Chapter 60 060 Rage!


After hearing the task assigned by the brain system, Lin Mo became more determined to go to the Chen Group.

"You wait for me obediently at the milk tea shop, and I will come to you secretly later."

Chen Xinyu, who was hiding on the phone in the bathroom, blushed slightly when she thought of the scene with Lin Mo.

Whether Lin Mo took the initiative or Chen Xinyu cooperated.

It seems that some unsuitable and indescribable things are always easy to happen when the two are together.

"That's what you said, what if you don't come to the milk tea shop?" Lin Mo didn't press Chen Xinyu too much, and then asked with a loose mouth.

Of course, he has already decided to go to the Chen Group to find Chen Xinyu, so naturally he will not stay in the milk tea shop honestly.

The reason for saying this is mainly to dispel Chen Xinyu's worries and let her relax her vigilance. Lin Mo will make another surprise attack and create a surprise.

"If I don't come to the milk tea shop later, I will let you."

Chen Xinyu really couldn't think of any good reason, and finally whispered a punishment that made Lin Mo's heart flutter.

"This is what you said, don't go back!"

After listening, Lin Mo coughed twice and said to Chen Xinyu.

This made Chen Xinyu's face more rosy, and he didn't know why he suddenly lost his mind and said such things to Lin Mo.

Chen Xinyu, you have become dirty!

How can it be. It's embarrassing to say that to Lin Mo.
But I heard that boys nowadays seem to like this kind of tone, the uniform temptation of professional wear and high heels.

Emmm, just wearing the usual work clothes to see Lin Mo has absolutely no other meaning, so don't think wrongly.

"Remember to wait for me obediently!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Xinyu took the initiative to hang up the phone, then walked out of the bathroom and went to the sink outside to wash her hands.

Looking up at herself in the mirror, her face was flushed with spring, thinking of the picture with Lin Mo, is she starting to miss spring?

Slowly looking away, Chen Xinyu found that the mirror actually reflected Ye Yan's figure, guarding herself at the corner of the door.

When she saw Ye Yan, her expression suddenly collapsed, she sighed helplessly, then turned around and walked out of the bathroom.

"Let's go, go back to the company, and don't do anything illegal next time." Chen Xinyu walked up to Ye Yan expressionlessly and said.


Ye Yan wanted to explain something, but before he had a chance to speak, Chen Xinyu walked away, which made him extremely wronged.

At the same time, he found that Chen Xinyu's walking posture was different from usual, becoming a little awkward, so he couldn't help frowning.

As a veteran in this field, how could he fail to see why Chen Xinyu's walking posture changed.

There is only one reason, and that is that someone took her first time.

After discovering this detail, Ye Yan completely lost his mind and slammed his fist against the wall beside him.

After a bang, he quickly smashed a crack in the wall.

It's a pity, he was not relieved at all, as long as he thought that Chen Xinyu had already slept with another man, he felt a burst of unwillingness in his heart.

Chen Xinyu was his first prey, and he was preempted by someone in just one night, and he wanted to find that person out of nowhere.

"Lin Mo, just wait for me."

A figure quickly appeared in Ye Yan's mind, and the anger in his heart could no longer be contained, and he punched directly through the wall just now.

Fortunately, there was no one around, otherwise he would definitely be exclaiming.

Even if it is a professional boxer of wmm, the power of the instant burst is not as outrageous as Ye Yan's punch.

Of course, if it is really seen by others, it will definitely be reported again.

Destroy public property privately to find out, detain for 7 to 15 days, and compensate for the loss.

He was just released on bail. If he was arrested for vandalizing public property at this time, it would not be a matter of simply paying bail.

So Ye Yan quickly followed Chen Xinyu under the premise that no one around had noticed.

At this time, he looked at Chen Xinyu, the admiration he had before had long since disappeared, and he was staring at her lower body, no one knew what was going on in his heart.


After returning to the Chen Corporation, Chen Xinyu went straight back to her office, while Ye Yan went back to her job.

Security room.

"Boss, you are back!"

When Fatty Wang saw Ye Yan, he immediately stood up from the surveillance video seat and looked at him excitedly.


Ye Yan responded to Fatty Wang coldly, then walked to his seat and took off his shirt, revealing his enviable muscles.

"Boss, are you in a bad mood?"

Fatty Wang quickly came to his senses and looked at Ye Yan with both envy and doubt.

"When did Mr. Chen leave the company yesterday?"

Ye Yan ignored Fatty Wang, holding back the anger in his heart and asked him.

"It seems to be off-duty time."

Fatty Wang thought for a while and said, and then looked at Ye Yan even more confused: "Did Mr. Chen not go to the police station to release you on bail yesterday?"

"Hmph, she would be so kind to bail me out?"

Ye Yan snorted coldly after hearing what Fatty Wang said.

If it wasn't for Chen Guoxiong, why would Chen Xinyu go to the police station to release him on bail.

Thinking of the scene of Chen Xinyu and Lin Mo lingering on the bed, he clenched his fists tightly, and then slammed on the machine.

"Boss, you are too strong!"

"Teach me whenever you have time!"

The iron surface was directly hammered into a concave shape by Ye Yan, which stunned Fatty Wang beside him.

"Get out, with your aptitude, you have to learn this punch for at least 40 years."

"Do you have that patience?"

Ye Yan immediately cursed Fatty Wang angrily.

He is in a very bad mood now, and Fatty Wang has naturally become his punching bag.

"Forget it, if I have that patience, I won't be a security guard!"

Fatty Wang chuckled, said something self-deprecating, and at the same time looked at Ye Yan curiously: "Boss, since you are so skilled, why did you come to be a security guard?"

Just as Fatty Wang finished speaking, Ye Yan punched the iron table again.

That's right, why would he come to the Chen Group as a security guard, if it wasn't for Chen Guoxiong's begging.

He is the number one young man in Kyoto, how could he come to work as a security guard in a mere Chen Group.

It wasn't for Chen Guoxiong's private promise to marry Chen Xinyu to him in the future, how could he be so humble as a personal bodyguard.

With Fatty Wang's reminder, Ye Yan finally came to his senses.

Since this is not the first time for Chen Xinyu, what obligation does he have to continue working as a bodyguard in the Chen Group.

No, you can't just leave the Chen family so easily!

Chen Xinyu betrayed him, if he left in such a useless manner, what would those people in Kyoto think of him if they knew about it.

So he has to stop quietly and wait for the opportunity silently.

To be continued

ps: Thanks to Xian'er, Wuji, Want to Escape, Qing Yu, and Midnight Graveyard for their rewards, the boss is awesome!

Ask for a reward, ask for a collection, ask for a recommendation, ask for a monthly pass.

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(End of this chapter)

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