Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 53 053 You Know I Love You!

Chapter 53 053 You Know I Love You!

Although it was aching, Chen Xinyu still insisted on getting up, and did not follow Lin Mo's advice to rest.

“The scenery in this place is really beautiful!”

Coming to the floor-to-ceiling windows, Chen Xinyu looked from a distance, looking at the coastline with emotion.

She was envious, it would be so comfortable to see such a view every day when she woke up.

The vastness of the sea can always make people let go of all their troubles.

"If you like, you can stay anytime."

As Lin Mo spoke, he walked to Chen Xinyu's side and looked at the cruise ship that was about to sail away on the sea.

"just forget it."

Chen Xinyu's heart was moved after hearing Lin Mo's words, but she knew it was just a luxury, even though she wanted to see Lin Mo every day when she opened her eyes.

But after all, she didn't have the courage to move out of home to live with Lin Mo willfully.

Although the family can bring her wealth and life that ordinary people cannot have, it is also an invisible shackle, suffocating to the point where she cannot adapt.

"If you want to move in anytime, I'm always welcome."

Lin Mo also understood Chen Xinyu's difficulties, after all, he also knew that Chen Guoxiong had always wanted to match her and Ye Yan.

If it wasn't for his appearance, maybe Chen Xinyu would really be like the plot, and finally got together with Ye Yan because of Chen Guoxiong's matchmaking.

"This is what you said, don't go back!"

After Chen Xinyu heard Lin Mo's words, she showed a smile that she had never seen before, just like the spring breeze blowing over Lugu Lake, and the autumn rain infiltrating Jiuzhaigou.

Beautiful, that's for sure. Lin Mo was also attracted by Chen Xinyu's smile at this moment, and couldn't look away for a long time.

"Of course, I will never regret it!"

Lin Mo then nodded to Chen Xinyu seriously.

But in his heart, he was entangled, the task of the system was really fucked up.

Chen Xinyu may not be alone in the fall. After Lin Mo has been in contact with Chen Xinyu for a long time, he is also somewhat reluctant to part with her.

This girl is so healing that people can't bear to let her down.

System: "It is detected that the host is resisting the content of the mission and directly determines that the mission has failed!"

"Are you serious?"

Lin Mo, who was still wondering whether to complete the task, turned dark when he heard the system prompt sound in his mind.

It seems that he doesn't need to think about it anymore, the system made a decision for him and directly judged that the mission failed.

What is there to worry about? Lin Mo, who has no scruples, no longer suppresses his emotions, and is completely melted by the girl in front of him.

"Mr. Lin, do you know that I love you?"

At this moment, Chen Xinyu also suddenly changed from her usual cuteness, and looked at Lin Mo affectionately.

"Miss Yu, I know you love me."

Lin Mo also looked at her, everywhere he looked was full of love.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and in the end they couldn't help smiling, and then hugged each other and looked at the rising sun in the distance.

The screen freezes at this scene for a long time, which makes people envious.


"I'm leaving, remember to miss me!"

At the door, Chen Xinyu looked at Lin Mo reluctantly.

She is leaving. As the president of the Chen Group, she needs to be ready to work at all times and cannot stop for a moment.

Recently, the Jiang Group has been aggressive and has robbed a lot of resources that belonged to the Chen Group. What's more, the Chen Group is not only facing the Jiang Group, but also the Lin Group.

Thinking of this, Chen Xinyu looked at Lin Mo with a hint of helplessness.

It would be great if Lin didn't cooperate with Jiang's group, grandpa wouldn't be so resistant to her being with Lin Mo.

One of the reasons why Chen Guoxiong objected to Chen Xinyu's contact with Lin Mo was that Lin's Group currently had a cooperative relationship with Jiang's Group.

The relationship between the three is like the three kingdoms standing together. Although the Chen Group is powerful, it is alone.

Although Jiang's and Lin's are small in power, they even faintly surpass Chen's in alliance.

The small power here is just an description, not really saying that the Jiang family and the Lin family are not good. These two groups can stand alone if they are taken out casually, otherwise they are top families.

"I will always think of you."

Lin Mo nodded, then grabbed Chen Xinyu's little hand and pinned her against the door.

When parting was approaching, Chen Xinyu lost her shyness and cooperated with Lin Mo crazily.

It seems to be telling Lin Mo with her own actions that she is also reluctant to leave.

After a long time, Chen Xinyu still left without taking any surprises with her.

Lin Mo is still reminiscing about the kiss between the two, which is very sweet, just like eating cotton candy, sweet to the heart.

He wanted to send Chen Xinyu there, but Chen Xinyu refused. As for the reason for the refusal, Lin Mo had no choice but to respect her decision.

Back to sit down at the dining table in the living room, Lin Mo took out his mobile phone and called Zhang Ming.

"Boss, what's the matter?"

After Zhang Ming answered the phone, he immediately became more excited.

Now Yunfeng Technology is no longer the previous Yunfeng Technology, not just a simple technology company.

The launch of Yuntao has completely broken the dominance of the domestic physical industry. The sudden rise of e-commerce has created the foundation for Yunfeng Technology to become a major network company.

It is no exaggeration to say that the market value of Yunfeng Technology has exceeded [-] billion just because of Yuntao software.

You must know that Yuntao now has more than [-] new users every day, and the daily pageviews have reached nearly one million. This number is not a joke.

That is to say, out of every ten people, at least one person has downloaded Yuntao.

This kind of data, in the eyes of those investors, is simply too powerful.

This is why the market value of Yunfeng Technology has grown from a few hundred million to tens of billions in just half a month.

This exaggerated increase is inseparable from those investors.

"How much money is there in the company's current account?" Lin Mo asked Zhang Ming.

"Currently there are 20 billion liquid funds left in the account." Zhang Ming quickly answered Lin Mo's question.

Now Yuntao's daily transaction volume is very impressive, and they can collect part of the commission for completing an order.

"I have a plan that needs to use these 20 billion."

Lin Mo was a little surprised when he learned that there was still 20 billion in liquidity in Yunfeng Technology's account.

"no problem."

Zhang Ming didn't have any doubts when he heard that Lin Mo wanted to use the 20 billion funds.

"Okay, I'll come to the company later."

After finishing speaking, Lin Mo hung up the phone and stared at the scenery outside the window.

The Jiang family, the Chen family, and the Lin family have been fighting openly and secretly for so many years, and it is time to end this situation.

Leaving aside the Lin family, as long as Lin Mo is willing, he can return to the Lin family at any time.

As for the Jiang Group and the Chen Group, Lin Mo has already figured out how to acquire them.

After all, he still has shares in two groups, which are controlled by Lin Mo, which is not a simple matter.

Jiang Li, are you ready?
To be continued


Qin Zui, Xiao Ran, Habit, Andersen's love talk, light-colored years, face expression ((-ω-`)), want to escape, July, Ji Li Gu Lu and other big bosses' rewards, awesome boss!

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The first update today!
 I almost forgot, there is also a reward from the steel boss, awesome boss
(End of this chapter)

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