Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 37 037 Outing with Chen Xinyu!

Chapter 37 037 Outing with Chen Xinyu!

"Also, if you meet a man named Ye Yan in the Small Knife Club's territory in the future, you don't need to talk nonsense with him, just tell someone to cut him!"

Lin Mo suddenly thought of something evil, and slightly raised the corners of his mouth and said to Qiangwei.

As a qualified villain, one must spare no effort to find trouble with the pig's feet.

What's more, his relationship with Ye Yan has reached a point where even if Lin Mo doesn't take the initiative to find trouble, Ye Yan will not let him go easily.

"Ye Yan?"

Qiangwei muttered to herself, then looked at Lin Mo curiously: "Mr. Lin, do you have a photo of this person?"


Lin Mo then shook his head.

He doesn't need Ye Yan's photo, he believes that as long as Ye Yan appears in Qiangwei's territory, he will definitely be the most beautiful boy, after all, he is a man with the aura of the protagonist.

"Okay, I'll let my men go down and pay attention to the person with that name!"

Rose nodded.


"If it's okay, you can go back!"

Lin Mo didn't continue to tell Qiangwei anything else, and waved her hand to signal that she could leave.


Qiangwei put on her veil again, turned around and left the milk tea shop.

After returning to the clover bar, she called the bald man.

"Sister Rose, what do you need from me?"

At this time, the bald man had his hands wrapped in plaster, and he looked at Qiangwei attentively.

"Find someone to investigate, what are the backgrounds of the two women in the photo?" Qiangwei took out her phone and showed the photo of Jiang Rong and Jiang Li to the bald man.

"Sister Rose, this woman looks familiar."

After carefully looking at the photo, the bald man pointed to Jiang Li's photo and said to Qiangwei.

"you recognize?"

Seeing this, Qiangwei was slightly taken aback, and looked at the bald man suspiciously.

"Emmm don't know!"

The bald man quickly shook his head, and said to Qiangwei with a flattering smile:
"I remembered, this woman seems to be the president of the Jiang Corporation, quite famous, I met her at the Miss bar before!"

"Do you know her name?"

"It seems... what is her name Jiang Li, you can find her information online!"

The bald man nodded, and after inputting Jiang Li's name with the mobile browser, relevant information about Jiang's Group popped up.

It also includes Jiang Li's profile.

Qiangwei glanced at Jiang Li's profile, and then told the bald man, "Send a few people to Jiang's Group to keep an eye on her all the time, and report to me immediately if there is any disturbance!"

"Sister Rose, why did you send someone to stare at this woman?"

The bald man couldn't help asking Qiangwei curiously.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, just be honest and obedient!"

Qiangwei frowned, and said something to the bald man in a very displeased tone.

"Understood, I was talking too much, I must pay attention next time!"

Seeing Qiangwei's tone turned cold, the bald man quickly admitted his mistake, for fear of offending her.

"get out!"

Qiangwei was too lazy to argue with the bald man, and immediately told the bald man to leave.

"Yes, I will go down and send someone to follow!"

The bald man didn't dare to complain, and turned around cautiously to leave.

"Wait a moment."

At this time, Qiangwei stopped the bald man again.

"Sister Rose, do you have anything else to do?"

When the bald man heard Qiangwei calling him, he quickly turned around and looked at her with a smirk.

"In the future, if you meet a person named Ye Yan in our territory, you don't need to talk nonsense with him, just ask your brother to abolish him!"

After Qiangwei thought of Lin Mo's instructions to her, she said to the bald man.

"I know Sister Rose, I will make my brothers pay more attention!"

This time the bald man behaved well, and didn't ask Qiangwei any more weird questions.

"Well, go down!"

Qiangwei also waved her hand, indicating that the bald man could leave.

After the bald man left, Qiangwei came to the bedroom where she usually rested, took off the veil on her face, and walked excitedly to the mirror.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she couldn't help touching her face, the scars really disappeared, this is not a dream!
A knot in her heart for so many years was finally untied at this moment, and she was no longer that rose with scars.


35 Chengxi Street.

Forget about unhappy milk tea shops.

"Boss, bring me a cup of milk tea!"

In the milk tea shop, Chen Xinyu was wearing a pure white dress, looking at Lin Mo with a smile like a flower.

Today she deliberately got rid of Ye Yan and came to meet Lin Mo at the milk tea shop.

"no problem!"

Afterwards, Lin Mo quickly made a cup of summer tea for Chen Xinyu.

"Boss, the weather is so nice today, do you have time to go for an outing in the countryside together?"

Drinking the cool summer meme tea, Chen Xinyu said to Lin Mo on a whim.

For some reason, she suddenly had this idea in her heart, wanting to go to the outside world with Lin Mo to have some fun.

"I'm always available, but where's your bodyguard?"

"Wouldn't it be weird if he followed along?"

Lin Mo looked at Chen Xinyu in surprise after hearing what she said.

He could clearly feel that the heroine in front of him seemed to have a crush on him.

"Don't worry, he won't bother me today!" Chen Xinyu said proudly to Lin Mo, and smiled happily after speaking.

She went out of her way to find out the tracker, and then asked her assistant to take her phone for a drive.

At this moment, Ye Yan probably thought that she was the one in the car, and followed his assistant around the busiest streets in the city.


"Well, but we have to hurry up, or we won't be able to go when that idiot reacts!"

Chen Xinyu nodded, and then urged Lin Mo to change the store clothes quickly.

"Okay, you go outside and wait for me."

"Move faster!"

After Chen Xinyu finished speaking, she walked out of the milk tea shop, then sneaked her head out to peek inside the shop.

I saw Lin Mo quickly took off his shop clothes, and then put on his usual T-shirt.

"What are you peeking at?"

After changing his clothes, Lin Mo walked out of the milk tea shop and knocked Chen Xinyu on the head angrily.


Chen Xinyu pouted angrily and looked at Lin Mo.

"I'll rub the head office for you."

Lin Mo smiled helplessly. The cuteness of Chen Xinyu in front of him really couldn't bear it.

Who can refuse a girl like this?
"Let's go, we'll rub it later!"

Chen Xinyu took the initiative to interrupt Lin Mo's next move, grabbed his hand, and ran towards the corner of the alley.

She just wants to take Lin Mo out of the milk tea shop before Ye Yan arrives.

"My store isn't closed yet!"

"It doesn't matter, no one will steal milk tea!"

To be continued

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