Chapter 56 056 Good Means!
"You don't have to pretend to be deep with me here, the shares will never be given to you again!"

After a long time, Jiang Rong took the lead and couldn't help but speak to Lin Mo.

Half of her original shares were robbed by Lin Mo, and now she will never give up the remaining 2.5% shares to Lin Mo.

And it was still worthless to Lin Mo.

Thinking of the scene that day, her heart felt unbearable for a while.

So much so that now facing Lin Mo, he has no initiative at all and has been in a passive position.

"Don't be so excited, let's have a cup of coffee first."

Lin Mo then smiled, waved to the waiter in the coffee shop and ordered Jiang Rong a cup of hot mocha coffee.

He knew that it would not be easy to get the remaining shares from Jiang Rong, so he had already planned a complete countermeasure.

With the experience from last time, Lin Mo understood that the threats had little effect on Jiang Rong, and the best way was to defeat her psychologically.

So when the waiter handed the coffee to Jiang Rong, he continued, "I must want the shares, and you must give them too. You have no choice!"

"Okay, then I will die with you, at worst, we will die together!"

Jiang Rong leaned slightly on the sofa and raised her legs.

Those slender and white thighs are so captivating that one can't help but want to take a closer look inside.

Since there is nothing to talk about, let yourself go completely.

"Ms. Jiang Rong, why do you have to be so extreme, in fact, we can have a good discussion about the conditions."

Lin Mo glanced at Jiang Rong's long legs, then quickly looked away, and then imitated Jiang Rong, leaning comfortably on the sofa and saying something slowly.

He didn't plan to empty his hands this time, and he could exchange something of equivalent value for the remaining shares.

"You think I'll still trust you?"

Jiang Rong sneered at Lin Mo dismissively.

Afterwards, she sipped the coffee, with the attitude of a noble lady, her charming eyes stared straight at Lin Mo, and remained silent.

It seems that in her impression, Lin Mo has long lost any credibility at all, just like the image of a young fox, cunning and deceitful.

She fell into Lin Mo's hands last time, and she paid a heavy price for it.

"I can completely delete the photos of you betraying Jiang."

Lin Mo took out his mobile phone from his pocket as he spoke, and threw the mobile phone on the table casually.


"Again, do you think I'll still be fooled?"

Jiang Rong herself couldn't help laughing, but it wasn't that kind of happy smile, but a ruthless mockery of Lin Mo.

The corners of the brows were slight, and the eyes were contemptuous. He looked at Lin Mo from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside, then put down Erlang's legs and sat upright, and said to Lin Mo solemnly: "If you change something a little, I might Can consider it."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the mobile phone on the table dismissively.

A long time ago, Lin Mo should have deleted the photos completely, and now he is using the photos to negotiate terms with her. Even a fool should know how big the bottomless pit is.

In today's era of rapid development of the Internet and the indiscriminate flow of information, that kind of photos can be backed up countless times.

How does Jiang Rong know if Lin Mo has backed up again this time?

As for what Lin Mo said just now, she had long since ignored it as if she was farting.

Regarding Jiang Rong's aggression, Lin Mo looked extremely calm, and watched her performance quietly.

"Have you finished speaking? After you finish speaking, sign this transfer letter!"

"Be good, be obedient~"

Not long after, Lin Mo took out the share transfer document he had prepared for Jiang Rong to sign.

"Are you serious?"

At this time, Jiang Rong looked gloomy after seeing the transfer letter, and stared at Lin Mo with half-closed eyes.

"of course."

"Sign it first and we'll talk about other things."

Lin Mo nodded slightly, and handed the specially-made pen to Jiang Rong.

"Why are you so confident I'll sign it?"

After taking the pen, Jiang Rong tightly clasped the cap of the pen with her thumbs, as if to vent her emotions.

"I don't know where the confidence comes from, maybe it's what it gave me."

Lin Mo frowned pretending to be very distressed, then suddenly smiled complacently and relaxed, and glanced vaguely at the mobile phone on the table.

Those photos are the only weakness in controlling Jiang Rong.

As for the big deal she said to die with Lin Mo, I'm sorry that she didn't have this chance.

"Do you know that you look really shameless!"

Jiang Rong couldn't help being annoyed when she saw Lin Mo's determined appearance.

"Thank you for the compliment, hurry up and sign, I have other things to talk to you about, don't waste any more time."

Lin Mo smiled and signaled Jiang Rong to quickly sign the transfer letter with his eyes.


"You will regret this!"

Jiang Rong lifted the cap of the pen and wrote down the name on the transfer letter with a few swipes, and then threw the transfer letter to Lin Mo in great displeasure.

"Come on, what else do you want to talk about?"

"I want to buy the shares held by other small shareholders of the Jiang Group!" Lin Mo stated the purpose of his trip after receiving the transfer letter.

"Are you crazy?"

"They will never sell the shares to you, an outsider!"

Jiang Rong was shocked, frowning and looking at Lin Mo in disbelief.

She never expected that Lin Mo's idea was actually to want other shares of the Jiang Group.

This intention was so obvious that it couldn't be more obvious. No matter how stupid Jiang Rong was, she should know what Lin Mo was thinking.

He wants to buy Jiang Group, or in other words, Lin Mo wants to use the shareholding system to completely control Jiang Group.

"I know that if an outsider is to buy a large amount of Jiang's shares, there will definitely be internal resistance."

Lin Mo nodded, and after drinking the last coffee in the cup, he continued to say to Jiang Rong, "But it would be different if someone from Jiang's own inner circle went to recycle it!"

"What do you mean?"

After hearing Lin Mo's words, Jiang Rong looked at him defensively.

How clever she is, how could she fail to understand the meaning of Lin Mo's words.

"I need you to help me acquire the shares held by these people."

Lin Mo immediately expressed his thoughts without any concealment.

If Jiang Rong, a direct line of the Jiang family, were to reclaim the shares, no one would suspect anything. At most, they would think that the Jiang family would start to consolidate their control over the group.

"It's still the same sentence, why should I help you?" Jiang Rong snorted after hearing Lin Mo's words.

She never thought that Lin Mo's appetite would be so great that he wanted to control Jiang's group.

She suddenly realized how Lin Mo could have such a large capital by himself, unless there was a backer behind him.
And the only backer she could think of was the Lin family who had been cooperating with Jiang's group all the time.

At this moment, she suddenly understood that the father and son Lin Mo and Lin's father had deceived everyone by means of abandoning the son of a wealthy family.

To be continued

ps: Thanks to Xian'er, Qingyanzui, Wuji, Qinxin Lishang, Wanna Escape, Lishang, Su for their rewards, the boss is awesome!

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(End of this chapter)

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