Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 52 052 The sultry moonlight!

Chapter 52 052 The sultry moonlight!
"Emmm, yes, but you have to go first."

Chen Xinyu didn't expect Lin Mo to hug her directly, her face flushed slightly and her mouth pouted.

That intention couldn't be more obvious. Everyone should know what Chen Xinyu is thinking, let alone Lin Mo.

After slowly lowering her head and kissing Chen Xinyu, she closed her eyes in satisfaction.

Sometimes Lin Mo really felt that Chen Xinyu in front of him must have been a cloud made of cotton candy in his previous life.

Floating in the sky, always sweet to the heart.

This and Jiang Li are two extreme existences. Chen Xinyu is more inclined to be an ideal girlfriend, while Jiang Li is easy to arouse people's desire to conquer.

"Are you ready, we are leaving!" Lin Mo immediately reminded Chen Xinyu.


Chen Xinyu nodded, and began to hold Lin Mo's neck.


Listening to the sound of the sea breeze, Lin Mo came to the beach with Chen Xinyu in his arms.

Although the sea at night is pitch black, it is always mysterious and vivid, making people's thoughts fly away.

The cruise ship in the distance has not yet docked.

The tall lighthouse is the only bright light that can illuminate the coast.

"We have arrived."

With that said, Lin Mo put Chen Xinyu down slowly.

"Can I open my eyes?"

After Chen Xinyu stood on the beach, she didn't open her eyes immediately, but asked Lin Mo for his opinion.


Lin Mo nodded, indicating that Chen Xinyu could open his eyes.

The moment Chen Xinyu opened her eyes, she froze, covered her mouth in disbelief, and looked at the scene in front of her.

Far away from the busy city, without tall buildings, the vast expanse of the sea just reflects each other with the sky.

The stars are dotted, and a shooting star falls.

The sultry scenery and charming colors, accompanied by gusts of sea breeze, blew up Chen Xinyu's skirt, making her unable to say a word for a long time.

Still intoxicated in this beautiful and romantic world.

"Well, I didn't lie to you, did I?"

After a long time, Lin Mo broke the tranquility, slowly hugged Chen Xinyu's waist from behind, and gently pressed his chin on her shoulder.

"So beautiful."

After Chen Xinyu came back to her senses, she couldn't help praising her.

It was the first time she saw such a beautiful scenery since she was a child.

The sea can also be so beautiful, so beautiful that it looks like an ink painting, engraved with the words "seeing different things and thinking differently".

"You know, the sea at night has always been so beautiful!"

Lin Mo said slowly, feeling the softness of Chen Xinyu's skin, wishing to blend his whole body together.

"How did you know?"

At this moment, Chen Xinyu looked at Lin Mo curiously, his eyes shining brightly.

Sometimes she wonders why she has a good impression of Lin Mo.

She originally just admired Lin Mo's talent.

But after in-depth understanding, it was discovered that the man in front of him always had a mysterious aura, which made people unable to see through and couldn't help but want to get closer to understand.

"You really want to know?" Lin Mo raised the corner of his mouth slightly.


Chen Xinyu nodded deeply. Not only did she want to know about this, she also wanted to know more about Lin Mo.

Maybe this means that if you like someone, you can't help but get to know him.

"Go to another place with me, and you will know!"

Lin Mo smiled, and then let go of Chen Xinyu, and took her little hand instead.


"Close your eyes and you'll know when you get there."

Still the same dialogue, same question, same answer.

After Chen Xinyu slowly closed her eyes, Lin Mo picked her up and walked towards the seaside villa in the distance.

Wake up, he is a villain, and there is a purpose in playing romance.

No, his goal has been achieved!


Carrying Chen Xinyu back to the villa, the two of them no longer had any scruples.

"Bad guy, I know you're plotting against me!"

Chen Xinyu blushed and leaned against the doorway.

As for Lin Mo, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, admiring the beauty in front of him.

At this moment, he suddenly found that Chen Xinyu in front of him seemed to be a little baby fat, so he couldn't help pinching it with his hands.


Chen Xinyu gave Lin Mo an angry look.

"You are so beautiful!"

After Lin Mo let go, he looked at Chen Xinyu in front of him and became more and more tempted.


After hearing this, Chen Xinyu puffed up her chest arrogantly, and then started to feel a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say, so she looked at Lin Mo like this.

When Lin Mo put his hand gently on her side face, his breathing became short of breath.

"Mr. Lin, do you love me?"

"Miss Yu, I love you!"

Lin Mo didn't use any vulgar words to modify the word love, but simply said those three words to Chen Xinyu.

He believed that these three words were worth a thousand words.

Chen Xinyu smiled after hearing Lin Mo's answer, it was a heartfelt smile, and then slowly closed her eyes.

At this moment, Lin Mo no longer hesitated, and slowly lowered his head to approach her.


The next day.

The morning sun shines into the bedroom.

At this time, different underwear was scattered on the floor of the bedroom.

huh huh~

On the bed, Chen Xinyu lay lazily on Lin Mo's body.

She woke up first, kept playing with Lin Mo's nose with her hair, and then let out a pleasant laugh.

"Stop playing, let me sleep again."

Lin Mo closed his eyes, feeling the itching of his nose, and couldn't help but speak to Chen Xinyu.

He actually woke up early, but just didn't want to get up.

Everyone knows the specific reasons.

"Pig, the sun is drying your butt, you are still sleeping!"

Chen Xinyu pursed her mouth in dissatisfaction, and kneaded Lin Mo's handsome face frantically with her hands, as if to vent something.

Maybe it's because of what happened last night.

"It's not my ass!"

After hearing Chen Xinyu's words, Lin Mo opened his eyes and looked at her, but he couldn't help sneaking down.

"Stop talking, get up quickly, I'm hungry!" Chen Xinyu looked at Lin Mo blushing slightly.

"Okay, but you have to get off of me first."

Lin Mo nodded and stopped talking nonsense.

"Close your eyes."

This time it was Chen Xinyu's turn to make Lin Mo close his eyes.


"Nonsense, why is there a small gap when it is closed!"

"It's really closed!"



Chen Xinyu snorted softly, but did not force Lin Mo to close his eyes, and lifted the quilt on his own, revealing his white and flawless skin.

Then he slowly tiptoed and stepped on the blanket beside the bed, picking up the clothes scattered on the floor.

Lin Mo also got up from the bed, and after quickly getting dressed, he held Chen Xinyu in his arms.

"Hey, it's your first time, go and have a good rest."

As he spoke, he gently kissed Chen Xinyu's forehead.

"Bad guy, I don't know either"

Chen Xinyu was blushing at the moment, biting her lip in a daze because she didn't have the courage to say those two words.

Last night, she fell silent and completely handed herself over to Lin Mo irresistibly.

The night is alluring, and she is even more alluring!
To be continued

ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a collection, ask for a reward, ask for a monthly pass~

I won’t hide it again next time, the author is about to starve to death, help me~~~

Dog head saves life~

(End of this chapter)

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