Chapter 40 040 Insane!

Lin Mo is not stupid, let alone blind.

Chen Xinyu's affection for him is more than just a friend.

As long as he wants, the relationship between the two can go further at any time.

The heroine is with the villain, Ye Yan, the protagonist, is so angry that he vomits blood.

After all, Chen Xinyu was the one he fell in love with first.

Lin Mo just pried the goalkeeper's ball in such a grand manner, thinking about it, he felt a little sympathetic to Ye Yan.

Ding Dong!

Trigger the story mission!

As a charming villain, don't come to your door, it's a big treason!
Task: Let Chen Xinyu fall in love with the host, and then choose to abandon it!

Completion Reward: Charisma +10
Just when Lin Mo was still considering whether to further develop with Chen Xinyu, the system in his mind released a task directly.

Let Chen Xinyu fall in love with her, and then abandon her, this kind of insane task system can also be released, she is still not human!
It's tantamount to playing with other people's feelings.

is this okay?

this is not good!

System: "Then do you want to do it?"

Lin Mo: "Done!"

Anyway, Lin Mo is a villain, not a decent person, so do we need to consider so much?

Whatever tasks the system issues, he will do them.

Seeing Chen Xinyu's innocent face, Lin Mo could only sigh for her.

Stupid stupid girl, don't trust a villain so stupidly next time!

"Lin Mo, what are you thinking?"

Seeing that Lin Mo had suddenly stopped talking, Chen Xinyu looked at him curiously and asked.

"I was wondering if you are so beautiful and kind-hearted, are you a fairy sent from heaven!"

Lin Mo immediately flattered Chen Xinyu.

As the old saying goes, you can wear everything you want, except flattery.

What's more, Chen Xinyu, although she has long been used to hearing people around her flatter her, what she heard from Lin Mo's mouth was different, she blushed slightly and lowered her head.

"Am I really like a fairy?"

Chen Xinyu asked Lin Mo in an extremely small voice, full of expectations.


Lin Mo nodded, and then said seriously:

"Since I was kicked out of the house, all my friends have avoided me like a plague god, except you."

"So to me, you are a fairy in the sky."

When Lin Mo said this, it was an expression of true feelings.

If I didn't know in my heart that this was deliberately pretended to win Chen Xinyu's favor, I would have almost believed it myself.

There is nothing to say about his acting skills, if he hadn't chosen to take the path of being a villain, he would not have become an actor.

With his acting skills, no matter what, he can get an Oscar minion.

Even if it's not good enough, it's more than enough to walk a small red carpet.

"Actually, I'm not as good as you say."

Chen Xinyu began to look at Lin Mo with some embarrassment.

For a while, she also alienated Lin Mo because of her grandfather's words. Thinking of this, she looked at Lin Mo guiltily and said, "I'm sorry Lin Mo, before."

"You don't need to apologize, I know that you must have been at the milk tea shop because of your family's reasons."

"I don't blame you."

Lin Mo quickly stopped Chen Xinyu's next words.

As a qualified villain, he will never be moved by his true feelings at any time, it is just a play on the occasion, why should he be so serious.

The generosity he showed seemed to have moved Chen Xinyu.

I saw Chen Xinyu feel even more guilty, then stood on tiptoe and quickly pecked Lin Mo's side face.


After the kiss was stolen, Lin Mo slightly looked at Chen Xinyu in surprise, he didn't expect Chen Xinyu to kiss him suddenly.

This development is too fast.

"Don't get me wrong this is"

Chen Xinyu looked at Lin Mo shyly. She didn't know how to explain it, so she simply pretended to be stupid and became stunned.

"Fairy, do you like me?"

Lin Mo immediately turned to ask Chen Xinyu instead.

"No no."

After Chen Xinyu heard Lin Mo's words, she shook her head in a panic.

Although it looks like he is denying it, it feels like he is hiding it because he is shy.

"Really do not have?"

Lin Mo looked at Chen Xinyu with raised eyebrows.

That kind of self-evident feeling is refreshing.


Chen Xinyu nodded, biting his lips for a long time, not daring to look at Lin Mo.

"Well, it seems that I am being sentimental." Lin Mo then pretended to be a little disappointed and sighed.

Soon, I saw Chen Xinyu wanting to comfort Lin Mo, but he didn't know how to speak, and was so anxious that he was dancing.

It's so cute, like a sweet cotton candy.

Chen Xinyu is the kind of girl who puffs her cheeks when she is angry, and looks very cute, which also fits her personality.

That's why Ye Yan wanted to take her down when he saw her for the first time.

Because few people can resist such a girl.

Even Ye Yan, who is the leading actor, is no exception.

"Fairy, close your eyes, I will do a magic trick for you!"

Finally, Lin Mo opened his mouth to break this awkward situation.

"You still do magic?"

Chen Xinyu looked at Lin Mo in surprise.

Then, without doubting him, he followed Lin Mo's words and closed his eyes.

Looking at the charming and charming Chen Xinyu in front of him, the corners of Lin Mo's mouth slightly raised, and then slowly approached her.

In the next second, it was posted.

The moment the two kissed, Chen Xinyu's body was slightly stiff to the point of being tense, her hands were tightly pinching the corners of her skirt, not daring to open her eyes to look at Lin Mo.

Seeing that she didn't resist, Lin Mo became bold.


Seeing Lin Mo getting more and more aggressive, Chen Xinyu reacted and pushed him away with all his strength.

"Hey, I'm ignoring you!"

Chen Xinyu dressed in a suit and walked towards the pavilion in the distance angrily. She didn't give Lin Mo a chance to apologize. She wanted to escape from this place quickly.

Just thinking about what Lin Mo did to her just now makes the ears feel hot.

It's so embarrassing!

"Wait for me."

Seeing this, Lin Mo quickly caught up with Chen Xinyu, and the two entered the deserted pavilion one after the other.

As soon as he entered the pavilion, Lin Mo hugged Chen Xinyu from behind.

"Don't make trouble, let go."

Chen Xinyu said to Lin Mo struggling slightly.

"you sure?"


"Then what if I don't let go?"

"Bite you!"

"Then you bite!"


After a long time, Chen Xinyu lay half-lying and snuggled into Lin Mo's arms.

"Am I being tricked by you?"

"Yes, what have you lied to?"

"I think you seem to have plotted against me a long time ago!"


"Nonsense, who sent it to the door by himself!"

"Then tell me, what is our relationship now?"

"Just ordinary friends!"

To be continued

ps: wc, I was wrong, I will not drive again next time, the content of this chapter has been blocked because it involves some sensitive topics, now it is a revised version, just read it.

Big, I was wrong, forgive me this time, I will never dare to do it again next time.

(End of this chapter)

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