Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 39 039 A Shameful Thing~

Chapter 39 039 A Shameful Thing~
"Don't tell me?"

Lin Mo frowned slightly pretending to be puzzled, and then jokingly said to Chen Xinyu: "The thing you think is not something shameful, is it?"


Chen Xinyu blushed instantly when she heard Lin Mo's words, and forgave her for being impure in thinking and thinking of something she shouldn't.

"What nonsense are you talking about, I didn't think about that kind of thing!"

Afterwards, Chen Xinyu rolled her eyes at Lin Mo reproachfully.

She's not crazy yet, how could she think about such embarrassing things in broad daylight, besides, she doesn't have a boyfriend yet!

"Are you sure you haven't thought about it?"

Lin Mo looked at Chen Xinyu with a disbelieving expression.

"Absolutely not!"

Chen Xinyu shook her head quickly, and said to Lin Mo solemnly: "What I just thought about is definitely not that kind of embarrassing thing!"

After saying this, Chen Xinyu couldn't help but blush again, what she was thinking just now was very close to shameful things.

Suddenly, she felt two small figures flying out of her shoulders.

An angel wearing the same white dress as her, holding a fairy wand.

A demon wearing a black dress and holding a triangular fork.

Angel Rain: "You are a majestic fairy, how can you think about such things, are you ashamed, and Lin Mo can see it~~"

Devil Rain: "What's wrong with being ashamed? Everyone would think about it. Lin Mo is obviously interested in you, so why are you so reserved?"

"Lin Mo is really interested in me?"

Chen Xinyu was slightly taken aback when he heard Devil Rain's words, and quickly recalled what happened just now in his mind.

Brushing hair, stroking back, holding hands, this kind of intimate contact seems to be really only done between lovers.

Angel Rain: "Lin Mo obviously just treats you as an ordinary friend, don't listen to her nonsense!"

Devil Rain: "Where did you come from, dare to destroy my good deeds!"

Angel Rain: "Can't tell, I'm an angel duck, of course an angel is"

Before the other party could finish speaking, Devil Rain threw the triangular fork in his hand at Angel Rain.

After a bang, the angel rain turned into smoke and disappeared.

Devil Rain: "It's really long-winded, go back to your paradise!"

Devil Rain: "We must seize the opportunity to be alone with Lin Moda and try to take him down~"

After speaking, Devil Rain also turned into smoke and disappeared into the air.

"Are you OK?"

Seeing that Chen Xinyu ignored him for a long time, Lin Mo waved his hand in front of her.

"Well, it's all right."

Chen Xinyu who came back to his senses quickly shook his head and said something to Lin Mo.

"What were you thinking just now?"

"I called you and you didn't respond."

Lin Mo looked at Chen Xinyu curiously.

"Did you call me?"

Chen Xinyu was stunned, and looked at Lin Mo with a slightly surprised expression.

"Well, I yelled several times."

Lin Mo nodded. He tried to call Chen Xinyu by her name just after he saw that Chen Xinyu was silent.

Maybe it was because Chen Xinyu was so absorbed in a daze that she didn't hear herself calling her.

"I was just thinking"

Chen Xinyu looked at Lin Mo with some embarrassment, and after thinking of what Devil Rain said to her, her heart beat faster unconsciously.


Lin Mo looked at Chen Xinyu with some doubts.

"I didn't think about anything about that."

Chen Xinyu immediately explained to Lin Mo with a smile.

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and bit his lip tangledly, wondering if he should ask Lin Mo that question.

Lin Mo looked at Chen Xinyu in front of him in confusion, and he could feel that something was obviously wrong with Chen Xinyu in front of him.

But what's wrong, Lin Mo can't tell.

She seemed to be blushing even more than before, and her movements were much more shy.

"Lin Mo, what did you mean by the shameful thing you just said?"

Finally, Chen Xinyu plucked up the courage to look up at Lin Mo and asked.

"I thought you knew, yes"

Lin Mo then leaned close to Chen Xinyu's ear and whispered something.

"Ah, the embarrassing thing is to play flying chess at night?" Chen Xinyu was stunned after hearing Lin Mo's words, and looked at Lin Mo with incredible eyes.

"Well, otherwise what do you think it is?"

Lin Mo nodded, then asked Chen Xinyu pretending to be stupid.

"It's nothing, I was thinking about playing Ludo too!"

Chen Xinyu hastily stammered back.

She blushed hot at this time, and after a long time, it turned out that she had misunderstood Lin Mo.

Seeing Chen Xinyu's panicked appearance, Lin Mo couldn't help but smile in his heart.

How could such a shameful thing be as simple as playing flying chess.

Obviously, Chen Xinyu must have thought of such an indescribable thing, so she blushed so much.

"Passengers, the next stop is about to reach the terminal, please get ready to get off!"

At this moment, the bus horn sounded, breaking the awkward silence.

"Come on, let's get out of the car."


After all, Lin Mo took Chen Xinyu's little hand again, and quickly got off the bus.

"Lin Mo, can you?"

After both of them got out of the car, Chen Xinyu said to Lin Mo in a pleading tone: "Can you let go, I'm afraid others will misunderstand."

"Misunderstanding what?"

Lin Mo raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and deliberately asked Chen Xinyu.

"It's just that we misunderstood the relationship between the two of us. Holding hands is something that only couples can do."

Chen Xinyu kept biting her lips, and finally mustered up the courage to say something to Lin Mo.

"OK, no problem."

After listening to Chen Xinyu's words, Lin Mo happily let her go.

As for Chen Xinyu, she was a little surprised. She didn't expect Lin Mo to let her go so happily, but she began to feel a little disappointed.

"Well... let's go to the park."

After a long time, Chen Xinyu forced a smile and said to Lin Mo.


Lin Mo nodded and walked towards the park first.

As for Chen Xinyu, he was left on the spot, looking at Lin Mo's back with complicated eyes.

Could it be that Lin Mo was angry and deliberately alienated her?

At this time, Chen Xinyu felt uncomfortable, and began to regret letting Lin Mo let go.

"Why are you still in a daze? Could it be that you're not used to it without me?"

Seeing that Chen Xinyu hadn't followed him, Lin Mo turned back to her and took her hand again.


For some reason, Chen Xinyu nodded in a strange way, and then she was ashamed and did not dare to look up at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo smiled, took her hand and walked towards the gate of the park.

I have to say that a girl like Chen Xinyu is really easy to control, she only needs to use a little tricks, and she can play with her wantonly.

"Lin Mo, do you think we are holding hands, do we look like a couple in love?"

Chen Xinyu suddenly tilted his head and asked Lin Mo.

"Well, it's quite similar."

Lin Mo nodded, and smiled at Chen Xinyu as he spoke.

To be continued

ps: Thanks to Iron Steel and Qinxin Lishang for their rewards, big guys are awesome!
Asking for recommendation tickets, the author even sang songs and performed talents, so asking for a few recommendation tickets is not too much!

(End of this chapter)

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