Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 49 049 Annoying Flies!

Chapter 49 049 Annoying Flies!
"Do you come to this restaurant often?"

After seeing Chen Xinyu ordering from the waiter very familiarly, Lin Mo looked at her curiously.

"Well, I like the atmosphere of this restaurant, listening to music and enjoying the food."

Chen Xinyu nodded, and glanced at the piano in the lobby. She knew that Lin Mo had participated in a world-class piano competition.

So bringing Lin Mo to this restaurant today is not just as simple as eating.

"Dear Mr. Lin, can you play me a happy Chopin?"

"My Miss Yu, I am very happy."

Lin Mo smiled, and after understanding Chen Xinyu's thoughts, he got up from his seat and walked slowly towards the empty piano.

When he came to the piano, he bent down to pay respects to Chen Xinyu like a gentleman, and then sat on the piano bench, stroking the long-lost keys with both hands.

Without a score, Lin Mo played Chopin's "March of Love" for Chen Xinyu with his super memory.

Elegantly accompanied by the sound of the piano, it resounded throughout the restaurant. No one disturbed Lin Mo's playing, but they all stopped their hands and listened quietly to this beautiful and moving music.

clap clap clap!
After the playing was over, everyone in the restaurant gave a hearty round of applause.

"Thank you."

Lin Mo also stood up and saluted these people back.

His elegant demeanor attracted a lot of women, who all looked sideways at him.

But Lin Mo returned to Chen Xinyu's side under the eyes of these people.

"How is it, okay?"

Sitting in the original seat, Lin Mo asked Chen Xinyu jokingly.


Chen Xinyu didn't seem to have recovered, and looked at Lin Mo with blurred eyes.

"Don't be crazy."

Lin Mo smiled helplessly, and squeezed Chen Xinyu's face, which brought her back to her senses, and looked at Lin Mo aggrieved.


Pouted, teary eyes, as if Lin Mo really bullied her.

"Do you want me to rub it for you?"

Lin Mo knew that Chen Xinyu was acting like a baby to him again, so he couldn't help but smiled knowingly, and rubbed her face lightly.

"Hmph, pinch my face next time, be careful to bite you!"

Chen Xinyu snorted immediately, and the speed of changing face was faster than changing voice.

Tsundere's appearance is so cute that people can't help but want to bully her, and even take a bite to taste how sweet her taste is to be so cute.

"Sir, do you have an appointment?"

"No appointment, just that seat!"

At this moment, the figure of Zhao Dezhu appeared unexpectedly at the entrance of the restaurant.

After glancing at the restaurant, he pointed to the seat next to Lin Mo and Chen Xinyu to the hostess lady just now.

"Why is it him again, who has been following us lingeringly?"

After Chen Xinyu found Zhao Dezhu, he frowned displeased.

She finally got rid of the annoying Ye Yan. She planned to live a free and comfortable two-person world with Lin Mo, but she ran into such a fly again.

The original good mood turned into a bad mood because of Zhao Dezhu's appearance.

"Leave him alone. If you don't talk to such a person, you will feel bored and leave."

Lin Mo rubbed Chen Xinyu's little head, said something soothing to her, then got up and said, "I'm going to the bathroom, just sit and wait for me to come back."

"Well, I'll wait for you."

Chen Xinyu nodded, ignored Zhao Dezhu's appearance, and looked down at the menu alone, waiting for Lin Mo to return.

After seeing Lin Mo leave, Zhao Dezhu swaggered to the seat next to Chen Xinyu and sat down.

"Beauty, what's so good about him, he's a poor guy."

"Just follow me, I'm sure you'll be able to eat delicious food, drink spicy food, and buy big-name luxury goods as you like!"

Zhao Dezhu raised the corners of his mouth proudly and said to Chen Xinyu.

"Waiter, order."

Chen Xinyu ignored Zhao Dezhu, raised his hand and called the waiter just now.

"This lady's account is on my head."

Zhao Dezhu immediately signaled to the rushing waiter.


Chen Xinyu replied to him coldly, and then asked the service industry: "Excuse me, are there any private rooms?"

"There are ladies."

The waiter nodded as he took the order.

Seeing that there were still boxes left in the restaurant, Chen Xinyu finally smiled and said to the service industry, "Please help me change to a box."

"No problem, I'll help you to the front desk." The waiter quickly agreed, and glanced at Zhao Dezhu with a little disgust.

After all, anyone can tell that Zhao Dezhu is obviously like a nonsensical fly, and has been harassing Chen Xinyu tirelessly.

At this time, Lin Mo finally came out of the bathroom, and walked towards Chen Xinyu with a faint smile.

"Honey, I changed the box, let's go to the box to eat."

Chen Xinyu also got up to meet Lin Mo, and told him about changing the box.

"Well, let's go then."

Lin Mo nodded, and walked to the front desk holding Chen Xinyu's hand.

At this time, the waiter had already reserved the box and led the two of them to the direction of the box.

"Waiter, I want to change the box too."

Zhao Dezhu yelled at the waiter in displeasure, which aroused disgust from the people around him.

Waiter: "Sorry, the restaurant is full today, please make a timely reservation next time."

"Let's not do this, labor and management have plenty of money, and you can buy your restaurant."

"Is this money enough to book a box?"

Zhao Dezhu became angry when he heard the waiter's words, and arrogantly took out a stack of tickets from his wallet and threw them on the waiter.

The waiter frowned, but seemed to know that he couldn't offend Zhao Dezhu in front of him, so he could only say in a low voice, "Sorry, the box is indeed full."

"Screw you!"

Zhao Dezhu turned his face when he heard it, kicked the waiter in the stomach, and then threw a chair on him.

People around all pointed and criticized Zhao Dezhu, but no one stepped forward to help the waiter.

"It's him, hit me hard!"

Suddenly, a group of menacing gangsters rushed in from the restaurant and surrounded Zhao Dezhu.

"Who are you?"

Seeing that he was surrounded by such a group of hooligans, Zhao Dezhu frowned and looked at these people.

"Stop talking nonsense and call me."

The leader of the gangsters ignored him and yelled at his subordinates to do it.

"I know the bald man!"

"I don't care who you know, the Heavenly King and I are useless!"

After finishing speaking, he was surrounded and beaten by a group of gangsters, and had a brutal beating.

As for the waiter at the side who was finally rescued, he held the blood on his forehead and watched Zhao Dezhu being violently beaten by the gangsters with cold eyes.

Soon the restaurant's security also rushed into the lobby.

After seeing so many gangsters with fierce faces, he didn't dare to go forward to drag him for a while, and could only watch Zhao Dezhu being beaten up by them.

After beating Zhao Dezhu for about ten minutes, the gangsters were willing to stop, and he was also beaten badly, lying on the ground covered in blood and twitching.

To be continued

ps: Please recommend tickets~~~

The author has no infrastructure and is not a professional singer, so don't let the author sing anymore, it's not good



Monthly ticket~~~


Four times with one button, get a Pikachu!
 Thank you Boss Vanity for the reward, Boss nb, I almost forgot to thank you, I am very sorry! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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