Chapter 57 057 Shocked!

"Don't you just want to bring down the Jiang family?"

"I don't think this opportunity should be let go!"

Lin Mo smiled, and said something to Jiang Rong in a very flat tone.

Although it is not clear why Jiang Rong hates Jiang so much, Lin Mo can just use her to help him.

"I can bring down the Jiang family just as much as helping others, why should I help you?" Jiang Rong rolled her eyes at Lin Mo.

"That's a good question. I'll answer it right now, because no one can help you bring down the Jiang family except me!"

At this time, Lin Mo no longer acted foolishly, and said to Jiang Rong with confidence that he had never had before.


"Your tone is not small, and you Lin may not be able to eat this piece of fat in one bite!"

Jiang Rong snorted coldly, and attributed Lin Mo's self-confidence to the background of the Lin Group.

At present, the three major families in Shanghai are ranked: Chen's Group, Lin's Group, and Jiang's Group.

Chen's Group is the undisputed leader with powerful strength. Its subsidiaries are located in various industries, and all of them have achieved achievements that cannot be underestimated.

As for the Lin Group, which is the family business that Lin Mo belongs to, although it is not as powerful as the Chen Group, nor as frequent as the Jiang Group, its development is relatively stable and it is currently ranked second.

And Jiang's is the family business that ranks last among the three major families.

But in recent years, under Jiang Li's management, there is a vague trend of surpassing the Lin Group, and at the same time, there has been constant friction with the Chen Group.

No matter what the project is, the two groups will fight back and forth, and no one will give in to the other.

It is no secret in the inner circle of Shanghai that the two companies are fighting openly and covertly. Today, the real estate under Chen's company will open for sale, and tomorrow Jiang's will sell the real estate at a lower price.

The two sides are not trying to make money, but are disgusting with each other, and see who can't hold back and admit cowardly first.

With Jiang Li's character, she naturally couldn't, so she kept fighting with Chen Shi.

But after all, there is still a disparity in strength between the two companies.

Therefore, in order to win over the Lin Group, Jiang Li did not hesitate to take the initiative to get engaged to Lin Mo, so as to win the cooperation between the two companies.

However, Lin Mo's divorce later completely disrupted her plan.

Without Lin's help, it would be absolutely impossible for Jiang Li to defeat the Chen Group.

Especially when she knew that Lin Mo was approaching Chen Xinyu, she panicked.

He didn't hesitate to take the initiative to find Lin Mo, which is why Jiang Li appeared in the milk tea shop that day.

"You think too much, I don't need to rely on the support of my family to buy your Jiang family." Lin Mo shrugged and said to Jiang Rong lightly.

He thought that Jiang Rong might have misunderstood, the plan to acquire Jiang Group had absolutely nothing to do with Lin.

Even his old man now thinks that Lin Mo is just a small boss who runs a milk tea shop.

"Without relying on Lin's support, what do you use to acquire the shares held by those shareholders?"

Jiang Rong was stunned, and looked at Lin Mo suspiciously.

"It's up to you, after all, you are a rich woman."

Lin Mo smiled with the corner of his mouth slightly raised, and then joked to Jiang Rong in front of him.

"Boring, I don't have time to joke with you!"

Jiang Rong rolled her eyes speechlessly, got up and was about to leave the coffee shop, she didn't want to waste time with Lin Mo anymore.

"Have you forgotten what the purpose of coming here today is?"

Just when Jiang Rong was about to leave and take that step, Lin Mo spoke up. He stopped teasing Jiang Rong, and sat up straight and looked at the "old" woman in front of him with admiration.

The graceful and luxurious figure always gives people the idea of ​​wanting to be more pleasant with her face.

After tasting that kind of taste from Chen Xinyu, Lin Mo seemed to be a little obsessed with that feeling.

No wonder like this kind of short story, as long as the villain rich second generation likes to play with women, he knows the reason.

"What is your relationship with Yunfeng Technology?"

After reacting, Jiang Rong immediately sat back on the sofa, looking at Lin Mo with doubts in her eyes.

If it wasn't for Lin Mo's reminder, she almost forgot that the purpose of coming to the coffee shop today was not to meet Lin Mo, but to discuss financing with Yunfeng Technology.

"I am the boss of Yunfeng Technology." Lin Mo said with a smile to Jiang Rong.

His words seemed plain, but Jiang Rong was shocked again.

The name of Yunfeng Technology has already become famous in Shanghai and even the whole country.

Only one Yuntao has changed the way of shopping for countless people.

As the executive director of Jiang Group, how could she fail to see the potential of Yunfeng Technology.

With the momentum of Yunfeng Technology, it won't be long before it will surpass Jiang's Group, so Jiang Li can't wait to raise funds.

And as an insider, she naturally wanted to sabotage this financing.

But Ling Jiang Rong never expected that Lin Mo would be the boss of Yunfeng Technology, no wonder just now he said so loudly that he could buy Jiang Group without Lin's help.

"Are you interested in talking about what happened just now?" Lin Mo looked at Jiang Rong's reactions one by one, secretly complacent in his heart.

Except for Jiang Rong, no one else seems to know that he is the boss of Yunfeng Technology, which also shows that he has enough self-confidence.

I believe Jiang Rong will not reveal this secret.

"What are you going to do?"

Jiang Rong finally settled down this time, and seriously asked about Lin Mo's plan.

"It's very simple, you just need to help me acquire the shares held by those small shareholders, and I will handle the rest."

Lin Mo said to Jiang Rong with the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

These days, Jiang Rong is secretly buying shares, and he is still pretending to be the small owner of the milk tea shop. As long as Hungry Bar is officially launched, it will be the time for him to fully rise.

You don't need to fight to the death with a powerful business empire to bring it down.

Sometimes you just need to know the strategy and rot it from the bottom up.

Jiang Li is too radical, that's why she ended up so miserable in the novel!

And Lin Mo will use actions to tell her how to correctly defeat a seemingly indestructible business empire.

Of course, as a student, you naturally have to pay tuition fees, and tuition fees are the big pie of the Jiang Group.

As for the tasks issued by the system, compared with Jiang's group, they seem so insignificant.

A woman like Jiang Li would never like a mediocre man.

Wait until the day when Lin Mo becomes the president of the Jiang Group.

Maybe she will fall in love with Lin Mo with admiration in her heart. Of course, these are just fantasies. Who knows what Jiang Li really thought at that time.

However, Lin Mo has an excellent way to make Jiang Li feel good about him.

"Then what's in it for me?"

At this time, Jiang Rong leaned slightly on the sofa and asked Lin Mo.

The extreme figure and the temptation of the hip-covering short skirt made people's blood swell, and even Lin Mo couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Anyway, if you don’t see it for nothing, you don’t need money!

To be continued

ps: Thank you. Eternal love, the steel boss for the reward, the boss is so generous!
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The child has not eaten for a day, help the child~~~
I heard that it’s raining, it’s more suitable to reward and recommend!

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  Check in a lot of chapters to get photos of women's clothing (not Lao Qiu's)
(End of this chapter)

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