the painted plaque, Lin Mo knocked on the door with a bronze hand.

This kind of object is really an uncommon antique in today's materialistic era.


An old voice of inquiry soon came from the door.

"Buying medicine."

After a while, there was no response from the door, and then the sound of the door bolt being pulled out was heard.

To be continued

ps: Thanks to the three bosses "Yiqin", "Dragon Soul", and "Far From Dust" for their rewards, awesome!
I heard that on rainy days, collections, rewards, and recommendations are more suitable for one-click triple combos~~~

At present, 584 recommendation tickets have been collected, and there are still 416 tickets left. You can listen to the author singing Conquer, free version~

(End of this chapter)

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