Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 55 055 Passionate and disturbing!

Chapter 55 055 Passionate and disturbing!

"You are still young, and you don't have much experience in dealing with many things in the group. If there is someone who can help you wholeheartedly, I will be relieved."

Chen Guoxiong sighed deeply at this moment, and looked at Chen Xinyu with affection.

Chen Xinyu is his only granddaughter, and also his most beloved granddaughter, otherwise he would not have handed over the huge Chen Group to her.

"Grandpa, don't worry if the group has second uncles to help me!" Chen Xinyu didn't understand what her grandfather meant.

"Chen Zhou can only help you for a while after all, if one day I die, it may be difficult to say whether I will recognize you as my niece."

The reason why Chen Xinyu can safely sit in the position of president now is because Chen Guoxiong is still alive.

As long as he is still alive, no one will dare to take Chen Xinyu's idea.

But if one day he closes his eyes, with Chen Zhou's ambition, it will be very difficult for Chen Xinyu to continue to sit comfortably in this position of president.

"Second uncle is very good to me, and will never be like what grandpa said!" Chen Xinyu quickly explained to Chen Guoxiong.


Chen Guoxiong couldn't help but sneered when he heard Chen Xinyu's words, and said in a tone full of resentment: "When your father disappeared, he was the happiest."

If it wasn't for the blood relationship, he would never let such a time bomb that could explode at any time be by Chen Xinyu's side.

It's a pity that Chen Zhou has also cultivated his own influence in the group now. Even if Chen Guoxiong intends to kick him out, it will not be so easy. He can only adopt a soft policy.

Although the current Chen Group is still the only one in Shanghai.

However, he is facing a pattern of internal and external troubles. As long as he can't hold on one day, the huge business empire may face the crisis of disintegration.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I believe Second Uncle will not be like what you said!"

Chen Xinyu couldn't help but said to Chen Guoxiong.

"You're just too naive."

"If I can be like Jiang's little girl, I won't be so worried."

Chen Guoxiong sighed helplessly again.

He was just worried about how Chen Xinyu's pure personality could defeat Chen Zhou, a middle-aged fox.

The disappearance of Chen Xinyu's father was 100% related to him.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I will definitely do my best to take care of the group."

Chen Xinyu didn't know what to say to Chen Guoxiong at this time.

It seems that since when, my grandfather had a great prejudice against the second uncle.

Moreover, in recent years, Chen Guoxiong's prejudice against Chen Zhou has become more and more serious, and arguments will arise when they meet. Even she doesn't know how to ease the relationship between them.


"Go to the police station and release Ye Yan on bail now." Chen Guoxiong ordered Chen Xinyu at this time.

"I know grandpa."

After realizing that this fact cannot be changed, Chen Xinyu had no choice but to accept his fate, and nodded in a depressed mood.

It seems that there is only one day of leisure and leisure, and she will soon return to the days of being watched.

Chen Xinyu is almost fed up with such a life of being watched all day long.

She really wanted to be willful once, let go of her so-called president status, quit the shackles of the family like Lin Mo, and do what she wanted to do.

Her original dream was actually to become an excellent painter.

On paper, draw the most beautiful scene in the world.

The setting sun is setting, the sea is reflecting the afterglow, the cruise ship is sailing, and the people in love are holding hands and walking on the golden beach.

She really wanted to paint these beautiful scenes with a brush.

"Go, I'll go back first."

"I will send you."

"No, just go to the police station and release Ye Yan on bail."

After finishing speaking, Chen Guoxiong walked out of the office slowly with a cane.

As for Chen Xinyu, he was in a daze for a long time, and then reluctantly went to the police station to release Ye Yan on bail.


Afternoon, 13:30.

Inside the Grinding Cafe.

Lin Mo sat in a corner seat by the window, sniffing the rich aroma of coffee with his nose.

At this time, a woman walked in from the outside, still dressed so elegantly, the black hip-covering skirt wrapped her round and sexy buttocks with quality.

The silver-white high-heeled shoes made a rattling sound when they stepped on the wooden floor.

The woman is Jiang Rong, and the purpose of this trip is to talk to Lin Mo about cooperation.

But she doesn't know Lin Mo's identity yet, she looks around.

"it's here."

While Jiang Rong was still looking for the target, Lin Mo waved to her proactively.

"Why are you here?"

When Jiang Rong saw Lin Mo, her eyes were full of surprise and doubt, and she stepped on her high heels and walked slowly to sit opposite him.

"Aren't you here to discuss financing with Yunfeng on behalf of the Jiang Group?"

"how do you know?"

Jiang Rong was stunned, and looked at Lin Mo with even more doubts.

"I am the representative of Yunfeng Technology." Lin Mo said to Jiang Rong with a smile.


Jiang Rong was shocked, and looked at Lin Mo from doubt to disbelief.

She never thought that Lin Mo would be the representative of Yunfeng Technology.

"Don't worry about being surprised, I still have something to talk to you about." Lin Mo said to Jiang Rong at this time.

"what's up?"

Jiang Rong quickly recovered from the shock and looked at Lin Mo frowning.

"I need the remaining shares in your hand, plus a billion dollars." Lin Mo directly expressed his thoughts to Jiang Rong.

"Hmph, I really have a big appetite!"

Jiang Rong sneered after hearing Lin Mo's words.

She knew that it would be no good for Lin Mo to find her. This time, she even wanted to blackmail her other half of the Jiang Group's shares and extort one billion yuan.

"I'm not discussing with you, and you have no choice."

Lin Mo shrugged, seeing Jiang Rong's anger one by one.

"Do you threaten me?"

Jiang Rong half-closed her eyes and stared at Lin Mo.

This is not the first time Lin Mo has threatened her, and of course it will not be the last.

"You may think so."

Lin Mo immediately nodded, and did not deny Jiang Rong's words.

He was threatening Jiang Rong, and it was an undisguised threat.

"What if I don't agree?"

Jiang Rong's tone turned cold. She really couldn't stand being under the control of Lin Mo all the time, but there was nothing she could do.

"You should know the consequences."

Lin Mo didn't say it clearly, and both of them knew it well.

"I can give you that billion in funds, but the rest of the shares are absolutely impossible!"

Jiang Rong finally compromised. Looking into Lin Mo's eyes, she finally agreed to the one billion dollar request, but she refused the matter of shares without hesitation.

Lin Mo also knew that Jiang Rong couldn't really compromise so easily. After taking a sip of hot coffee, he watched her quietly without saying a word.

Just like this, they looked at each other to see who couldn't help but speak first.

To be continued

ps: Thanks to Su Binghai, Mercury (Shura), and Xian'er (face expression) for the rewards, the boss is so generous! ! !
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Today's third update has ended, thank you for your support! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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