Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 59 059 Catch the inner ghost!

Chapter 59 059 Catch the inner ghost!
"50 billion?"

When Jiang Li frowned after hearing Jiang Rong's description, her expression was quite ugly.

Although Jiang Group's assets are far more than 50 billion, it is not an easy task to spend this much money all at once.

"So I turned them down."

Seeing that the time was right, Jiang Rong told the result.

As for why they couldn't reach an agreement, only she and Lin Mo knew clearly, but Jiang Li was still foolishly kept in the dark.

It can only be said that she trusted Jiang Rong too much, and even knew that there was an inner ghost in the group, but she never suspected Jiang Rong.

The failure of the bidding is a good example, if Jiang Rong hadn't secretly sent the Jiang Group's bid to Chen.

With Jiang Li's preparation, he will definitely be able to win that project.

The price difference between the two bids was only one point, and only because of this one point difference, the Jiang Group finally lost to the Chen Group.

The chain reaction caused by the bid failure was that Jiang Li had to reorganize the group.

"This Yunfeng Technology really doesn't know what to do!"

Jiang Li didn't give Yunfeng Technology any good looks after that, and after a cold snort, he crumpled the paper in his hand into a ball.

"Don't worry, this Yunfeng Technology won't be successful, so don't worry about it. We should focus on competing with the Chen Group."

Jiang Rong began to appease Jiang Li, as if an elder taught him carefully.

Who would have known that she was the biggest insider of the Jiang Group.

Apart from Lin Mo, it seems that only the old fox knows Jiang Rong's identity.

"I think there are ghosts in our group."

At this time, Jiang Li didn't intend to hide from Jiang Rong any longer, and told her about her doubts.

"Inner ghost?"

When Jiang Rong heard her words, she was slightly taken aback, looked at Jiang Li with a frozen expression and asked, "Is there any evidence?"

"The bidding with Chen is the best proof."

Jiang Li's tone was quite cold, and she couldn't help the anger in her heart when she thought of the failure of the bidding. Don't let her find the ghost who caused her to lose to the Chen Group.

"Could it be that you have been under too much pressure recently and are a little sensitive?"

Jiang Rong pretended to be thinking and said to Jiang Li.

Regardless of whether Jiang Li suspected her or not, she had to dispel Jiang Li's worries.

Otherwise, after Jiang Li took precautions, it would be difficult for her to complete the tasks assigned to her by Lin Mo.

"It won't be such a coincidence."

Jiang Li shook her head, she had already concluded in her heart that there was an inner ghost of the Chen Group in the group.

In order to find the ghost, Jiang Li went to check the surveillance video.

But what disappointed her was that the night before bidding with Chen, all the surveillance videos in the company failed, and nothing happened that night was recorded.

I'm afraid that anyone can find out that something is wrong, let alone Jiang Li, which is why she is so sure that there is an inner ghost in the group.

"Then have you found out who the ghost is?" Jiang Rong asked Jiang Li the question she wanted to ask the most.

As long as Jiang Li doesn't suspect her, then she is safe for the time being.

But thinking about it carefully, how could Jiang Li not understand the principle of scaring the snake, and if she had doubts about Jiang Rong, she would not have told her about it.

"These people are all suspects."

Jiang Li took out three employee lists from the drawer, all of which were her suspects.

"Do you need me to help you investigate?"

After glancing at the list, Jiang Rong also put down the stone hanging in his heart, and asked Jiang Li with a slightly relaxed tone.

"Trouble auntie."

Jiang Li nodded. She had spent too much energy these days because of the failed bidding. If she were to spend all her time looking for the ghost, her body might not be able to bear it.

The reason why Jiang Li told Jiang Rong about the insider was because she hoped that she could catch the group's insider instead of herself.

It's a pity that Jiang Li made a mistake. She would never think that the aunt she trusted the most was the ghost.

At that time, as long as one of these three people is randomly selected to replace the dead ghost, Jiang Rong will be safe.

That's what she's thinking in her heart now, but she's still thinking about finding someone to be the dead ghost.

"Small matter, I am also a member of the group. If there is an insider in the company, I am also obliged to find him!"

Jiang Rong pretended to be very angry about the inner ghost, and said to Jiang Li indignantly.

As she spoke, she glanced at the three people on the list again, and she had already chosen the scapegoat.


Forget about unhappy milk tea shops.

The summer wind blows gently.
Gently blow through your hair, blow through your ears
A pleasant mobile phone rang, and after Lin Mo connected the phone, he heard the voice from Chen Xinyu.

"Sorry Lin Mo, I may not be able to come to the milk tea shop today."

Chen Xinyu's voice was very low, as if she was hiding somewhere and calling Lin Mo secretly.

In fact, she did secretly call Lin Mo from hiding in the women's bathroom, because Ye Yan was guarding her like a pug outside.

"Is it because of your bodyguard?"

After hearing Chen Xinyu's words, Lin Mo immediately reacted and asked.


Chen Xinyu nodded in agreement, if it wasn't for her grandfather's order, she would never have come to the police station to release Ye Yan on bail.

"I see."

Lin Mo then nodded, and said to Chen Xinyu in a comforting tone: "You don't have to blame yourself, since you can't come to the milk tea shop, I will go to the Chen Group to find you in person!"


Chen Xinyu was stunned when he heard it, and after a few seconds of sluggishness, he said to Lin Mo: "No, the company has a lot of people, so you will definitely be found if you come!"

"Don't worry, I'm here secretly, I won't be found!"

Lin Mo smiled. With his skill, as long as he didn't make any mistakes, even Ye Yan wouldn't be able to spot him.

Of course, if he wanted Ye Yan to find out, that's another story.

"If Ye finds out, he will definitely tell grandpa."

"To be on the safe side, you'd better not come to the company."

After Chen Xinyu thought about it carefully, she still had the heart to reject Lin Mo.

Although she really wants to see Lin Mo now, she has not lost her mind.

She is very clear about Ye Yan's petty personality. If she finds out that Lin Mo has secretly come to the Chen family, she will definitely report it to her grandfather immediately.

If grandpa finds out that the two of them still have a relationship, and what happened to them, he will definitely be furious.

Chen Guoxiong's current physical condition is getting worse and worse, and she doesn't want to stimulate him again during this period of time.

"But what if I miss you?"

Seeing that he was rejected, Lin Mo immediately used his trump card.

Acting cute and wanting to be hugged, wait a minute, are you sure this is the sub that a villain should have?

Ding Dong!

Trigger story missions.

Task content: Go to the Chen Group and have a tryst with Chen Xinyu.

Completion reward: 1% personal shares of Chen Group.

In the next second, the system's mission prompt sounded in Lin Mo's mind.

To be continued

ps: Thank you Wuji for your reward, the boss is really nb!

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I strongly recommend the book "Almighty Dad: Encountering a Female CEO at the Beginning".

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(End of this chapter)

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