Chapter 38 038 Shy!


After the two ran out of the alley, Chen Xinyu bent over and panted heavily.

She was wearing a pair of flat white shoes today. If she had replaced them with high heels, she might not even be able to stand firmly at this moment.

"Actually, you don't need to be so anxious."

Lin Mo gently stroked Chen Xinyu's back.

Not to mention, Chen Xinyu's waistline is really amazing, and the touch is not ordinary silky.

"Let's go, let's go for an outing!"

After Chen Xinyu took a breather, she blushed slightly and looked up at Lin Mo.

"Hair messed up!"

Lin Mo nodded, and helped Chen Xinyu brush her messy hair.

Thump thump.
Chen Xinyu's heartbeat accelerated unconsciously, like a deer bumping wildly.

"Thank you."

Immediately, she said something to Lin Mo shyly.

"You're welcome, where shall we go for an outing?"

Lin Mo smiled indifferently, dealing with little girls like Chen Xinyu is much easier than Jiang Li.

At least for now, she looks like a blank sheet of paper.

It gives people a feeling that the Lin family has grown up as a girl.

"Well, a park in the suburbs."

After thinking for two or three seconds, Chen Xinyu pouted to Lin Mo.

The weather is good today, blue sky and white clouds, clear sky.

"Did you come by car?"

After learning the location of the outing, Lin Mo asked Chen Xinyu again.


Chen Xinyu shook her head quickly, her car was driven away by her assistant, and she took the bus from the company to Lin Mo's milk tea shop.

"Then how do we get to the park?"

Lin Mo then pretended to be helpless and asked Chen Xinyu with his hands outstretched.

In the other party's perception, he is a negative second generation who has been kicked out, and it is not easy to have a job in a milk tea shop, let alone a car.

"It's okay, let's take the bus!"

Chen Xinyu slyly showed a pair of canine teeth, then took out two coins from her body and handed them to Lin Mo.

"Tsk tsk!"

"It's unbelievable that a rich lady like you has learned how to take the bus." After Lin Mo took the coin from Chen Xinyu's hand, he looked at her in feigned surprise.

"Hmph, Miss Ben is not the kind of spoiled princess!"

Chen Xinyu proudly puffed up her chest and said to Lin Mo.

Looking at the gradually developed peak in front of him, Lin Mo coughed a few times, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva hotly.

Since the dress Chen Xinyu was wearing happened to be a half tube top, and the back of the waist was straightened. From Lin Mo's position, the angle of view was just right enough to clearly see the eye-catching trench line.

It's so white that it's really hard for people to look away.

But as a gentleman, Lin Mo, no matter how reluctant he was, finally turned his gaze to the other side.


Chen Xinyu, who reacted at this time, quickly blocked her chest, and then looked at Lin Mo shyly with blushing cheeks.

"That. Let's take the bus!"

In order to ease the embarrassment of the two, Lin Mo spoke to her first.


Chen Xinyu bit her lip and nodded.

Then follow Lin Mo to the station and wait for the bus.

Her appearance immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding crowd.

After all, the value of appearance is there, and it is also very beautifully dressed, it is difficult not to attract the attention of others.

Looking at those people who sneak peeks at Chen Xinyu from time to time, Lin Mo secretly laughed in his heart, and then became playful.

In front of those people, he slowly took Chen Xinyu's hand.


When Lin Mo led him up, Chen Xinyu trembled all over, and asked Lin Mo in a low voice.

"It's okay, there are too many people on the bus, I'm afraid you will get lost later!"

Lin Mo immediately made up a reason for Chen Xinyu.

No, no, no!
There will be no Xiaobai who doesn't understand!
At this time, as long as Chen Xinyu didn't shake off Lin Mo's hand immediately, it proved that she didn't resist in her heart, but was just shy.

As long as Lin Mo makes up a reason, he can hold her hand in a grandiose manner.

Soft and sticky!
There is a kind of summer wind, caressing the side of the face head-on, it feels cool, so refreshing!

"Made, who is this kid, what a cabbage, he's been kicked like this!"

After seeing this scene, the people around gritted their teeth jealously, wishing to go up and push Lin Mo away, and then hold Chen Xinyu's soft and boneless little hand.

"The car is coming, let's get on it!"

Looking at the bus that had already arrived, Lin Mo had no intention of continuing to play, so he led Chen Xinyu into the bus.

"It seems that there is no place."

Chen Xinyu turned to look at Lin Mo with some disappointment.

"It's okay, let's go stand."

Lin Mo acted indifferent, and after leading Chen Xinyu to stand by the window of the carriage, he let go of her hand.


After being let go, Chen Xinyu was a little uncomfortable, and then blushed, and it took a long time before she said: "Can you stand in front of me, I'm afraid of being exposed."

"OK, no problem."

Lin Mo nodded, and after speaking, he stood in front of Chen Xinyu and helped her block the eyes of some sneak peepers.

Of course, as a benefit of being helpful, he can unscrupulously observe Chen Xinyu's hills.

But Lin Mo didn't. He looked away and looked at the scenery outside the window.

Seeing that Lin Mo didn't keep staring at her chest, Chen Xinyu felt a little disappointed for some reason.

At the same time, his affection for Lin Mo increased a little.

Compared with that Ye Yan, Lin Mo is much better.

When he went out in the morning, Ye Yan kept staring at her chest with those squinting eyes.

I just hate it!

She will definitely not give Ye Yan a chance to sneak a peek at herself in such a dress next time.

Of course, you can change it when you meet Lin Mo.

Unlike Ye Yan's attitude, she rather expected Lin Mo to stare at him.

As a woman, sometimes I am very concerned about whether other people's eyes are sneaking at me.

Of course, like Ye Yan, she wished she could just go blind.

Ye Yan: "I find it disgusting, but he sees it as a deer bumping around. It's just discriminating against me!"

Lin Mo: "Hee hee hee"

Ye Yan: "Laughing, I'm xxxxx you xxxxx!"

"Lin Mo."

After a long time, Chen Xinyu couldn't help calling Lin Mo.

"what happened?"

After hearing Chen Xinyu calling him, Lin Mo looked at her, and glanced casually at her chest.

It's not that Lin Mo wants to see it, it's because he really can't help it.

If it were anyone, they would glance at it unconsciously. This is the minimum respect for Chen Xinyu.

Just glanced at it, and soon Lin Mo looked away.

"It's okay, I suddenly thought of something very interesting."

Chen Xinyu smiled like a white lotus in full bloom.

"What makes you laugh so happily, tell me!" Lin Mo looked at her curiously and asked.

"Don't tell you!"

Chen Xinyu stuck out her tongue mischievously, and played tricks with Lin Mo.

As for why she laughed just now, anyone who understands it will naturally understand.

To be continued

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(End of this chapter)

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