Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 48 048 Little eMule vs Big BMW!

Chapter 48 048 Little eMule vs Big BMW!
Crossroads, red lights.

A BMW 745 parked next to the little eDonkey, and then slowly lowered the window.

"Beauty, hello!"

The main driver sat a young man in his twenties.

With all kinds of weird patterns tattooed on his arms, he looks like a rich second generation with a little money.

Whistling and raising eyebrows, trying to get Chen Xinyu's attention.

As for Lin Mo, he was directly ignored by him, and he didn't pay much attention to it at all.

How could a person who rides a shared eDonkey be ignored.

However, reality disappointed him. Chen Xinyu not only ignored him, but also hugged Lin Mo tightly, showing a happy look.

"ignore me?"

After seeing Chen Xinyu ignoring him, the rich second generation in the car became even more interested.

He likes women with a personality like Chen Xinyu, and then he said to Lin Mo in a contemptuous tone: "Brother, 1 yuan, give me the girl!"

"Are you rich?"

Lin Mo turned his head indifferently and looked at the rich second-generation youth without any emotional fluctuations.

"It's okay, there are only a few small goals at home."

"Beauty, why don't you sit in my car, there is air conditioning, and"

The rich second-generation young man showed off to Lin Mo, saying that he deliberately showed Chen Xinyu the green black water ghost watch on his wrist.

"Is your family really rich?"

At this moment, Chen Xinyu looked at the rich second generation impatiently, frowning with extreme disgust.

What she despises the most is people like the rich second generation, who run amok with a little money from the family and spend their days doing nothing all day long.

"Let's put it this way, in the entire Demon City, there are really not many people who are richer than Brother!"

The rich second-generation young man didn't realize Chen Xinyu's dislike for him at all, and he thought it was a joke and said it confidently.

As for Chen Xinyu, he became even more disgusted after hearing the words of the rich second-generation youth, and no longer had any communication with him.

The green light is on.

Lin Mo ignored the rich second generation and drove towards the restaurant on a small electric donkey.


Seeing that he was being ignored, the rich second generation sneered in his heart, stepped on the accelerator and caught up with Lin Mo.

"Brother, your tortoise is faster than you!"

The rich second-generation young man controlled the steering wheel with one hand, and leaned on the car window with the other, taunting Lin Mo.

"Why, are you admitting that you are a turtle in disguise?"

Chen Xinyu, who was behind her, couldn't help but laugh when she heard Lin Mo's words. This was the first time she had seen someone call her a turtle.

Looking at the eyes of the rich second-generation youth, I can't help but feel a little sympathy, because I have a bad mind at a young age.

This is a disease, and I have to go to Qingshan Hospital for treatment.

"Boy, do you dare to compare with me to see whose speed is faster!"

And the rich second-generation youth also twitched the corners of his mouth a few times, his face was full of black lines showing displeasure, and he looked at Lin Mo with contempt and a little annoyance.

The little electric donkey can only reach 60 mph when it is dead, but his speed can reach 100 mph by simply stepping on the accelerator, and it is no problem to drive Lin Mo ten blocks away.

"Hmph, hurry up and go to the hospital to see the psychiatry department, maybe there is still hope!"

Before Lin Mo could speak, Chen Xinyu behind him was eager to protect the calf, and said something to the rich second-generation youth.

I don't know where the rich second-generation youth have their sense of superiority.

Do you think it's great to drive a car? Even if Lin Mo is expelled from the Lin family now, she is still the successor of the Chen Group.

As long as she wanted to, she could instantly bankrupt the family of the rich second-generation youth with a flick of her finger.

But with her personality, she has never done such a thing of bullying the small by relying on the strength of her family, but the rich second generation in front of her mocked Lin Mo again and again, which was unbearable.

If it was just to harass her, Chen Xinyu might not care too much about the rich second-generation youth, after all, flies are everywhere, and they can't be stopped.

But bullying Lin Mo is the only way to do it, she will never allow such a thing to happen!
"Don't pay attention to him, it's not good if you ruin your mood."

Lin Mo said to Chen Xinyu in a gentle tone, and never looked at the rich second-generation youth from the beginning to the end.

A jumping clown can't make any trouble, but it can affect the mood.

After finishing speaking, Lin Mo turned his head and glanced coldly at the rich second-generation youth.

In an instant, the rich second-generation young man in the car was shocked, as if he had been shocked by something, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.

"Come on, let's go eat."

Seeing that the rich second-generation youth no longer responded, Lin Mo smiled and said to Chen Xinyu behind him.


Chen Xinyu nodded, holding Lin Mo with a smile on her face, feeling the coolness of the gentle breeze blowing towards her.

After the two left, the rich second-generation young man in the car panted heavily and looked at Lin Mo and Chen Xinyu's backs in horror.


"What kind of monster did you encounter?"

The rich second-generation youth couldn't help but swear.

Lin Mo's eyes just now were too scary, as if he was being targeted by some deep-water monster, the oppressive feeling made him dare not breathe.

"No, I have to get this place back. I was frightened by this bum. If this gets out, how can I, Zhao Dezhu, hang around in the circle in the future!"

Immediately, the rich second-generation youth thought viciously, stepped on the gas pedal unconvinced, and planned to catch up with Lin Mo and Chen Xinyu.


Alice themed music restaurant.

"It's here."

Chen Xinyu stood at the door of the restaurant, crossed her legs and looked at Lin Mo, tilting her head and showing a charming smile.

"Then let's go in."

After setting up the small eDonkey, Lin Mo walked to Chen Xinyu's side, took her hand and walked to the restaurant.

The decoration of the restaurant is very simple, revealing a Western European style.

"Both, welcome to this restaurant, do you have a reservation?"

Entering the door, a hostess greeted Lin Mo and Chen Xinyu with a smile.

"Yes, Mr. Lin."

Chen Xinyu nodded after hearing Miss Etiquette's words, blushing slightly and told the other party the reserved seat.

Then he peeked at Lin Mo's reaction from the corner of his eye.

"Okay, please come with me."

The hostess immediately reacted and led Chen Xinyu and Lin Mo to a seat near the window.

"This is the menu for the two of you, read it slowly, you can call me anytime you choose!"

When the two sat down, a waiter came over and took out two menus and handed them to Lin Mo and Chen Xinyu respectively.

The attitude is sincere, and Lin Mo and Chen Xinyu's simple clothes did not appear in the novel where the dog's eyes look down on people.

"Thank you."

After taking the menu, Chen Xinyu politely said thank you to the waiter, and then looked at Lin Mo with starry eyes.

"Just order whatever you want, today I will treat you~"

"Are you afraid that I will make you poor?"

"Emmm, if I'm poor, I'll rely on you and let you support me for the rest of my life!"

"Okay, that's what you said."

"A little bit~"

Chen Xinyu stuck out her tongue coquettishly, and then said to the waiter at the side: "First, two of your appetizers and desserts."

Waiter: "Ok ma'am."

To be continued

ps: Thanks to Qinxin Lishang, Long, Hunzi's Penguin, Qianchen, and Steel for their rewards, boss nb!
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(End of this chapter)

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